Recreational texts Characteristics, types and examples

Sherman Hoover
Recreational texts Characteristics, types and examples

There are many types of texts, including recreational texts that are some of the ones we like the most, although we do not know in advance that it is a text of this nature.

I am sure that many times you have had a recreational text in your hands, and that is why today I want to tell you everything I know about recreational texts.

What are recreational texts?

Recreational texts are known as all those texts that appeal to the playful function of language, that is, to entertain the reader. This category includes literary texts of narrative, poetry and short stories, sayings, popular sayings and even comics and comics..

Recreational texts stand out for having a particular use of language that seeks to generate various emotions in readers.

Types of recreational texts

There are different types of recreational texts, but in general we can categorize them into two main types: Literary texts and popular texts, each of these have some subtypes and certain characteristics depending on their nature.

Next we are going to delve into each of the main types of texts and the subgenres that they cover.

Literary texts

They are called literary texts, all those texts in which the poetic function of language predominates. This means that within literary texts there is the use of creative tools to raise arguments.

It is called the poetic function of language, because it seeks to embellish the word so that its semantic universe is broader and to be able to generate various effects on readers.

Within the literary texts we find:

Poetic texts

Poetic texts are those that privilege the aesthetic use of language, where they mainly use rhetorical figures. Formerly poetry was part of a community ritual, however, with the passage of time, this art went from orality to writing.

The poems can be of different nature and usually respect the usus scribendi from the author.

Narrative texts

Narrative texts are called those texts that are based on a story that preserves a conventional structure of beginning, middle and end. Narrative texts are fictional or symbolic in nature, even if they are based on real events.

There are multiple categories of narrative texts, however, the most important is the novel. Below we will briefly describe each of the texts that we classify as narrative text.

Novel: The novel stands out for being a prose text with a wide extension (although there are short novels) with a high development of the plot and the characters.

Story: The story, like the novel, is written in prose, its length is shorter and may or may not handle plot depth and character development..

Fable: The fable is a narrative written in prose, with characteristics similar to that of the story. It differs from him, in that it has a moralizing or direct teaching function, and that in most cases its characters are animals or fantastic beings.

Epic text: Epic texts are those in which the cosmogony of various peoples and the deeds of the gods of different traditions are told. We also find those songs in which the presence of a hero is necessary.

Broadly speaking, these are the main narrative texts, within them we could also locate the elegy, the autobiography, the autofiction, the epistles and the epigrams, among others..

Popular texts

Popular texts are considered discursive manifestations of a culture because they are generally part of and are born from orality. With the passage of time these are passed to the written format, but their magic lies in that they are used within certain conversational contexts and like all recreational texts, they have the function of entertaining or teaching.

There are various types of popular texts and most of them stand out for being short. Next we will tell you which are the most important popular recreational texts:

Riddles: Riddles are riddles that are posed and that the interlocutor must guess to answer. Many of these have linguistic traps or shells in which the answer is implicitly found..

Song: Within the popular texts we find the song whose peculiarity is the accompaniment of the music. It is located within popular texts because music has a more universal gift.

Sayings: It is a phrase transmitted from generation to generation, exactly, that has a moral or reflective content.

Joke: The joke is also a discursive text that aims to make fun of something or amuse the interlocutor. Within the jokes, not only mockery is handled, situations are also exposed with a surprising ending for those who hear the joke..

Sayings: Popular sayings are words or phraseological units that are used to use everyday events through symbolic expressions.

Broadly speaking, these are the most widely used types of popular texts. Below we will give you some examples of all the recreational texts that we mentioned so that you can understand in greater depth.

Did you think we were going to say goodbye without giving you some examples of recreational texts? Well no, here we share some so you can delight yourself with the wonders of language.

Examples of recreational literary texts


Defense of the metaphor (Luis Rogelio Nogueras)

The reverse of death (not life) / the one who cries out for water (not the thirsty) / vital sustenance (not food) / the imprint of the dagger (never the wound) / Nude girl (not dressed) / the portico of the kiss (not the breath) / the one that comes later (never the slow one) / the return of the goodbye (not the departure) / The absence of memory (not the oblivion) ​​/ what can happen (never luck) / the shadow of silence (never noise) / Where the weakest ends (not the strongest) / the one who dreams that dreams (not the one asleep) / the reverse of life (not death).


