Throughout life there are many social, psychological and biological factors that determine people's mental health. In addition to the general causes of stress that everyone faces.
Many older adults are deprived of the ability to live independently due to mobility difficulties, chronic pain, fibromyalgia, frailty, or other mental or physical problems, requiring long-term assistance.
In the first place, mental health is not only the absence of mental disorders, it is defined as a state of well-being in which the individual is aware of their own capacities, which allows them to face the normal stresses of life, being able to work productively and fruitfully and being able to make a contribution to your community (World Health Organization, 2014).
This well-being can be achieved in different ways. For example, the Olimpia Residence is committed to music therapy to stimulate the cognitive abilities of the elderly, such as orientation, language or memory. This residence for the elderly in Bilbao affirms that there is a strong association between music and brain processes since music favors learning, perception and the preservation of memory.
In most countries, especially low- and middle-income countries, mental health services are severely under-resourced, both human and financial. Most of the available healthcare resources are currently devoted to specialized care and treatment of the mentally ill and, to a lesser extent, to a integrated mental health system (Martínez, Prieto, Posada).
According to this, depression is commonly a mental health problem in older adults. 15% of older adults over 65 suffer from this disorder and many times it is not diagnosed or treated as it should. Only 15% of older adults with depression receive adequate treatment. further, the elderly are vulnerable to physical neglect and abuse.
The abuse of the elderly is not limited to causing physical injuries but also serious mental problems of a chronic nature, such as depression and anxiety. In addition, among the elderly, experiences such as grief over the death of a loved one, a drop in socioeconomic status as a consequence of retirement, or disability are more frequent. "All these factors can cause isolation, loss of independence, loneliness and anguish ”
However, despite the population increase of the elderly, and the social, economic, political and health problems that it generates, the resources, attention, analysis and approaches that are required have not been directed.
Quite the contrary, in today's society the elderly occupy a less privileged place, according to this, they are segregated from the labor system and forced to abandon a series of roles that provide security, recognition and work belonging. Furthermore, the breaking of the ties of solidarity and the growing individualism generates situations in which it prevails. social exclusion (Martínez, Prieto, Posada)
For it, mental health represents for the elderly a natural process closer to health than to disease, characterized by well-being, which, in turn, is constituted mainly by a positive attitude towards life; also, due to the ability to maintain physical activity, have meaningful relationships with their family and adequate quality of life conditions.
That is, to have peace and tranquility, to be cared for and protected by the family, in conditions of dignity, love and respect, and to be able to participate as a social being, with freedom of expression, decision, communication and information (Martínez, Prieto, Posada, 2009).
Finally, it is essential to provide the elderly with effective mental health care in the community level. Equally important is highlighting the long-term care of older adults with mental disorders, as well as providing education, training and support to those who care for them..
An appropriate legislative framework, based on international human rights standards, is essential to provide the best quality services to people with mental illness and their caregivers.
According to this, good general health and social care is important to improve health, prevent disease and treat chronic conditions in older people.
Therefore, it is important to train all health personnel who must deal with problems and disorders related to old age, according to this, countries should integrate mental health into primary care, offer mental health care in hospitals general and create community mental health services (Martínez, Prieto, Posada, 2009).
Martinez, A; Prieto, A; Posada, M. (2009). A look at positive mental health in older adults: focus groups. Recovered
World Health Organization. (2014) What is Mental Health?
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