Riley-Day syndrome symptoms, causes, treatment

Egbert Haynes

The Riley-Day syndrome, Familial dysautonomia or type III hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy is an autonomic sensory neuropathy of hereditary origin that produces a generalized nerve involvement that results in autonomic and sensory dysfunction.

At the genetic level, Riley Day syndrome is caused by the presence of a mutation on chromosome 9, specifically at the 9q31 location. At a clinical level, it can give rise to a wide variety of signs and symptoms, all of them the result of sensory dysfunction and significant autonomic nervous system involvement..

Some of these symptoms include impaired breathing, digestion, tear production, blood pressure, processing of stimuli, taste, perception of pain, temperature, etc.. 

The diagnosis of this pathology is made based on the clinical observation of medical alterations, in addition, for its confirmation, the use of a genetic study is essential.

Riley Day syndrome has a high morbidity and portality rate. However, despite the fact that there are no curative treatments, various therapeutic measures are usually used for symptomatic treatment that improve the medical prognosis, survival and quality of life of affected people..

Article index

  • 1 History
  • 2 Definition and characteristics
  • 3 Classification
  • 4 Frequency
  • 5 Signs and symptoms 
    • 5.1 Musculoskeletal manifestations
    • 5.2 Autonomic manifestations
    • 5.3 Sensory manifestations
    • 5.4 Other neurological manifestations
  • 6 Causes
  • 7 Diagnosis 
  • 8 Treatment
  • 9 References


Riley-Day syndrome was initially described by Riley et al. In 1949. In his clinical report he described 5 childhood cases in which he identified profuse sweating, an excessive reaction to anxiety with the development of hypertension, absence of tears or pain from temperature changes.

In addition, this group of researchers observed this set of clinical symptoms in a specific population, in children of Jewish descent, which made them suspect a genetic origin or etiology.

Later, in 1952, the initial clinical presentation was expanded with 33 more cases and the name assigned to this pathology was familial dysautonomia (DA).

However, it was not until 1993 that the specific genetic factors involved in Riley-Day syndrome were discovered..

Finally, Riley-Day syndrome is categorized as a neurological disorder in which damage and injury to the axons or cytoskeleton of autonomic and sensory neurons can be distinguished..

Definition and characteristics

Riley Day syndrome is a type of autonomic sensory neuropathy of genetic-hereditary origin that is part of the peripheral neuropathies, producing in these a dysfunction of the sensory and autonomic nervous structures as a consequence of a genetic alteration.

Peripheral neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuritis, is the term used to classify a group of disorders that occur as a result of the presence of one or more lesions in the nervous system, due to the condition or development of nerve damage peripherals.

These types of alterations frequently produce episodes of localized pain in the extremities, hypotonia, spasms and muscle atrophy, loss of balance, motor incoordination, loss of sensation, paresthesias, alterations in sweating, dizziness, loss of consciousness or gastro-intestinal dysfunction. among others.

Specifically, in the peripheral nervous system, its nerve fibers are distributed from the brain and spinal cord to the entire body surface (internal organs, skin areas, extremities, etc.).

Thus, its essential function is the bidirectional transmission of motor, autonomic and sensory information..


There are different types of peripheral neuropathies:

  • Motor neuropathy.
  • Sensory neuropathy.
  • Autonomic neuropathy.
  • Mixed or combined neuropathy.

According to the function of the type of nerve fiber that is affected:

  • Motor nerves.
  • Sensory nerves.
  • Autonomic nerves.

In the case of Riley Day syndrome, the peripheral neuropathy is of the sensory autonomic type. Thus, in this pathology, both the nerve endings and the autonomic nerve endings are affected or injured..

The nerve terminals are mainly responsible for the transmission and control of sensory perceptions and experiences, while the autonomic nerve terminals are responsible for the transmission and control of all information related to the non-conscious or involuntary processes and activities of the organism. 

Generally, sensory-autonomic neuropathies tend to fundamentally affect the thresholds of sensory perception, the transmission and processing of stimuli related to pain, the control and regulation of respiration, cardiac function and gastrointestinal function..


Riley Day syndrome is a rare disease, it has a specific prevalence in people of Jewish descent, especially from Eastern Europe. Thus, different studies have estimated its incidence in approximately one case for every 3,600 births.

Despite the fact that this pathology is hereditary and therefore is present from birth, a higher frequency has not been identified in one of the sexes..

In addition, the average age of people with Riley-Day syndrome is 15 years, because the probability of reaching 40 years of age at birth does not exceed 50%.

Normally, the main causes of death are related to pulmonary pathologies and complications or sudden death due to autonomic deficit.

Signs and symptoms 

The Riley-Day syndrome, gives rise to a pattern of complex neurological involvement, accompanied by important alterations related to autonomic cardiovascular function, ventilatory response, pain, perception of temperature or taste, swallowing, walking or the expression of muscle reflexes.

