School regulations Characteristics and examples

Alexander Pearson
School regulations Characteristics and examples

The school regulation is a set of rules for good coexistence within educational institutions. This is used in most schools, colleges and institutes in the world and is created in order to agree on behavior guidelines that benefit the entire school community. 

If you are interested in the subject, then we will tell you everything we know about the school regulations.

Definition of school regulations

The school rules It is a normative instrument where the duties and prohibitions to which the members of an educational community must be accepted are enshrined, in order to achieve a healthy coexistence.

What is a school regulation for?

Taking into account the above, the main objective of a school rules it is maintain peace, harmony and good relations among the members of a student community.

These regulations are generally used more rigorously in children's or youth institutions, since at these ages people are in a formative stage that requires a greater commitment to discipline. However, it should be noted that most universities also have their own school regulations.

Characteristics of a school regulation

School regulations have different types of characteristics, below we will tell you the most important ones.

1. They are not global

School regulations are not universal. This means that although there are similar norms, there is no school regulation that is perfectly adapted to all schools. This is because the rules vary according to the mission and vision of the educational institution and the local, cultural and traditional regulations of the country in which the school or college is located..

2. It must be explicit

The student regulations must be written so that they do not give rise to errors that can be transmitted orally due to misinterpretations. The regulation must be explicit and forceful, that is to say, what it says must not have ambiguities so that those who must embrace it can specifically understand what their duties are without giving rise to misunderstandings..

3. It is divided into sections

The school regulations are normally divided into sections in which the behavioral norms, the use of institutional elements and implements, the duties of the students, the duties of the teachers and the duties of the administrative units of the educational institution are very well differentiated. , among other sections that can present in an understandable and organized way the information enshrined in the regulation.

4. Bind to the country's regulations

As we mentioned previously, student regulations can have a high degree of autonomy according to the educational institution, however, under no circumstances should they go against the norms established by the country, as they would be violating official regulations, which constitutes a crime..

5. It must be public

Student regulations must be public and freely disseminated within the educational community. Ideally, this school regulation should be presented to anyone at the time of admission to the educational institution, regardless of whether it is a student, teacher or administrative.

This student regulation or coexistence manual must be delivered to each member of the educational community, published on the website or digital resources of the institution and can even be put on wall newspapers or other information boards, with the aim that all people have it. always present.

Examples of school regulations for secondary

Below we share an example of some of the items that you can find in a school regulation.

On behavior in the classroom

1. It is forbidden to eat food in the classroom

2. Keep the classroom clean

3. It is forbidden to consume liquids in the classroom

4. The use of mobile phones or devices is prohibited in the classroom.

5. Avoid bullying or bullying.

6. Respect the word of teachers and colleagues.

7. Do not scratch or damage desks and chairs.

8. Bullying or bullying is prohibited

9. Bring the educational implements requested by the teachers

10. It is forbidden to damage educational badges or graphic resources inside the classrooms..

About behavior at school

1. Wear the uniform properly

2. Do not bring knives, razors or any type of sharp object

3. The consumption of drugs or alcoholic beverages is prohibited

4. It is forbidden to scratch or damage the bathrooms and common spaces

5. Respect each of the members of the educational institution

6. Do not wear clothing or accessories other than the school uniform

7. It is forbidden to throw garbage on the ground and common spaces

8. Arrive on time for classes and school activities

9. Any act of violence is prohibited

10. Avoid all kinds of heavy games.

Duties of the students

1. Know and respect the student regulations

2. Wear the school uniform properly

3. Attend school activities on time and on time..

4. Justify absences with official certificates.

5. Respect each member of the educational community

6. Make proper use of common spaces

7. Avoid the use of the uniform or institutional badges in spaces outside the educational ones.

8. It is forbidden to cheat or cheat in school activities

9. Turn in homework and homework

10. Attend extracurricular activities scheduled by the educational institution.

As you can see, the concept of student regulations is simple and easy to understand. I am sure that after reading this, you have the necessary bases to create your own regulation.

If that is what you are looking for, remember that any institutional regulation that you are going to carry out must be linked to the official regulations of the country and the city in which you live. 

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