Traits of people who transmit positive energy

Egbert Haynes
Traits of people who transmit positive energy

Have you noticed that there are people who always have a positive attitude? Those kind of people who, when you are with them, seem to recharge your batteries and fill you with positive energy. Today, we talk about the traits of those people that transmit positive energy.


  • How are people who transmit positive energy?
    • They are outgoing people
    • They smile a lot
    • They are honest
    • They enjoy and value good humor
    • They try to prosper, they don't stagnate
    • Come the glass half full
    • They are not judgmental towards others

How are people who transmit positive energy?

Next, I will mention what are the most common traits among people who transmit positive energy. As you can see, they are easy to identify traits that will help you locate these types of people..

They are outgoing people

The first characteristic that people who transmit positive energy share is that they are outgoing. That is, their positive energy does not occur in all places and times, but they need that contact with other people to feel good..

This means that, when they are alone, their behavior does not have to be too different from that of anyone else. However, the difference is noticeable when they are in contact with other people.

They smile a lot

People who transmit positive energy have another common characteristic, and that is to smile a lot and easily. And this, which might seem easy, the truth is that it is not very common. There are many people who avoid smiling, either because of their shame or because it is not their way of being..

Since people who transmit positive energy tend to smile easily, in the first place, they seem much more pleasant to others (that's what a smile is for, after all), and, in addition, we are contagious with smiles, since that something similar to what happens with yawning happens with this.

And finally, it should be remembered that when we smile, even if at that moment we weren't feeling too good, the brain releases endorphins and dopamine, so you start to feel a little better.

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They are honest

This point is important. There are some people (sales professionals, for example) who can fake happiness and positivity. However, we always have that feeling that that happiness and good feeling was not being genuine..

This is not the case with people who transmit positivity. It shows that their good humor is genuine and that they are honest both when they are happy and in specific moments that they are not. And that's why they seem much more attractive and important to us..

They enjoy and value good humor

Many people, when they find something that makes them feel good, try to keep it to themselves, as if the source of that well-being could end. People who transmit positive energy are not like that.

People who convey their positivity feel better when they share the sources of joy with others. That is, they are people who try to make other people feel better too.

They try to prosper, they don't stagnate

In general, people who transmit positive energy tend to try to prosper, without getting stuck. This is not usually because of an ambition directed towards some specific point, but because, otherwise, they feel that they are not growing personally.

In other words, new projects, for a positive person, are nothing but a reflection in the real world of the processes of personal evolution that are taking place within them. It is a vital optimism that, logically, is transmitted to those around.

Come the glass half full

Positive people naturally focus on the positive side of things. But this, which seems obvious, goes one step further. They don't just focus on the bright side, they try to show it to others.

That is, when you tell a problem to a positive person, they quickly look for the positive aspects and show them to you, "forcing" you to focus on them, instead of the positive ones.

They are not judgmental towards others

Lastly, people who transmit positive energy tend to be non-judgmental. Naturally, this is not entirely the case, we all have prejudices that help us live. But, in the case of people who transmit positive energy, it is difficult to find negative prejudices about this or that way of life.

This has a very important side effect, and that is that they do not discriminate when it comes to transmitting their happiness. They have no problem trying to make a person they don't know anything happy about. Even in cases where a person is not particularly liked, if they see that he is in a bad situation, they will try to help him..

As you can see, the traits of people who transmit positive energy are very clear. And our recommendation is that, if you cannot assume them yourself, try to find people who have these traits so that you can take advantage of their positivity.

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