Symptoma Symptom Checker Online

Abraham McLaughlin
Symptoma Symptom Checker Online

Symptoma is a completely free online tool that works as a symptom checker for a myriad of diseases. Its use is extremely simple and it only has a search bar in which to list the different symptoms that a person is feeling at a specific moment in their life.

Once we have entered the symptoms, it is only necessary to click on the magnifying glass and we will access a new page in which we will be shown different results with diseases that we could be suffering from, ordered in a list by probability.

In addition, the tool has a chatbot that, through a series of questions, can guide you on the symptoms in order to offer you a more accurate diagnosis. In the following example we can see how the chatbot asks us if, in addition to the symptoms that we have indicated, we also have a blood test from a laboratory:

If you answer yes, the chatbot will ask us questions aimed at obtaining information from these blood tests. As we can see in the following screenshot, the question will be aimed at detecting abnormalities in the hematogram:

Once we have provided the tool with all the information we have based on our initial symptoms along with the conversation with the chatbot, it will be time to click on "Find causes now" and it will offer us a list with the different diseases that we are more likely to to be suffering (always based on reported symptoms).

By clicking on any of these options we will access a very complete page with exhaustive information about that specific disease. Continuing with the example, if we click on "Common cold", a page on the cold will be displayed as a presentation with images related to the disease, its symptoms in the different parts of the body, its treatment, its prognosis and its etiology . In addition, this page has different languages How are Spanish, English, German, Italian and Romanian.

On this same page there is an option with a form to ask more specific questions that will be answered by a professional:

The tool is not limited to physical and biological diseases but also, depending on the symptoms offered, it can give us results related to mental and emotional alterations. In the following example we can see that if we introduce the symptom "sadness", we will obtain results related to depressive pathologies and also, the chatbot will ask us questions related to suicidal symptoms:

It is important to note that the objective of this tool is to function as a reminder for use by medical professionals and that it should not be used as a diagnostic decision-making system nor should it replace or nullify a diagnosis already made by a health professional.

There are data that study that more than 1.5 million lives could be saved each year if the diseases of these patients were diagnosed properly and earlier. In this sense, this tool works as one more aid for diagnoses..

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