Types of feminism

Jonah Lester
Types of feminism

Feminism is a political and social movement that seeks equal rights between genders, understanding that the female gender is at a disadvantage compared to the male. In this sense, there are several types of feminism that derive from intellectual and cultural differences that persist within the movement..

On the other hand, each of the types of feminism tends to have other subtypes or currents within itself, hence it is difficult to quantify the exact number of aspects that this movement has..

However, it is possible to mention the most important types of feminism.

Radical feminism

It is a type of feminism that emerged in the sixties and that is based on the idea of ​​making a review of political, social and economic structures, since it is there where the entire system that oppresses women originates.

It is in radical feminism where the term patriarchy is coined to refer to a prevailing social order, created and led by the male gender and in which women are subordinated in multiple areas.

Equality feminism

As its name indicates, equality feminism advocates the existence of equal rights between men and women, based on a fundamental idea: the roles assigned to each gender are cultural constructs..

If gender roles are the consequence of social conditioning, then it is possible to re-create a new structure in which men and women are considered equal..

See also Difference between equality and equity.

Dissident feminism

This type of feminism seeks, essentially, to promote the equal rights of women with respect to men, but marking a distance from the ideas put forward by other feminist movements..

In this sense, there is no single aspect of dissident feminism, since there are multiple currents of dissent, either against radical feminism, ecofeminism, Marxist feminism, etc..


Ecofeminism states that both the feminist movement and the environmental movement share a common struggle, so they can merge into a single current.

This idea starts from two fundamental premises:

  • The woman is the one who promotes the care of nature.
  • Patriarchy oppresses both women and nature through capitalist practices.

Ecofeminism is closely related to Marxist feminism, since they share ideas about the relationship between capitalism, patriarchy and the situation of inequality of women.

See also Difference between sustainable development and sustainable development.

Black feminism

This type of feminism promotes equal rights for black women. Part of the idea that this group not only lives the oppression of patriarchy, but also suffers the inequalities generated by racism and sexism.

Black feminism arose as a result of the struggle for the civil rights of the Afro-American population in the sixties, since it did not take into account the women of that movement to assume positions of political leadership.

From black feminism arises the concept of intersectionality, which is based on the idea that both sexism, classism and racism are closely linked. Therefore, by fighting for the rights of black women, you are actually fighting for all the people who are oppressed by these forms of discrimination..

See also:

  • Difference between prejudice, racism and discrimination.
  • Difference between racism and xenophobia.

Lesbian feminism

In lesbian feminism, heteronormativity is assumed as the origin of gender roles. In this sense, for this current, women will only be able to free themselves from oppression through a structure sustained by the ties between women..

Marxist feminism

Marxist feminism suggests that oppression of women comes from the capitalist system, driven in turn by patriarchy. Both factors generate social and economic consequences that discriminate against women and prevent their access to the same rights as men.

Liberal feminism

This type of feminism differs from the Marxist current, by suggesting that it is thanks to the capitalist economic system and economic liberalism that women can become independent and free themselves from the oppression of patriarchy.

Difference feminism

This current of feminism is based on the idea that the differences between genders are precisely a liberating element for women.

Difference feminism does not aspire to equate itself with male power, but rather to use the unique characteristics of the female gender to create a new social structure..

Pro-life feminism

This type of feminism supports the fundamental ideas of the movement, but disagrees with the idea of ​​supporting abortion, hence its name. For pro-life feminism, when it comes to equality, it must also include the unborn and therefore, it would be a contradiction to combat oppression by denying the rights of the most vulnerable..

According to this feminist current, the elimination of economic inequalities would be a decisive factor that would prevent women from resorting to abortion. However, dissenters from pro-life feminism argue that poverty is not the only factor by which women terminate their pregnancy..


Part of the principle that gender is a social construction created to oppress people based on the roles and codes that maintain the social order.

Transfeminism not only seeks the liberation of heterosexual women, but equality and equity for all subjects regardless of their gender.


It is a current of feminism that is based on the idea that women have been the fundamental pillar for technological development. Cyberfeminism is dedicated to promoting spaces for female inclusion through technological education, industrial design and cyberspace, three areas in which women have traditionally been excluded or made invisible..

Male feminism

This feminist current is made up of men who support the fight for gender equality and question the effects of patriarchy on the male collective by assigning them roles, behaviors and social expectations that restrict the expression of their individualities..

See also:

  • Difference between feminism and machismo.
  • Difference between men and women.

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