The recreation They are the activities that people carry out in their free time, that is, when they are not working, studying or doing housework. Some examples are board games, an excursion, or sports activities..
In most modern societies, the time of human beings is clearly divided into three parts of more or less similar duration: that which is dedicated to work and study, that of daily activities and leisure, and that which we dedicate to the dream.
Recreational activities are those we do between work or study and sleep. This free time can be devoted to entertainment and leisure activities.
Recreation implies activities that, in addition to entertaining, satisfy interests of different classes, nurture social relationships and improve physical and mental conditions..
In all times and all cultures, human beings have left a time for recreation: games, sports and spaces intended for recreation have been known for thousands of years.
Stadiums, theaters and amphitheaters (just to name one example, that of Greco-Roman culture) were spaces dedicated to sports and entertainment events (theatrical performance, competitions between two or more opponents, etc.).
Recreation can be part of an activity organized by an institution, as part of physical education, or a vacation plan; or it can be an activity that arises spontaneously in any group of people in a park, or on the beach.
Recreational activities can be tourist (excursions, walks), cultural (readings, exhibitions, conferences, concerts), sports (as a spectator or practitioner), recreational (board games, water games or in different spaces), artistic (painting, sculpture , literature), virtual (video games, escape rooms), family (meetings, parties), etc..
Even when suggested by a teacher, recreational activity, to be considered as such, must be voluntary and fun, not a compulsory or annoying activity.
If free time is used watching television or as a spectator of a sport, we can speak of passive recreation. If instead some physical activity is carried out or with a more intense intellectual participation, we can speak of active recreation.
There are recreational activities that involve a predominant use of the intellect: reading, playing chess and other board games, attending talks or exhibitions. Instead, we can speak of physical recreation when we participate in exercises, games and sports, alone or in teams..
Recreational activities can be collective or individual, and some can be done both, such as swimming, walking, jogging, cycling, etc..
Recreational activities do not need a special infrastructure, they can be carried out in any space, open or closed, in the open or indoors, as long as it does not interrupt another activity or endanger the participants.
Recreation functions as an escape valve from the pressure of intense work or study. Performing recreational activities releases tension, favors social relationships and improves the physical and mental conditions of the participants.
The presence of recreational activities in all societies certifies that it is a fundamental human need, which not only serves to relax or avoid tensions, but also to learn in an entertaining way ways of relating to other members of society.
Recreational activities strengthen community ties, develop skills and allow recognition of strengths and weaknesses among participants.
Physical education plays a fundamental role in the educational process: on the one hand, it favors the healthy physical development of the student, and on the other, it provides them with tools to continue their physical development outside of educational spaces..
Recreational activities in physical education improve the relationship between students and teachers by playing less regulated and formal games than sports or gymnastics.
Recreational games and sports can be carried out in the sports facilities of the educational center or taking advantage of other open spaces, such as courts or parks, varying the rules to make them more dynamic and fun.
The objective of recreational activity in physical education, beyond competition, should be to relax, have fun and strengthen social ties between students.
Another important objective of physical education is to teach the student the basic rules of popular sports (soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball), so that they can practice it in their free time, outside the educational institution.
There are countless recreational activities, so here are some that you can do in physical education and others that can be done outside of educational spaces..
Create a circle of players and keep a ball in the air with volleyball techniques. Those who drop the ball are coming out.
Two teams on a court try to make ten continuous passes, without being intercepted by the opposing team. Can be done with basketball rules.
Two "bases" are placed and two players throw the ball to each other while a third runs between the bases. It is a common game among baseball players.
Form circles with the students and keep the ball in the air without their hands, using the rest of the body, as in soccer.
Two teams face off hitting each other with a ball. With some variations in the rules, this activity is practiced in numerous schools around the world.
They can be done individually or in groups, on foot or by bicycle. Add physical activity to knowing new places.
The game with this disc or flying saucer is perfect to share with other friends or with your pet (if it is a dog).
Skateboarding and rollerblading is a popular hobby among young people and teenagers around the world. It can be practiced in a group or alone.
From chess to Parcheesi, there are countless board games that entertain while strengthening intellectual skills.
Swimming, snorkeling, mask and clappers, surfing, wave riding; there are many recreational activities that can be carried out in aquatic spaces.
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