The Hidalgo relief, Like most of the Mexican territory, it is made up of a great variety of geographical features. These accidents are represented by the elevation of its ground in relation to sea level, finding fluctuations between its lowest parts at 154 meters above sea level (masl) and the highest, which are at 3380 masl.
The state of Hidalgo covers the surfaces of the physiographic provinces of the Sierra Madre Oriental, in approximately 45.21%; The Neovolcanic Axis with a proportion of 53.46% and in a very small proportion -1.33% approximately- covers the North Gulf Coastal Plain.
This state is located in the central-eastern region of Mexico and geographically limits San Luis de Potosí and Veracruz to the north, to the west with Querétaro, to the east with Puebla and to the south with Tlaxcala and Mexico.
According to its geographical location within the country, it is considered that the state can be divided into three zones:
Here you can find the lowest part of this state and it is precisely where the Tecoluco river is located, which belongs to the Huejutla de Reyes municipality, with an altitude of 154 meters above sea level..
In the central part we can find the Sierras Alta, Baja, Gorda and Tenango. In the central eastern area is the Metztitlán Canyon.
The Huasteca is located in the northern part. In these areas you can find elevations of approximately 2000 meters above sea level..
This area is subdivided into two subprovinces, which are:
-Lakes and Volcanoes of Anáhuac, where regions such as the Tulancingo Valley, the Pulquera Plateau and the Mexico Basin are found. Within this sub-province is Cerro La Peñuela at 3380 meters above sea level, which represents the highest point in the state.
-Plains and Sierras of Querétaro and Hidalgo. In this sub-province there are regions such as the Valle de Mezquital and the Comarca Minera.
This state is divided into ten geographically regions, within which its 84 municipalities are distributed in total:
1-Huasteca hidalguense: it is made up of eight municipalities. It is characterized by evergreen areas and its height is not greater than 800 meters above sea level..
2-La Sierra de Tenango: it is made up of five municipalities. It begins passing the Tulancingo Valley, its soil is fertile and good for cultivation.
3-Plateau pulquera, made up of six municipalities. In the plains of Apan, a large quantity of barley and pulquero maguey are produced.
4-Mining Region, made up of eight municipalities. In this area it is said that metal, silver, gold, marble, lead, among others can be found..
6-Cuenca de México, made up of four municipalities. It is a closed basin that has no natural outlet to the sea.
7-Sierra Alta, made up of seven municipalities. This mountain range cuts the state in half and in it corn, beans, fruit trees such as apple, plum, coffee are planted..
8-Sierra Baja, made up of six municipalities. It has a dry appearance, but it is not very hot, it is characterized by having a great variety of wildlife.
9-Sierra Gorda, made up of six municipalities. It is made up of mountains of volcanic origin, it has little vegetation.
10-Valle de Tulancingo, made up of seven municipalities. This valley has a very fertile soil for cultivation and its fauna is abundant.
11-Valle del Mezquital, made up of twenty-seven municipalities. It is a fairly arid area, but it is the one that is responsible for producing a large amount of corn, beans, wheat, tomato, onion, oats, olive vine, peach, alfalfa, green chili, among others..
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