Lag meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

David Holt

The word "lag"Means" delay "and can be used when referring to both people and things. However, where it is most used is in rural areas, specifically to refer to the management of livestock or for their classification.

In another area where this term is usually useful is to refer to the preparation of comparative studies. At a general and everyday level, it is not very common to read or listen to it.


Article index

  • 1 Meaning
    • 1.1 According to the RAE
    • 1.2 Meaning in Mexico
    • 1.3 Educational significance
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Examples of use
  • 5 References


According to the RAE

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (DLE) has three definitions for "lag". The first meaning refers to a backwardness or residue that remains of something. Secondly, it points out that in Salamanca (Spain) the term is used to refer to cattle that lag behind in the herd.

Finally, in Argentina and Chile, as well as Aragon (Spain) it is applied to name the weakest cattle, which are separated from the herd to improve their condition. At the same time, in Chile there is also what is called a “lag warehouse”, which is the place where imported merchandise that is not rescued on time is gathered..

In other words, the intervention of two people or objects is necessary so that, after a comparison, it can be said that one lagged behind the other. In relation to this, the people or objects that were left behind, that is, behind, are called "laggards".

Meaning in Mexico

In the Aztec country there is what is called the “Social Lag Index”. It arises from the General Law of Social Development, which indicates that poverty must be measured and must be done in a multidimensional way.

The National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL) created this index that includes indicators on education, access to health services, basic services, housing and household assets.

The results of these estimates are divided into five strata: very low, low, medium, high and very high social lag.

Educational significance

Another example is the educational lag, defined by the Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador (UPS) as the educational level, of a person or group, which is lower than the academic level that is established as a minimum. It is an inequality and, therefore, a lack of justice in terms of distribution of services and educational opportunities.


Some words with a meaning similar to "delay" are "delay", "delay", "delay", "postponement", "delay", "term", "wait", "extension", "remission", "delay", "Delay", "detention", "truce", "moratorium" or moratorium.


Instead, the words that mean the opposite of "lag" are "haste", "fast", "first", "ahead", "anticipated", "speed", "haste", "haste", "resolution", "Urgency", "career", "recklessness", "bravery", "readiness", "promptness", "diligence", "ease", "lightness", "incitement", "haste".

Examples of use

-"His lag in the race was very early and the first one just happened on lap 15".

-"Compared to other countries in the region, our education system has lagged far behind".

-"In recent years the lag in education in society is very clear".

-"The energy lag is notable: in our country there are many more power outages than in other border areas with a similar number of inhabitants".

-"The association of small and medium-sized businessmen denounced delays in payments".

-"The Senate begins the session with a lag of 1,500 proposals".

-"The situation is serious, given that there is a clear educational lag due to lack of infrastructure and teaching staff".

-“There are intra- and extra-school factors that are linked to educational lag in the most vulnerable communities”.

-"The workers' demonstration is produced by a lag in wages in relation to price inflation in the country".

-"The latest government report shows a lag in comprehensive development".

-"There is a great lag in the labor insertion of women in the top management of the company with respect to that of men".

-"The Government proposes plans to reduce the housing backlog".

-"There is a very large lag between internet connectivity between rural and urban areas".

-"In the country there are areas far behind in terms of connectivity, where 4G has not yet arrived".


  1. Lag. Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  2. Social Lag Index. Recovered from:
  3. Elizabeth Mendoza Cárdenas. (2017). Salesian Polytechnic University of Ecuador. Recovered from:

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