Ricardo Garibay biography, style and works

Robert Johnston

Ricardo Garibay (1923-1999) was a Mexican writer, novelist and essayist, who also included in his work various genres such as short stories, chronicles and theater. Journalism and cinema were also part of the professional activity of this intellectual, where he stood out considerably.

Garibay's work was characterized by being abundant and prolific, always treated from a clear and precise language. The passion and meticulousness with which he developed each sentence were evident in his writings. It covered a wide variety of topics, where love, traditions, politics and disappointment represent only a few.

A young Ricardo Garibay. Source: www.revistadelauniversidad.unam.mx

Among the most outstanding titles of this distinguished author we can mention The house that burns at night, Pair of kings, Rhapsody for a scandal Y Office of reading. Not much has been written about the author's life, but his merits, achievements, and scope were considerable..

Article index

  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Birth
    • 1.2 Garibay studies
    • 1.3 First publications
    • 1.4 Some tasks of the writer
    • 1.5 Garibay on TV
    • 1.6 Talent for storytelling
    • 1.7 Personality of Ricardo Garibay
    • 1.8 Last years and death
    • 1.9 Awards and recognitions
    • 1.10 Legacy of Garibay
  • 2 Style
  • 3 Works
    • 3.1 Novel
    • 3.2 Story
    • 3.3 Assay
    • 3.4 Anthology
    • 3.5 Film script
    • 3.6 Chronicle
    • 3.7 Memories
    • 3.8 Report
    • 3.9 Theater
  • 4 References



Ricardo Garibay was born on January 18, 1923 in the city of Tulancingo, Hidalgo (Mexico). The data on his parents and relatives are scarce, although judging by his academic training and subsequent studies, it is assumed that he came from a cultured family concerned about his education.

Garibay Studies

Garibay attended his first years of studies in his native Hidalgo. At the end of high school, he went to Mexico City to study Law, as well as Philosophy and Letters at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). During those years he had already shown his passion for writing and for literature in general.

First publications

Ricardo ventured into the world of letters as a university student. This is how in 1949 he had the opportunity to bring to light his first story entitled The new lover. Three years later, he continued his work with the publication of the story Stories.

Some work of the writer

After graduating from university, the writer dedicated himself to teaching literature at UNAM. In 1952, due to his excellent performance, he won a scholarship for one year at the Centro Mexicano de Escritores to strengthen his skills and qualities. Two years later he published his first novel: Mazamitla.

Coat of arms of the UNAM. Source: Both, the shield and the motto, José Vasconcelos Calderón [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
From 1954 Garibay achieved greater recognition, and the publication of essays and stories such as: Our Lady of Solitude of Coyoacán Y The colonel they did not wait. He received good reviews and awards promptly, so the social media gave him spaces.

Garibay on TV

The intellectual development of the writer led him to occupy a position in the office of the Ministry of Public Education as press director. In addition to this, he was the driver of Kaleidoscope: Garibay themes, a television program broadcast by Imevisión, a Mexican state channel.

Imevisión logo. Source: Laencilclopedialibre (vectorized by Raymie) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Talent for storytelling

Garibay was one of the most prominent storytellers of his time. With his vocal ability and talent to give rhythm and harmony to words, he managed to broadcast several series for the radio, including: What he who lives reads, literary tricks Y Expressions of Mexico.

Ricardo Garibay's personality

Some acquaintances of the writer, such as Adolfo Castañón, noted that in addition to being very intelligent, he also had a loud and proud personality. He was surly and sulked very easily. He was passionate about letters and weak before women.

Last years and death

During the last years of his life, the author dedicated himself to writing and also collaborated in various print media, as well as participating in the creation of the weekly Process. Some of his last works were Office of reading Y The young that. He died on May 3, 1999 in Cuernavaca, when he was seventy-six years old..

Awards and honours

- Mazatlán Prize in 1962 for the novel Drink a chalice.

- National Journalism Award in 1987.

- Prize for the best foreign book released in France in 1975, for the novel The house that burns at night.

- Colima Narrative Fine Arts Award for Work Published in 1989 for the novel Taib.

Garibay legacy

Ricardo Garibay left both Mexico and the international literary community more than six dozen books written with great intelligence, passion and wit. All this without counting the eternity of his unmistakable voice through the different narrations that he left recorded..

In 2006, the Cultural Directorate of the state where it was born created the 'Ricardo Garibay' recognition, to reward the best short story and promote reading and writing. In his memory, libraries and cultural and literary centers have also been created throughout the Mexican territory..


Ricardo Garibay's literary style was characterized by the use of a well-elaborated language, full of quality and precision. Although his writing was brilliant, rigidity was often notorious in his works, possibly due to his thoroughness and his insistence on being the best..

The author knew in detail the language or words used by the different social classes of his country and incorporated it into his texts. His favorite themes had to do with passion, desire, love, politics, women and Mexican society in general..



- Mazamitla (1954).

- Drink a chalice (1965).

- Beautiful bay (1968).

- The house that burns at night (1971).

- Pair of kings (1983).

- Airs of blues (1984).

- Suede (1988).

- Taib (1989).

- Sad sunday (1991).

- Trio (1993).

- The young that (1997).


- The new lover (1949).

- Stories (1952).

- The colonel (1955).

- Rhapsody for a scandal (1971).

- The government of the body (1977).

- The train smoke and the sleeping smoke (1985).

- Mirror scrap (1989).


- Our Lady of Solitude in Coyoacán (1955).

- How life is passed (1975).

- Mexican dialogues (1975).

- Confrontations (1984).

- Office of reading (nineteen ninety six).


- Garibay between the lines (1985).

Film script

- The Iron Brothers (1961).

- What is Caesar's (1970).

- The thousand uses (1971).

- The Barbed (1991).


- The glories of the great Spikes (1979).

- Mixed shop (1989).


- Wild childhood and other years (1982).

- How do you make a living (1992).


- What the living sees (1976).

- Acapulco (1979).


- Women in an act (1978).

- Pretty teachers (1987).


  1. Ricardo Garibay. (2019). Spain: Wikipedia. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
  2. Ricardo Garibay. Sound Tribute. (S. f.). Mexico: IMER. Recovered from: imer.mx.
  3. Ricardo Garibay. (S. f.). (N / a): Written. Recovered from: Escritas.org.
  4. Ricardo Garibay. (2012). Mexico: Mexico Ocean. Recovered from: Océano.com.mx.
  5. Castañón, A. and Reyes, J. (1999). Ricardo Garibay. Mexico: Free Letters. Recovered from: letraslibres.com.

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