Smoking an evil that still remains

Sherman Hoover

Smoking is a bad habit that afflicts countless people, turns out to be very addictive, chronic and recurrent, making it very difficult to stop.

It is the cause of many ailments that are detrimental to health, causing a negative increase that each day generates more damage until it can cause death.

For this reason, it is necessary that everyone who finds himself in this situation does everything possible to take out of your life this bad habit.

Smoking: enemy in disguise?

Smoking carries with it thousands of years of history, It is a habit that has been adopted by various civilizations which consumed tobacco in the form of a cigarette or pipe, being even consumed in snuff, chewed and ingested. His addictive effect It is such that it is consumed knowing that it causes damage to health, that is really the great problem that all substances that generate addiction bring with them.

It should be noted that despite the fact that it began to be consumed 2,000 years ago, it was only in the twentieth century when the alert about the harmful effects caused by tobacco, since at first it was believed that it had medicinal properties.

Unfortunately it was too late, because today smoking is considered a global epidemic. Spain is the country in Europe with the higher rate of smokers. According to studies, 34.40% of smokers are generally over 16 years of age and around the world between 80,000 and 100,000 young people become addicted daily.

The worst of all is that this habit was fostered by an industry that only sought its economic benefit without caring to put in I risk my life of millions of people around the world.

An ancient evil with many consequences

Although its short-term consumption does not generate major ills, in the long term it can cause death. Among the effects it generates, the following can be listed:

Organic effects:

  • Obviously, smoking increases the risk of suffering chronic lung diseases, also increasing the severity in asthmatic people.
  • The worst of all is that it even affects the people around it (pasive smokers) if they inhale the smoke that the active smoker emits.
  • Nicotine metabolism is different in men than in women, being the women those who are at the highest risk of heart attacks because the protective effect of estrogens decreases with age.
  • Cancer. In addition to lung cancer, it is also related to cancer of the uterus, bladder, larynx, esophagus and stomach.
  • Other diseases. Such as duodenal ulcer, periodontal diseases, impotence, premature ejaculation, cell degeneration, etc..
  • Difficulty conceiving. Getting pregnant It's difficult in the case of women who smoke, in addition to affecting the development and growth of the baby during pregnancy, it can even cause death.

Psychiatric effects. Nicotine does not cause psychiatric effects, such as schizophrenia and anxiety, but it is associated with a high consumption and addiction towards this substance in those who suffer from this type of condition.

Family and social effects. The passive exposure it also causes harm, especially in children.

Economic effects. In addition to the casualties generated by deaths Because of this disease, which oscillates around 166 people a day only in Spain, it is also estimated that a smoker has a average annual expense from 2,000 euros.

Smoking and adolescence

In recent years, tobacco use by adolescents has increased, even statistics indicate that more than half of them were under the age of 18 when they smoked their first cigarette. What generates them to be more likely to suffer from a disease associated with smoking at an early age.

Teens are a part sensitive society who are influenced by psychosocial pressures that make them become involved with this evil without measuring the consequences. Research even indicates that the reasons go much further, involving biological reasons that make them more vulnerable as they go through this period, making them more likely to develop tobacco addiction.

Other factors that could influence are:

  • Lack of support and supervision by his parents.
  • Ease of access to this type of products.
  • Short self-esteem.
  • Exposition excessive to this type of vice through video games, movies and television.

Because of this there are many organizations who are actively engaged in conducting research aimed at expanding their knowledge to determine why adolescents fall into this addiction, how to support them in getting out of it, and develop specific prevention strategies.

Tips for Teens Not to Start Smoking

In addition to taking into account the aforementioned factors, it is important that parents follow these tips to avoid for teens to use tobacco:

  • Must be educate by example, if either parent smokes, they should try to quit.
  • Is essential talk to teens about the long-term negative effects smoking can have on your health.
  • If the adolescent already smokes, they should not stop encourage him to quit that bad habit. You should always try to offer all the support you require.
  • Not recommended to exchange cigarettes by other means of substitution such as electronic cigarettes.
  • If you need help you should never hesitate consult with experts about the best way to approach the subject and the correct way to help the adolescent to give up this vice.

A helping hand to this problem

Fortunately, there are services that can offer help such as Rehably, which has a search system that allows filtering, among all the centers, clinics and psychologists specializing in addiction rehabilitation, as follows:

  • By province: only in Spain.
  • What are you looking for help with? Alcoholism, tobacco, drugs, games, sex, among others.
  • What kind of help you need? Residential, day center, outpatient, specialized.

It also offers help related to various specialists, a variety of therapies that also includes Support groups, information on various addictions, even a community and blog.

It is important to recognize that no matter the type of addiction, the first step is have conscience about the damage it generates in health and seek the help needed to overcome it.

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