Relationship of chemistry and technology with human beings, health and the environment

Anthony Golden

The relationship of chemistry and technology with human beings, health and the environment it is quite narrow: all living things are made up of chemical elements. Chemistry and technology are capable of causing positive and negative impacts, both on the environment and on the organism of living beings.

Over time, with the evolution of chemistry, the development of medicines to cure human and even animal diseases has increased. For this reason, chemistry is seen as one of the most important sciences for humans and, in general, for living beings..

Agência Brasília from Brasília, Brazil [CC BY 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The use of chemistry in the development and manufacture of products can be useful for nature and for causing an impact on the environment. The application of new technological techniques can improve human health services, although at the same time it can be complicit in the damage to nature.

Article index

  • 1 chemistry
    • 1.1 Relationship of chemistry with humans
    • 1.2 Relationship of chemistry with health
    • 1.3 Relationship of chemistry with the environment
  • 2 The technology
    • 2.1 Relationship of technology with the human being
    • 2.2 Relationship of technology with health
    • 2.3 Relationship of technology with the environment
  • 3 References


Relationship of chemistry with humans

From an external point of view, it is common to give little importance to the relationship between chemistry and the human being; however, several chemical components play an important role in health and allow people's bodies to function properly.

Almost 99% of the human body is made up of six chemical elements; specifically, these are: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus.

In addition, a limited part of the body has elements such as potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine and magnesium, in small amounts. The combination of these elements is vital for a person to stay alive.

The human body is also made up of chemical molecules such as proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, and gases..

Certain proteins present in the body are also responsible for the formation of DNA: a molecule that contains genetic information and allows the growth, development, functioning and reproduction of living beings.

Relationship of chemistry with health

Over the years, chemistry has stood out as one of the fundamental tools for treating many diseases, from the simplest (such as a cold) to the most complex (such as cancer).

Thousands of professionals focused on chemistry have dedicated their lives to the study of this science, in order to find medical alternatives that allow treating various human diseases.

Doctors around the world are motivated to find a cure for those conditions that still have no medical solution, while others seek to innovate to revolutionize existing drugs and reduce their side effects in humans..

Chemistry is a science that allows the adjustment of molecules so that new drugs interact appropriately within the human body.

Relationship of chemistry with the environment

The relationship between chemistry and the environment is quite close. Currently there is a specialized science called "environmental chemistry", which is responsible for the scientific study of chemical and biochemical phenomena of natural spaces, caused by human intervention..

In addition, there are chemical sciences in charge of designing products and processes to minimize the use and generation of substances that can be dangerous for the environment..

The presence of chemical substances in the environment can cause high levels of pollution, causing a danger to the stability of nature..

The activity of human beings can cause the chemical levels that exist in these spaces to increase uncontrollably, also affecting the fauna that makes life in the place.

The technology

Relationship of technology with the human being

Over the years, human beings have increasingly developed the technologies in their environment to benefit their own needs, to the point of becoming a fundamental part of their daily lives. People are in contact with technology from the moment they wake up until the end of their day.

Technology allows human beings to access information almost immediately. In addition, it allows them to communicate with family or friends who are in other latitudes of the world. Technology has become one of the aspects that contributes to the construction of human identities.

Relationship of technology with health

The importance of health for people has made technology - a tool that has become vital for human beings - to be used in different areas of medicine.

The traditional mechanisms of medicine have adapted to the use of technologies over the years, making the field of this science one of the most modern today..

Technology also enables medical personnel to work more immediately and precisely thanks to the development of various specialized tools..

In addition, more and more hospitals are using digital databases to store patients' medical records. This saves the space that physical files would occupy and simplifies the search for documents.

Advances in technology can also help detect disease earlier, which could allow patients to increase their life expectancy..

Technology's relationship with the environment

The link between technology and the environment has led to the emergence of a new application, called “environmental technology”: a science that allows monitoring, modeling and conserving the environment and its resources, as well as stopping the impact of human activities on nature..

The use of technology has been implemented in the environmental area in order to create alternatives to reduce the damage done to the environment.

For example, wind turbines and devices to generate photovoltaic energy (converting sunlight into electricity) avoid the use of non-renewable energy.


  1. Technology and the human being, Portal University of Twente, (n.d.). Taken from
  2. Environmental chemistry, Wikipedia in English, (n.d.). Taken from
  3. The Chemistry of Health, Portal National Institute of General Medical Sciences, (n.d.). Taken from
  4. Composition of the human body, Wikipedia in English, (n.d.). Taken from
  5. Technology and health go hand in hand, Portal T and N Magazine, (2018). Taken from
  6. Technology at the service of health, Portal Portafolio, (2016). Taken from

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