Shingeki No Kyojin Plot and main characters

David Holt
Shingeki No Kyojin Plot and main characters

Shingeki No Kyojin is a Japanese saga initially known for its manga series and finally greatly popularized thanks to the production of the anime that to date has 4 seasons, the last of which premiered in early December 2019.

The translation of the title of the series into Spanish is controversial and has two versions "Attack on Titan" and "Attack on Titan" both obviously opposite, but equally valid when entering the universe of Shingeki No Kyojin.

Next, we'll take a quick look at the storyline and characters of Attack on Titan. We warn our readers that they may find slight spoilers, but in no way things that could harm the enjoyment of the series if they are not aware of it..

What is the argument of Shingeki No Kyojin?

The story takes place in a surreal world in which from one day to the next, monstrous titans begin to mercilessly attack human settlements and to devour its inhabitants.

The main plot point, addresses Eren Jaeger's story and his friends through a world of war, mystery, intrigue and revenge.

The story begins when Eren joins the army in order to avenge his mother who was eaten by a titan during one of the attacks on the supposedly only human city that remained standing after the appearance of the titans in the world..

After some time on the battlefield and to the surprise of his friends and battle companions, Eren transforms into a Titan and begins to fight the titans that attack the city..

This twist in the story reveals a whole framework regarding the true origin of the Titans and the path they have followed since their appearance, Well, when it was initially thought that they acted for no reason, it seems that a whole world conspiracy is revealed headed by powerful families and warriors who like Eren Jaeger can become titans.

How many seasons are there of Shingeki No Kyojin?

Shingeki No Kyojin features four seasons, the first of them issued in 2013 with a total of 34 episodes. The first season of the manga has 25 chapters.

Although the reception of the series was quite wide in the Asian world, it was its entry into the western world that detonated the series at Titanic levels..

The second season aired in 2017 and had a total of 17 chapters, 12 in the case of the manga. This season had a huge reception and skyrocketed the number of anime fans to colossal levels. In this way, the following season did not wait..

By July 2018, the premiere of the third season was ready, which lasted until July 2019, being the longest season with a total of 40 anime chapters, although in the case of the manga the series only had 22 chapters.

In December 2020, the fourth and final season of Shingeki No Kyogin premiered with great fanfare, which has attracted particular attention and is assumed to end in early 2021..

In this season and in order to give a better adapted closure to the anime sequence, small detours and temporary jumps are taken in the plot, in relation to the original manga series. In this particular case, the manga had eight chapters and the anime series is projected with a total of 16 chapters..

Shingeki no Kyojin main characters

Shingei No Kyojin or "Attack on the Titans" has a quite enriched plot in the best oriental style and throughout the series as many characters as events have been revealed in it..

After all, the series has a spectacular number of more than 200 fully defined and functional characters, this is quite an epic for a writer, only comparable to the mission of selecting the main characters.

For this reason, we will show you below the characters totally necessary to understand the context of the story, we know that many others have leading roles in the plot.

For this reason, we limit ourselves to those who are very functional and with many appearances throughout history, or to those who, due to their intervention, changed the flow of events dramatically..


Eren Jaeger / Jäger

Protagonist of all history, he grew up in the city of the three concentric walls, supposedly the last human settlement in the world. After opening a breach in the outer wall, the titans entered the city killing hundreds of humans, including Jaeger's mother who ends up being eaten by a titan..

Eren vows revenge and joins the army to later discover in himself the ability to transform into a titan. Skill used to fight invading Titans.

Mikasa Ackerman

Saved and adopted by Eren Jaeger, Mikasa is the penultimate survivor of the Ackerman Clan. As he grew up, he enlisted in the armed forces and was part of the exploration group, in charge of investigating and fighting the titans beyond the walls..

Armin arlert

Eren Jaeger's best friend, despite not being a great warrior, joins the force with Eren. Armin turns out to be a great strategist and key piece in the defeat of the colossal titan, titan in which he later becomes after a confusing situation.

Ymir fritz

According to legend, Ymir found the origin of all matter embodied in a demon that ultimately gave him the power of the Titans to fight for his people. Then apparently everything gets out of control when Ymir dies and divides his power into 9 parts that he grants to his people.

Fritz Family (Reiss)

The Fritz family remained in power after Ymir's death. This family controlled the gifts of the changing titans for a very long period of time and one of its members was the creator of the city of the three concentric walls..

Karl Fritz

Better known as king number 145 Karl Fritz evacuated his people to Paradise Island where using the gift of the founding titan, he created stone titans and ordered them to line up and harden to form the three walls. Karl erased the memory of all the people within the city and changed his last name to Reiss, making everyone believe that they were the last humans on the face of the earth..


To clarify the story a bit more, we will look at the different types of Titans found in Shingeky No Kyojin.

Irrational titans

Irrational titans are the most common and have a quasi-human form, they roam the forests and valleys and attack any human being they see, chasing them until they eat or lose them.

Titans Stone

This type of titan has the ability to harden its body to stone, apparently they can live for almost infinite periods of time and are scarce enough to be studied..

Freak titans

The abnormal titans in appearance are the same as the irrational but their behavior is quite different and apparently they have reasoning capacity and do not necessarily chase every human being they see senselessly, although they do..

Shifting Titans

The changing titans are the nine titans that shed the power of the original titan Ymir, the power of said titans changes from one person to another in a quite particular way, as long as this person belongs to the lineage of Ymir.

The 9 changing titans They are: Founding Titan, Colossal Titan, Attack Titan (this is Eren Jaeger), Armored Titan, Female Titan, Jaw Titan, Beast Titan, Warhammer Titan, Freighter Titan.

Titan by Rod Reiss

Rod Reiss's titan apparently is unique and does not belong to any of the aforementioned groups, this titan is undoubtedly the largest in the entire saga, so much so that it cannot even get up and moves everywhere dragging the entirety of its body on the ground including his face, which generates a grotesque spectacle when rising.

We hope that this journey through the exciting world of Shingeki No Kyojin, has served as a tasting of one of the mythical series that has the most followers at the present time.

And you, what are you waiting to enjoy it?

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