We could define change as action of modifying or transforming something. This change can take place in different aspects of our life (personal, professional, economic, cultural, ...)
Life is a constant coming and going of changes: crises, transformations, revolutions ... Each one of us naturally accepts small changes, but What happens when these changes are big?
Anything that involves big changes stirs up resistance in some people. It is a natural resistance, because any change implies a loss of control, a break with our expectations for the future.
This resistance can be manifested in the form of complaints, opposition, fears ... or covertly, with silence.
What happens is that these changes imply get out of our safety and comfort zone. That is to say, of the comfort in which we have established ourselves where our life is guided by the same environments, habits and routines. We feel insecure, unable to face the new situation with the resources we have, and we prefer to stay in our comfort zone.
Avoiding changes and staying in our daily routine simply reinforces the same neural connection over and over again. The changes give rise to new neural connections, generating new learning. If we don't change, we don't evolve.
This situation of avoidance and resistance to change can generate suffering. However, we must be clear that it is not change that generates suffering, but rather it is the resistance to it that does it.
There can be many causes of this resistance, including fear, bad experiences, external stimuli, insecurities, ignorance, lack of confidence, low self-esteem ...
Specifically, it speaks of three key factors in resistance to change:
Change is part of life, and we must accept it. However, it is important to be clear that any change requires a process, which is not done in the blink of an eye. Being aware of our reality allows us to know what happens to us, otherwise we would not know what we should change.
First of all you must ask yourself if you really want to change. To do this, you can ask a simple question: If you knew that everything was going to be okay, would you? If the answer is yes, go ahead!
Once you have decided that there is something you want to change and you have made the decision to do it, I can propose you four keys to do it.
Establishes priorities regarding what do you want to change, depending on what would bring you the most benefit. Also, try to set small, short-term goals so that you can later achieve longer-term goals..
Accept a certain level of risk in the decisions you make, all of them will have advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes choosing some options means abandoning others.
Ask yourself: what can happen if I do? Once you answer, are the negative consequences that bad? How good are the advantages?
Once you have decided what you want to change, think about what concrete actions you can carry out to put the plan in motion and establish as you do. If you write down all these tasks on a paper in order of priority you will see it more clearly.
A good motivational advice would be to imagine ourselves doing what we have proposed and obtaining positive results. Apply a strong positive emotional component to it.
Go analyzing, as you go, how the plan you have marked is going and if the results are being as expected. Remember that difficulties are normal.
Once the plan is finalized, see if what you have achieved is what you expected and if you have reached all the goals raised at the beginning. If not, try to redefine them in order to include them in future action plans.
Always trust yourself, it is essential. Try to do it even when you are not always right, you learn from mistakes.
Try to live the process of change as something positive: for our brain to accept change, it must link it to pleasure and well-being.
And most importantly, try to be proactive.
Keep in mind that the first step is the most difficult, the others will come later. Make up your mind and go ahead!
And you, what have you decided to do to change?
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