Neuroscientific therapies the therapies of the future

Egbert Haynes
Neuroscientific therapies the therapies of the future

With the new advances in the field of Neurosciences, we increasingly know more about how our brain works and the reason for many behaviors, problems or difficulties that happen to us in our day to day life. For example, we know what happens in a person's brain when they have a panic attack; the reason for the nightmares; or the difficulty of being able to forget our ex-partners.

All this scientific knowledge no longer stays in hospitals or research centers. It is now available to us through Neuroscientific Therapies. Psychology has advanced a lot and we no longer need to go through long processes of years and years. With these new therapies we combine the latest neuroscientific discoveries with the practices of psychotherapy. The result: a series of methodologies that help us to be able to free ourselves from our problems, traumas and disorders quickly and effectively..

The traumas of our memory

We would say that all the experiences we experience throughout our lives leave a mark on our memory. If they are painful experiences such as a traffic accident, dismissal or separation, we feel a whole set of emotions that, if we are not able to show or work, can become established in the form of traumas in our memory and in our body (psychosomatic pain), with all the repercussions that this implies in our present.

How EMDR works

One of the best known therapies is EMDR ("Desensitization and reprocessing through Eye Movements"). This therapy is one of the first to appear in the field of Neuroscientific Therapies. It is based on the scientific discovery that each night when we sleep, we go through different phases of sleep and in the REM phase, we move our eyes rapidly in a natural and automatic way. This mechanism allows the amygdala, the region of the brain responsible for managing emotions, to reduce their degree of activation. EMDR then works by replicating the same work mechanism that our brain does unconsciously, but with the patient opening his eyes and being awake..

The psychologist asks his patient to think of some painful event from the present or the past and then moves his fingers horizontally, from left to right, causing the person to follow them with his eyes. Finally, after a series of batches, the person can feel how those emotions and those bodily sensations have diminished, and have even been able to disappear.

With Neuroscientific Therapies we can apply techniques and exercises that were not known a few years ago, since neuroscientific advances have been very recent.

These therapies are teaching us the healing power that our own brain and our own body have.

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