Report Coullaut Institute of Psychiatry of Madrid

Jonah Lester

This Institute, located in Madrid, was founded in 1945 by Don Rafael Coullaut Mendigutía, Professor Doctor of Psychiatry. The center is specialized in the field of mental health and neurosciences and today it is directed by his son, the psychiatrist Doctor Don Juan Coullaut Valera Jauregui.

The main endorsement of this center is to be experts in different multidisciplinary clinical areas and involved in therapeutic efficacy from a psychiatric point of view.

The great diversity of workers with extensive experience in the treatment of mental illnesses and emotional disorders is a guarantee of complete care and success in treatment.

Thanks to this comprehensive care, it is possible to create a therapeutic space that favors the wellness both patients and their families.

Services of the Rafael Coullaut Institute

Among the services offered by the Coullaut Institute of Psychiatry, we can highlight the following:

Clinical psychiatry

Psychiatric problems are treated by the best specialists in those mental disorders that have a neurological or genetic origin.

The great experience and trajectory of the Collaut family makes this center a reference choice for anyone who needs the services of a Psychiatrist in Madrid.

The resistant depressions and the delusional disorders are two disorders commonly treated in this center.

Clinical psychology

Within the field of psychology, specifically it is the humanist branch that is developed in this center. They have extensive experience in treating personality disorders and addictive disorders.

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

It is very important to detect any mint disorderl and perform goal-focused treatment during the early stages of development.

In this way, it is possible to minimize the impact that these alterations may have on children and adolescents as they grow and reach more advanced stages of development..

Clinical Neurophysiology

This medical specialty is in charge of the study and exploration of the Central Nervous System (composed of brain and spinal cord) and the peripheral nervous system. Its objective is to detect any type of dysfunction produced by different diseases.

For this, it uses different techniques together with advanced and modern detection equipment that allow studying in detail various alterations such as:

  • Epilepsy
  • Optic nerve involvement
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • Dementias
  • Sleep disorders

The Institute's facilities are equipped with the latest technology to offer the best service to its patients..

Treatment of addictions

The treatments and therapies used by the Institute have scientific endorsement and have helped thousands of people successfully recover from their addictions.

Among the most common addictions treated at the center are the following:

  • Alcoholism
  • Amphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines (anxiolytics or tranquilizers)
  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Compulsive shopping
  • Heroin
  • Hypersexuality
  • Tobacco
  • New technologies

Reasons for choosing the Rafael Coullaut Institute

The professional health care offered by this center is of comprehensive and multidisciplinary character (psychiatrists, doctors, psychologists, nurses, and internists) for anyone with a mental health-related disorder or illness.

The treatments are completely individualized and adapted for each client.

The therapy of each patient is complemented with therapeutic support for family members in case it is necessary.

Medical support is continuous and there is access to the referral hospital.

Its facilities are located in a very central area of ​​Madrid, specifically in calle José Abascal 32, with very easy access and good communication..

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