Irrational fears that can spoil your vacation

Abraham McLaughlin
Irrational fears that can spoil your vacation

Summer vacations are a time especially longed for by most Spaniards. Whether you are studying, working or running a home, the truth is that these are usually days when you have more time to disconnect from the routine and perform different activities.

However, those with some kind of irrational fear can see these days sadly clouded. Many people remain unable to act on certain phobias that are common on holidays, and that are often related to the type of transport to be used to reach the chosen destination.

The truth is that today there is such a variety of options that it is easy to escape from them. For example, today there are companies to rent boats ; an option that once seemed reserved for people with high purchasing power and that in these times has been democratized thanks to these companies. In this way you can escape from other means of transport that can cause fear to those who are afraid of heights, for example.

These are the most common fears

Even so, it is indisputable that the most interesting thing is to be able to face these fears so that they do not cause any kind of problem when the holidays arrive, since luckily they can be solved. Next we are going to see what are the main fears that affect us in those days, and that luckily can be treated with psychological therapies.


We talk about the famous fear of heights, that carries significant psychological discomfort and can even be an impediment to day-to-day activities. The simple fact of leaning out of a high window is a big problem for the person who has acrophobia, producing an immediate sensation of vertigo..


One of the most frequent fears is aerophobia, which causes authentic terror at the idea of ​​getting on a plane. Sufferers are advised to avoid the windows and try to distract themselves by listening to some music.

It is also interesting to meditate before and during the flight, as this helps to relax and not think about this fear. It is essential to remove negative thoughts from your mind, remembering that the plane is one of the safest means of transport in the world.


Its about irrational fear of the sea and ocean, that can completely block the person before the immensity of these and not allow them to enjoy an environment as wonderful as the sea.

The creatures that hide in the depths of its waters also tend to cause great panic, giving rise to problems such as ichthyophobia, which is the fear of fish; or selacophobia, which is the fear of sharks and which is much more frequent.


Hydrophobia is another common fear that is also related to water. In this case, the fear is to be in contact with water, or to fall and sink into it. There are many people who cannot swim and who suffer from it when they are surrounded by water, even in swimming pools. It is a very delicate problem, since in extreme cases it can cause problems of personal hygiene and even hydration.

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