Couples therapy or individual therapy?

Jonah Lester
Couples therapy or individual therapy?

Therapy is an encounter with oneself where through a dialogue with a professional one will find well-being in relationships, balance in activities, security and improvement of self-esteem..


  • What is the goal of therapy?
  • Objective of couples therapy
    • When is it time to go to couples therapy?
    • Who is couples therapy for?
    • Reasons for attending couples therapy
  • Individual therapy
    • Reasons for attending individual therapy

What is the goal of therapy?

The goal of therapy is for the person to internalize a series of skills that allow them to improve their quality of life and deal with conflicts that may arise in the future..

Many times you go through personal crises in which you are not satisfied with some aspects of life; a very clear example: What happens when what does NOT make us happy is our relationship and we are the only part of the couple that recognizes that we have a problem?

It is important to be able to get involved with your life and take responsibility for changing those aspects that you don't like. Changes take time, they are not magic.

If an overwhelming and prolonged feeling of helplessness, sadness, apathy, lack of illusion or a feeling that life has no meaning has invaded for a long time. If the problems do not improve despite the efforts and help of family and friends. Even that constant feeling of nervousness or excessive worry can be natural; but it is among the possibilities to improve one's quality of life. Perhaps the time has come to recognize that it is only possible and necessary to ask for help and individual therapy may be the best alternative..

Objective of couples therapy

In the case of couples therapy, the main objective is for each of the members of the couple to learn new skills that allow them to improve their relationship and feel better about themselves. The relationship will improve when they learn to communicate correctly, to express their feelings (both positive and negative) and to discuss their problems in a positive and constructive way that helps them find solutions..

When is it time to go to couples therapy?

When a constant dissatisfaction is perceived in the sentimental life, either caused by the conflicts of the couple or by external situations that affect the relationship, it can be very helpful for a therapist to analyze the situation and present new resources to try to face the problems.

Who is couples therapy for?

Couples therapy is aimed at those people who want to improve their relationship, due to marital disagreements, dissatisfaction or communication difficulties, but also to those couples who have decided to separate or are processing their separation and want to do it in the least conflictive and painful way. possible or those people who want to form a couple and want to prevent possible problems in their relationship.

How to decide if it is right for you to consult a couples therapist or start individual therapy?

Reasons for attending couples therapy

  • When you lost trust in your partner
  • When they have communication problems
  • When sex deteriorates
  • When the other's family becomes a problem
  • When children are the only priority
  • When the partner disqualifies making you feel inferior
  • When jealousy does not allow you to believe in the other
  • When the age difference starts to be a problem
  • When the couple is perceived to alienate the family
  • When the partner is kind to everyone except each other
  • When the past of either of the two haunts them and haunts them
  • When for the first time they disrespected
  • When talking about sex is taboo
  • When the apparent solution is to give yourself time
  • When the boundaries of the relationship were broken

Individual therapy

Reasons for attending individual therapy

  • When the couple feels that more is given than is received
  • When one of the members of the couple starts to get away from everyone because the other takes a lot of time
  • When the body is not accepted as it is
  • When one of the members of the couple enters the email, social networks and cell phone accounts of the other or the children looking for answers
  • When it is scary to say the things that bother your partner, children or parents and you fear conflict
  • When parents were dominant or overprotective
  • When you feel like you can't be yourself without a partner, alcohol, or drugs
  • When you are abused or abused
  • When emotions are not controlled
  • When you can't communicate with the people you love
  • When sexual identity is in doubt
  • When infidelity is discovered
  • When things are said that they later regret
  • When the greatest fear is abandonment
  • When jealousy does not allow you to lead a quiet life
  • When a personal loss occurred
  • When you had an absent or authoritarian parent

Therapy is a concrete possibility of learning to transform difficulties into resources.

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