Fragment of: The Unbearable Lightness of Being (Milan Kundera)

"He felt the soft smell of fever in his mouth and he inhaled it as if he wanted to fill himself with the intimacies of his body. And at that moment he imagined that he had already been at home for many years and that he was dying. feeling that he could not survive her death. He would lie beside her and want to die with her. Moved by that image, he buried his face in the pillow next to her head and remained like that for a long time ... It was sad that in a situation like that, in which a real man would be able to make an immediate decision, he would hesitate, thus depriving the most beautiful moment he had ever lived of its meaning (he was kneeling by his bed and thinking that could not survive his death.) He was angry with himself, but then it occurred to him that it was actually quite natural that he did not know what he wanted: Man can never know what he must want, because he lives only one life and has no way of comparing it with their vi preceding days or amending it in their later lives. There is no possibility of verifying which of the decisions is the best, because there is no comparison. The man lives it all the first time and without preparation. As if an actor performed his work without any kind of rehearsal. But what value can life have if the first trial to live is already life itself? That is why life seems like a sketch. But not even a sketch is the precise word, because a sketch is always a draft of something, the preparation for a painting, while the sketch that is our life is a sketch for nothing, a draft without a painting.
(…) "


True History (Julio Cortázar)

To a men his glasses fall to the ground, They make a terrible noise when they hit the tiles. The man crouches down in distress because glasses are very expensive, but he discovers with amazement that by a miracle they have not been broken..

Now this gentleman is deeply grateful, and he understands that what happened is worth a friendly warning, so he goes to an optician's house and immediately acquires a double protection padded leather case, in order to recover in health. An hour later he drops the case, and when he bends down without much concern he discovers that his glasses have been smashed. It takes this man a while to understand that the designs of Providence are inscrutable, and that in reality the miracle has happened now.


The Wolf and the Lamb (Aesop's Fable)

“Once upon a time there was a wolf who saw a lamb on the bank of a river and wanted to eat it, offering a simple but credible pretext. Despite being upriver, he accused him of not letting him drink by stirring the water. The lamb replied that since the wolf was upstream and downstream, it was not possible for this to be.

Seeing the failure, the wolf accused the lamb of having insulted his parents the previous year, to which the lamb replied that a year ago he had not yet been born. The wolf then said that although the lamb justified himself very well, he would not let him go and he would not stop eating him ".

Epic text

Fragment of The odyssey

Meanwhile the solid ship on its light course

faced the Sirens: a happy breath impelled her

but suddenly that breeze ceased, a deep calm

felt around: some god smoothed the waves.

Then my men arose, they folded the sail,

they dropped it to the bottom of the boat and, sitting down,

they whitened the sea with foams with polished blades.

I meanwhile took the sharp bronze, cut a wax loaf

and, breaking it into small pieces, I was pinching them

with my sturdy hand: they soon softened, they were

powerful my fingers and the fire of the sun from above.

Examples of popular recreational texts


What is it that the more you take away the bigger it is? Answer: A hole.


Fragment of "Las Mañanitas"

These are the mornings
Whats did sing the King David
Today to be your saint's day
We sing them here

Wake up, my good, wake up
Look already dawned
The birds sing
The moon is already set

How beautiful is the morning
In which I come to greet you
We all come with pleasure
And pleasure to congratulate you

The day you were born
All the flowers were born
At the baptism font
The nightingales sang.


Out of sight, out of mind.


What is the most dangerous coffee in the world?

The express


Give up .

Not to give foot with ball.

Do not give the arm to twist.

How do you see the recreational texts invade the world, our experience with language on a daily basis is full of these manifestations, it does not matter if it is in the phrases or thoughts that we see on Social Networks, taken from literary texts, or in the speech acts in which we constantly use sayings, sayings and jokes… now I would like to know what is your favorite type of recreational text?

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