Ternary Salts Nomenclature, Properties and Examples

Simon Doyle
Ternary Salts Nomenclature, Properties and Examples

The ternary salts They are ionic compounds of three elements and derive from the substitution of a hydrogen for another cation in ternary acids. Ordinarily, the elements of these salts are: a metal, a nonmetal, and oxygen. Then, they can be considered as "oxygenated salts".

The chemical formulas of ternary salts conserve the anion of their precursor ternary acid (oxoacid), changing the H+ by a metal cation or by the ammonium ion (NH4+). In other words, in an oxo acid with the simple formula HAO, its ternary salt will have the formula MAO.

An illustrative example is in the case of the substitution of the two acidic protons of HtwoSW4 (sulfuric acid) by the Cu cationtwo+. Because each proton adds a +1 charge, the two protons equal the +2 charge on the copper ion. Then there is CuSO4, whose corresponding nomenclature is copper (II) sulfate or cupric sulfate.

The top image shows the brilliant colors of the blue copper sulfate crystals. In the chemistry of ternary salts, their properties and names depend on the nature of the cations and anions that make up the ionic solid..

Article index

  • 1 Nomenclature
    • 1.1 +3
    • 1.2 +4
    • 1.3 +5
    • 1.4 +6
    • 1.5 Number of oxygen atoms
    • 1.6 Acid salts
    • 1.7 Valencia of metals
  • 2 Properties
  • 3 Examples
    • 3.1 Additional ternary salts
  • 4 References


There are many methods and mnemonics for memorizing and learning the nomenclature of ternary salts..

The first confusions can originate because it varies, either by the valence of the metal M or by the oxidation state of the non-metallic element.

However, the number of O atoms in the anion is very useful when naming them. This anion, coming from the precursor ternary acid, defines a large part of the nomenclature.

For this reason, it is advisable to first remember the nomenclature of certain ternary acids, which serve as a support to name their salts..

The nomenclature of some ternary acids with suffix "ico", and the corresponding oxidation number of the central element, are:


H3BO3 - Boric acid.


HtwoCO3 - Carbonic acid.

H4Yes4 - Silicic acid.


HNO3 - Nitric acid.

H3PO4 - Phosphoric acid.

H3AsO4 - Arsenic acid.

HClO3 - Chloric acid.

HBrO3 - Bromic acid.

HIO3 - Iodic acid.


HtwoSW4 - Sulfuric acid.

HtwoSeO4 - Selenic acid.

H6TeO6 - Telluric acid.

The oxidation states (+3, +4, +5 and +6) are equal to the number of the group to which the elements belong.

Thus, boron belongs to group 3A (13), and has three valence electrons that it can give to O atoms. The same happens for carbon and silicon, both from group 4A (14), with four valence electrons.

So up to group 7A (17) of halogens, which do not comply with the rule of ternary acids "ico". When these have oxidation states of +7, the prefix "per" is added to their "ico" acids..

Number of oxygen atoms

By memorizing the above ternary acids "ico", the nomenclature is modified according to the increasing or decreasing number of O atoms..

If there is a lesser unit of O, the acid changes the suffix "ico" to the suffix "bear"; and if there are two less units, the name additionally adds the prefix "hiccup".

For example, for the HIOtwo its nomenclature is iodine acid; for HIO, hypoiodine acid; and for the HIO4, periodic acid.

Then, to name the ternary salts, the anions of the “ico” acids are suffixed with “ato”; and for those with the suffix "bear", they are changed to "ito".

Going back with the example of iodic acid HIO3, changing the H+ by sodium Na+, it is named after its ternary salt: sodium iodate, NaIO3.

Similarly, for iodine acid HIOtwo, its sodium salt is sodium iodite (NaIOtwo); for hypojose acid HIO, it is sodium hypoiodite (NaIO or NaOI); and for periodic acid, sodium periodate (NaIO4).

The same applies to the rest of the “ico” acids listed by the oxidation states mentioned above, under the limitation that the prefix “per” occurs in those salts with a higher O unit (NaClO4, sodium perchlorate).

Acid salts

For example, carbonic acid HtwoCO3 can lose a single proton per sodium, remaining as NaHCO3. For these acid salts, the recommended nomenclature is to add the word "acid" after the name of the anion..

Thus, the salt is referred to as: sodium acid carbonate. Here again the suffix "ico" is changed to the suffix "ato".

Another unconventional rule, but very popularly accepted, is to add the prefix "bi" to the name of the anion to indicate the existence of an acidic proton. This time, the name of the salt above is mentioned as: baking soda.

If all protons are replaced by Na cations+, By neutralizing the two negative charges on the carbonate anion, the salt is simply referred to as sodium carbonate, NatwoCO3.

Valencia of metals

Knowing the anion of the chemical formula, the valence of the metal in the ternary salt can be calculated arithmetically.

For example, in the FeSO4 It is now known that sulfate comes from sulfuric acid, and that it is an anion with two negative charges (SO4two-). Thus, to neutralize them, iron must have two positive charges, Fetwo+.

Therefore, the name of the salt is iron (II) sulfate. The (II) reflects the valence 2, equal to the positive charge +2.

When metals can only have one valence -as in the case of group 1 and 2-, the addition of the Roman numeral is omitted (it is incorrect to say sodium carbonate (I)).


They are predominantly ionic, crystalline compounds, with intermolecular interactions governed by electrostatic forces, which results in high melting and boiling points..

Because they have negatively charged oxygen, they can form hydrogen bonds in aqueous solution, dissolving their crystals only if this process benefits the ions energetically; otherwise, the ternary salt remains insoluble (Ca3(PO4)two, calcium phosphate).

These hydrogen bonds are responsible for the hydrates of these salts, and these water molecules are known as water of crystallization..


Ternary salts occupy a place in daily life, enriching food, medicine or in inanimate objects such as matches and a fire extinguisher..

For example, the freshness of fruits and vegetables is preserved for longer periods by the action of sodium sulphite and sodium acid sulphite (NatwoSW3 and NaHSO3).

In red meat, its red meat is preserved by the additives of sodium nitrate and nitrite (NaNO3 and NaNOtwo).

Also, in some canned products the unpleasant metallic taste is counteracted by sodium phosphate additives (Na3PO4). Other salts, such as FeSO4, Thief3, Faith3(PO4)two, they are also found in cereals and breads.

Carbonates are the chemical agent in fire extinguishers, which at high temperatures produce COtwo drowning the fire.

Additional ternary salts





CaCrO4 (calcium chromate).

KMnO4 (potassium permanganate).


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  2. Clackamas Community College. (2011). Lesson 6: Nomenclature of Acids, Bases, & Salts. Retrieved on April 26, 2018, from: dl.clackamas.edu
  3. TutorVista. (2018). Salts. Retrieved on April 26, 2018, from: chemistry.tutorcircle.com
  4. Mrs. Hilfstein. Ternary Compounds. Retrieved on April 26, 2018, from: web.tenafly.k12.nj.us
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