A powerful and widespread message in our culture, as phrases such as: "Who wants something, it costs something", "You have to go through the tough ones for the mature ones", etc.
These phrases have the same common denominator, the EFFORT.
Often, to achieve something, it is necessary to struggle enough to overcome the difficulties that may arise, since, in general, every work has its difficulties.
It is true that effort is necessary to achieve certain objectives and / or purposes in our life, now, is it necessary to SUFFERING to grow?
Before answering this question, I would like to make a parenthesis to differentiate PAIN AND SUFFERING, two words commonly used as synonyms and that have a big difference between them.
So we can say that Pain is something physical that we perceive and Suffering is a negative feeling caused by that pain..
For example, if I am walking down the street and I trip and fall, obviously I hurt myself physically and it is not pleasant, but if for that reason I begin to think how bad luck I have because I fell and how bad I feel about that, this goes beyond the physical, and causes me a much more painful suffering than the physical blow itself.
With this parenthesis done, I return to the question I posed earlier:
Typically, the vast majority of people would answer a YES resounding.
It is true that many known and anonymous people, as a result of a tragic event in their life, from a moment of crisis, wonder if their life so far is what they would have dreamed of and if it is not the case, they decide take a radical turn and "be born again" because life has given them a second chance.
These people become a source of inspiration for others, because they bring out a courage that not many of us usually show ...
But not everyone responds in the same way, since before that same moment of crisis, there are people who decay, become victimized, make life bitter and infect others.
So, to this question that I pose, I would answer a DEPENDS.
From my personal experience, that I have not had great difficulties or moments of crisis, I position myself that NOT suffering is an indispensable question to grow as a person.
This is because in general, people tend to give more importance to a negative thing that happens to us in the day and forget about all the positive things we have experienced so far..
I propose to change this trend by recognizing and TO THANK all the good things that we have and that we live daily (as obvious as it may seem) and give the right importance to the "less positive" (I like this term better than saying "negative"), since thanks to the less positive we can value more what positive that it comes to us.
Living each day thanking everything that happens to us connects us with confidence in life and in that state, one begins to feel a peace, serenity and immense love that undoubtedly helps to develop as a person and grow..
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