Usher test Procedure and interpretation

Sherman Hoover
Usher test Procedure and interpretation

The Usher test also known as Usher method is a technique used to calculate the gestational age of a newborn baby. This test is widely disseminated throughout the world and that is why today we want to tell you what the Usher Test is, what is its history, application, interpretation and other of its characteristics.

Everything you need to know about the Usher Test

Usher test, Usher Test, Usher Method ... it doesn't matter what you call it, because each of the terms refers to what we will tell you below..

History of the Usher Test

The Usher Test gets its name from its creator's last name, Dr. Robert Usher who in 1966, with his team of collaborators, was encouraged to present a simple method of estimating gestational age, because until that moment there were no methods for this type of estimation, then they were based only on the weight of the child at birth.

The method was received with great enthusiasm by the scientific community and in 1971, Gustin and Col were encouraged to apply the study on Maternity in Lima, where the test was performed on 454 newborns that weighed up to 2500 grams.

Difference between the Usher Test, Ballard Test and Capurro Test

As he Usher test, As the Ballard test and the Capurro test, are methods of estimating the gestational age in newborns. The difference lies in the modes of application and in the aspects studied.

The Usher Test assigns a value to six distinctly physical criteria, while the Ballard Test, in addition to physical criteria, adds a series of neurological criteria.

The Capurro Test for its part is much more specialized than the Usher test. In this, the physiological parameters are taken into account, and combinations of scores are added, which help to find the estimated age..

What is Usher's test used for?

This technique is used as a indirect calculation method of the gestational age of newborns through the analysis of the score given to six physiological criteria.

Knowing the gestational age of a neonate is important, since this allows determining the degree of development of a baby and monitoring its evolution according to its particular characteristics.

This test can also be combined with other tests, to have a more effective degree of precision. This is based on the fact that gestational age can usually be estimated by means of the date of last menstruation or through sonographic studies.

However, this type of information cannot always be accessed, and that is why the gestational estimation test can be of great help in cases where the mother does not know the date or does not have the financial resources to perform the test..


As we mentioned earlier, the Usher Test analyzes six somatic criteria to which it assigns a score which is then added to obtain the result.

The criteria are:


If the hair is fine, clumpy, difficult to separate, the neonate is considered to be 36 weeks or less gestational age.

If the hair is fine, sparse, clumpy and difficult to separate, the neonate is considered to be between 37 and 38 weeks old.

If the hair is abundant, thick and individualizable, the newborn is considered to be over 38 weeks.


If the pinna has little cartilage and does not return to its position after folding, the neonate is considered to be 36 weeks or less gestational age.

If the pinna is less deformable, slow to return to its position, and has regular cartilage, the newborn is considered to be between 37 and 38 weeks old..

If the pinna is not very deformable, quickly returns to its original position and has rigid cartilage, the newborn is considered to be over 38 weeks.


If the nipple is less than 0.5 cm or absent, it is less than 36 weeks.

If the nipple is 0-5 to 1 centimeter in diameter, the newborn is 37 to 38 weeks old.

If the nipple is 1 to 4 centimeters in diameter, the newborn is older than 38 weeks.

Male genitalia

For less than 36 weeks there are no definable characteristics.

If the neonate has a smooth scrotum, undescended testes, and a minipene, they are 37 to 38 weeks gestation.

If the scrotum already has folds, and the testicles have lowered, it is more than 38 weeks.

Female genitals

For less than 36 weeks no definable characteristics.

If the labia minora protrude relative to the older ones, the baby is considered to be between 37 and 38 weeks.

If the labia majora are able to cover the minors, it is considered to be over 38 weeks.

Plantar folds

If it is 1 or more in ⅓ anterior to the foot, the newborn is considered to be less than 36 weeks or less.

If there are anterior folds of the foot, the newborn is considered to be between 37 and 38 weeks.

If folds are observed on the entire sole of the foot, the newborn is considered to be over 38 weeks.

Interpretation of the Usher Test

After taking into account the above factors, it can be determined that the usher test can only classify neonates into three ranges, namely: First Rank (Less than 36 weeks), Second Rank (From 37 to 38 weeks), Third range (More than 38 weeks).

As you can see, the Usher test it is a simple tool to use. If you want to know a little more about the tests used in medicine, psychology and other branches of knowledge, explore our blog and learn a little more about this wonderful world.

In addition, this information can be of great help if you are interested in learning about child development..

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