Clinical findings can vary significantly between affected individuals, however, the most common ones usually include:

Musculoskeletal manifestations

The physical characteristics are not usually obvious at the time of birth, thus, body dysmorphs tend to develop over time, mainly due to suffering from poor bone formation and muscle tone.

In the case of the facial configuration, a peculiar structure appears to develop with a significant flattening of the upper lip, especially evident when smiling, a prominent jaw and / or erosion of the nostrils..

In addition, short stature or the development of severe scoliosis (curvature or deviation of the spine) are some of the most common medical findings..

Autonomic manifestations

Alterations in the autonomic area are significant and constitute some of the most disabling symptoms for people with Riley-Day syndrome..

- Alacrimia: partial or total absence of lacrimation. This medical condition constitutes one of the cardinal symptoms of Riley-Day syndrome, since tears are usually absent before emotional crying from the moment of birth.

- Feeding deficit: in almost all those affected there is a significant difficulty to eat normally efficiently.

This is mainly derived from factors such as poor oral coordination, gastroesophageal reflux (stomach contents return to the esophagus due to poor closure of the esophagus), abnormal intestinal motility, vomiting and recurrent nausea, among others..

- Excess secretions: it is possible to observe an excessive increase in body secretions, such as diaphoresis (profuse sweating), gastrorrhea (excessive production of juice and gastric mucosa), bronchorrhea (excessive production of bronchial mucosa), and / or sialorrhea (excessive production of saliva).

- Respiratory disturbance: Hypoxia or oxygen deficiency in the body is one of the most common symptoms of Riley-Day syndrome. In addition, hypoxemia or a deficit of oxygen pressure in the blood is also common..

On the other hand, many individuals can develop chronic lung diseases, such as pneumonia, by aspiration of substances and / or food..

- Dysautonomic crisis: brief episodes of nausea, vomiting, tachycardia (fast and irregular heartbeat), high blood pressure (abnormal increase in blood pressure), hyperhidrosis (excessive and abnormal sweating), increased body temperature, tachypnea (abnormal increase in respiratory rate ), pupillary dilation, among others.

- Cardiac disorders: In addition to those mentioned above, it is common to observe orthostatic hypotension (sudden decrease in blood pressure due to a change in position) and bradyrhythmia (abnormally slow heart rate). In addition, it is also common to observe an increase in blood pressure (hypertension) in emotional or stressful situations.

- Syncopes- In many cases, a temporary loss of consciousness may occur due to a sudden reduction in blood flow.

Sensory manifestations

Alterations in the sensory area are usually less severe than those related to musculoskeletal configuration or autonomic function. Some of the most common in Riley-Day syndrome include:

- Pain episodes: elevated pain perception is common in individuals with Riley-Day syndrome, especially associated with the skin and bone structure.

- Altered sensory perception- An abnormal perception of temperature, vibration, pain or taste can usually be appreciated, although it is never totally absent.

Other neurological manifestations

In all or a large part of these cases, it is possible to identify a generalized developmental delay, characterized fundamentally by a late acquisition of gait or expressive language.

In addition, neuroimaging tests indicate the development of neurological involvement and significant cerebellar atrophy that, among other symptoms, may contribute to worsening control of balance, motor coordination, or stance..


Familial dysautonomia or Riley Day syndrome has a genetic etiological nature. Specifically, it is associated with a mutation of the HSAN3 gene (IKBKAP) located on chromosome 9, at location 9q31.

The IKBKAP gene is responsible for providing gaps in biochemical instructions for the production of a protein called the IKK-complex. Thus, in the case of Riley-Day syndrome, the absence or deficient production of it leads to the characteristic signs and symptoms of this pathology..


The diagnosis of this pathology, like other inherited neurological disorders, is made based on the clinical recognition of the cardinal signs and symptoms of the pathology that we have described above..

It is essential to carry out a differential diagnosis to rule out the presence of other types of diseases other than Riley Day syndrome and to specify the symptoms suffered by the affected person.

In addition, it is advisable to carry out a genetic study to confirm the presence of a genetic mutation compatible with this disease..


At present, it has not yet been possible to identify a curative treatment for this pathology of genetic origin. Some drugs such as diazepam, metoclipramide or chloral hydrate are usually used to relieve some of the symptoms.

In addition, the use of physical and occupational therapy is also recommended for the management of musculoskeletal complications..

On the other hand, compensatory feeding or breathing measures are essential to compensate for deficits and improve the quality of life of affected people..

Therefore, the treatment is fundamentally supportive palliative, oriented to the control of alacrimia, respiratory and gastrointestinal dysfunction, cardiac alterations or neurological complications..

In addition, in cases of dysmorphia and severe musculoskeletal alterations, surgical approaches can be used to correct some alterations, especially those that slow down normalized body development and the acquisition of motor skills and abilities..


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