Branches of medicine and what they study (full list)

David Holt

The branches of medicine are the names with which the different specialties are known in which this science is divided, in charge of studying life, health and diseases that affect humans and the ways to prevent, diagnose and treat them.

By covering such a wide and increasingly complex field, among other reasons due to the enormous advance in technology, it is one of the disciplines that has branched out the most over the years..

The branches of medicine and their names may vary depending on each country. Source:

Through the different specialties, it seeks to provide precise and concrete solutions for each ailment or procedure in particular, through the attention and care of an expert in the field..

In most faculties, the medical career begins with general notions about the structure and function of the different organs of the human body and then continues with knowledge to be able to prevent, diagnose and formulate treatment and rehabilitation schemes for various pathologies.

Once this stage is passed, students and graduates can choose a specific branch in which to specialize, be it on a specific area of ​​the body, a surgical technique or a specific diagnostic method..

The number of subdivisions of medicine and their names may vary depending on each country. In this article we present the main.

The main branches of medicine

1- Allergology

This specialty deals with studying everything related to allergies and their manifestations. They can be produced by medicines, insect bites such as wasps and bees, food and other external agents, such as dust, latex or strong odors..

2- Anesthesiology

This branch of medicine is responsible for relieving pain and caring for the patient before, during and after a surgical intervention. Among other tasks, the anesthetist deals with the application of anesthesia, the management of the state of consciousness and the control of temperature, blood pressure, respiration and the proper functioning of the organs during the course of an operation..

3- Angiology

This specialty deals with studying diseases of the circulatory and lymphatic systems, including arteries, veins, and lymphatic vases. This field does not include the heart and intracranial arteries, which are responsible for other subdivisions.


Cardiac surgeons, responsible for the surgical approach to the heart, can also be included within this specialty. Source:

This branch deals with the study of the heart, its functions and those of the blood vessels. Among other ailments, the cardiologist is responsible for treating arrhythmias, heart attacks, congenital problems, heart defects and failure, and other coronary diseases. This specialty can also include cardiac surgeons, who are in charge of the surgical approach to this organ..

4- Dermatology

This specialty deals with the care and treatment of the skin, hair and nails. Among other problems treats infections, eczema, pustules, cysts, nodules, hives, blisters, burns, acne, vitiligo and melanomas.

5- Endocrinology

This branch deals with the care of the endocrine system, formed by the glands responsible for the natural production of hormones that regulate the body. These include the thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, adrenals, and pituitary.

Some of the diseases that endocrinologists treat are diabetes, osteoporosis, short stature in children, early sexual development, abnormal breast growth, menstruation disorders, infertility, erectile dysfunction, obesity, gigantism, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides, hyperthyroidism, high blood pressure, and excess facial hair.

6- Gastroenterology

This specialty deals with the study and care of the digestive system and its associated organs. The latter include the stomach, esophagus, liver and bile ducts, pancreas, and intestines..

Some of the conditions treated by a gastroenterologist are pancreatic and stomach cancers, viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, gallstones, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, colitis, celiac disease, peptic ulcer, gastroesophageal reflux and hiatal hernia.

7- Geriatrics

This branch of medicine deals with the general health and care of the elderly. It usually treats people over 75 years of age, with a high risk of dependence and the presence of mental pathologies..

Among the diseases it deals with are both those of old age and those that are the consequence of bad habits during youth.

8- Gynecology and obstetrics

This specialty studies the female reproductive system and its diseases, both at the genital and breast levels. Among other problems, it treats infertility, menstrual problems, urinary incontinence, and tumors in the uterus, vagina, ovaries, and breasts. For its part, obstetrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the health of women and their children during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

9- Hematology

This branch is responsible for the study, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the blood, circulatory system, and hematopoietic organs, including the bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen. Treatments include hemophilia, blood clots, anemia, bleeding, leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma.

10- Immunology

This specialty deals with studying the immune system and preventing and curing the ailments that afflict it. These include lupus, HIV, scleroderma, Graves' disease, Goodpasture syndrome, and pernicious anemia..

11- Aerospace Medicine

It studies diseases and disorders of the body associated with exposure to hostile environments such as aviation, diving or space..

12- Occupational medicine

This specialty is dedicated to the study of diseases and accidents caused by carrying out work activities.

13- Sports medicine

This branch deals with physical fitness and the prevention and treatment of injuries related to exercise and sports. Among other ailments, it takes care of muscle, bone, ligament and tendon problems, seeking a quick recovery and better performance..

14- Forensic Medicine

This specialty deals with solving legal questions related to medicine. Among other aspects, it is responsible for evaluating and examining people who have been injured or killed by external influence and those suspected of committing these acts, helping magistrates to make decisions.

15- Infectious Medicine

This specialty is responsible for the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites and other agents..

For much of history, these types of ailments have ranked first in mortality statistics worldwide. However, in recent years the discovery of different antimicrobial drugs and the use of chemical agents have partially reduced their negative effects..

16- Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary medicine deals with the care of animals. Source:

It deals with the medical care of animals, both domestic and wild.

17- Nephrology

This branch of medicine deals with the study of the kidneys. Among the diseases it treats are kidney failure, hematuria, proteinuria, kidney stones or stones, urinary tract infections, water and electrolyte alterations, glomerulonephritis and cancer in this organ..

In addition, it takes care of patients who need to undergo dialysis or need a kidney transplant..

18- Pneumology

This specialty is responsible for the study of respiratory problems, the lungs, the pleura and the mediastinum. Some of the diseases it treats are bronchial asthma, pneumonia, tuberculosis, sleep apnea, lung cancer, pulmonary emphysema, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and other conditions derived from smoking.

19- Neurology

This branch of medicine deals with the study of disorders of the nervous system, both central and peripheral..

Its main focus is brain and neuron problems. Some of the conditions it treats are aphasia, cerebrovascular diseases, Wernicke's encephalopathy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's, multisystemic atrophy, Parkinson's, Guillain-Barré syndrome, and meningitis..

20- Nutriology

This specialty deals with the study of human nutrition, its relationship with the chemical, biological and metabolic processes of the body, and its effect on health..

Nutritionists analyze food, its assimilation and excretion, and based on this they define which are the most suitable for consumption by each person. In addition, they are also responsible for treating diseases derived from poor nutrition.

21- Dentistry

Dentistry deals with the care of the teeth and gums. Source:

This branch deals with the study of the teeth, gums and the masticatory system in general. Among the main ailments it treats are cavities, malocclusion, dental trauma and periodontal disease.

22- Ophthalmology

This specialty is responsible for the study, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the visual organs.

Among the diseases it treats are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, presbyopia, conjunctivitis, lacrimal sac problems, strabismus, cataracts, retinal conditions and glaucoma.

23- Oncology

This branch deals with the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of tumors, both benign and malignant. Depending on the therapy used, it can be divided into medical oncology, which uses chemotherapy, hormones, and other drugs; radiotherapy, which uses rays; and surgical, which is responsible for the removal of the tumor.

24- Otolaryngology

This branch of medicine deals with the study and prevention of diseases related to the ear -both auditory and balance-, the pharynx, larynx and nose..

Among other ailments, it treats otitis, ear trauma, hearing loss, vertigo, acoustic neuroma, nasal bleeding, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, adenoids and foreign bodies of the upper airways..

25- Pediatrics

This specialty of medicine deals with the general health and care of infants, children, and adolescents. Within it the following stages are distinguished: newborn (0 to 6 days), neonate (7 to 29 days), infant (1 month to 2 years), preschool (2 to 5 years), school (6 to 12 years) , pre-adolescent (10 to 12 years) and adolescent (12 to 18 years).

26- Proctology

This branch is in charge of studying the problems related to the organs related to excretion: the colon, the anus and the rectum. Conditions treated include fecal incontinence, constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissure, anorectal infections, kidney prolapse and ulcer, and tumors of this region.

27- Psychiatry

This branch is dedicated to the study of mental disorders of genetic or neurological origin. Its objective is to achieve the rehabilitation of patients and ensure their autonomy and social readjustment.

28- Radiology

This specialty is in charge of generating images of the interior of the human body through the use of different physical agents, such as X-rays, ultrasounds and magnetic fields, among others. They are used for the diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

29- Rheumatology

This specialty deals with conditions related to the muscles and joints. Some of the conditions it treats are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tendonitis, low back pain, osteoporosis, osteomalacia, rickets, and Paget's disease..

30- Toxicology

This branch is in charge of studying, preventing and treating poisonings produced by the consumption of food, drugs or by contact with any toxic.

31- Traumatology and orthopedics

This branch of medicine is responsible for preventing, diagnosing and treating ailments caused by bruises and blows generated by accidents, falls or assaults.

In addition to traumatic injuries, it also includes the study of congenital or acquired diseases that affect the locomotor system..

Among other ailments, it deals with fractures and dislocations of the bones, injuries to ligaments, tendons and muscles, bone tumors and conditions of the spine, such as herniated disc and scoliosis.

32- Urology

Finally, this specialty is responsible for the study of diseases related to the urinary system, the adrenal glands, the retroperitoneum and the male reproductive system. Among other ailments treats stones and urinary incontinence, prostate cancer, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.


  1. St. Geoge University. Anesthesiology to Urology: Your Ultimate List of Medical Specialties and Subspecialties. Available at:
  2. The Editors of Collins Dictionary. Medicine: Branches of medicine. Available at:
  3. The Editors of Medical News Today. What is medicine? Available at:
  4. Outline of medicine, Wikipedia. Available at:
  5. Laín Entralgo, P. (1978). History of medicine. Barcelona. Spain.
  6. López Piñero, J. M. (2000). Brief history of medicine. Editorial Alliance. Madrid. Spain.
  7. Cabrespina, B. The 50 main branches of Medicine (and their fields of study). Available at:

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