Transporting meaning, synonyms, antonyms, examples

Anthony Golden

Transport It is the action of carrying or transferring a person, animal or object from one place to another. In other words, the term refers to moving a thing from its original site to a new one..

In general, the fact of transporting someone or something from one space to another has a fixed cost or value. On the other hand, the verb to transport is also used in the area of ​​music, in this case to refer to the movement of a composition from one key to another..

The plane carries passengers. Source:

The above mentioned means that the pitch of the melody or musical composition can be lower or higher within the scale..

Article index

  • 1 Meaning and origin
    • 1.1 Etymology
  • 2 Synonyms
  • 3 Antonyms
  • 4 Conjugation of transport
    • 4.1 Past
    • 4.2 Present
    • 4.3 Future
  • 5 Examples of uses
  • 6 References

Meaning and origin

Transporting itself is the act of mobilizing an object to move it around for a specific purpose.


Now, the etymological origin of the word transport comes from the Latin word I will transport, which in turn is composed of trans, which means "through" or also "to the other side", and I will carry which translates as "carry" or "load". Hence, transporting means carrying any item from one side to the other..


Some of the most common synonyms for this word are:

- Carry.

- Wear.

- Load.

- Send.

- To bring.

- Move.

- Move.

- Transfer.

- Carrear.

- Alienate.

- Be ecstatic.

- Happen.

- Be enraptured.

- Cheat.

- Bustling.

- Lead.


The opposite or opposite of transporting is allowing a body to remain in the same place or place. Some of the most common antonyms for this word are;

- To hold back.

- Stop.

- Stop.

- Keep.

- Confiscate.

- Center.

- Put up with.

- Reconcentrate.

- Immobilize.

- Confiscate.

- To block.

Conjugation of transport

The following is the verb conjugation of transport in the past, present and future tenses:


- I transported.

Example: I transported the notebooks to school.

- You transported.

Example: did you transport the wood to the carpentry?

- He / she transported.

Example: Maria (she) carried the Christmas tree to Grandma's house.

- We, we transport.

Example: José and I (we) transport the vegetables.

- You, you transported.

Example: you transported all the electrical devices yesterday.

- You transported.

Example: finally, did you transport all the passengers?

- They / they transported.

Example: David and Manuel (they) transported the desks to the classroom on Thursday.


- I transport.

Example: I transport passengers every day.

- You transport.

Example: Juan, you transport the children and I take the bikes.

- He / she carries.

Example: she transports the flowers from the field to the store every week.

- We, we transport.

Example: we transport the books to the library for ten thousand pesos.

- You, you transport.

Example: do you transport all the damaged chairs?

- You transport.

Example: you transport the move today.

- They / they transport.

Example: they transport the cement at four in the afternoon.


- I will transport.

Example: I will transport the fruits next week.

- You will transport.

Example: you will transport the medical equipment to the clinic on Monday.

- He, she will carry.

Example: he will transport tourists to the island next Sunday.

- We, we will transport.

Example: Francisco and I will transport the machinery next Saturday.

- You, you will transport.

Example: you will transport the seeds tomorrow.

- You will transport.

Example: you will transport the water.

- They will transport.

Example: they will transport all the dresses tomorrow.

Examples of uses

- The train that connects the two northern cities had to transport five hundred tons of fruit.

- The monarchs of the old kingdom of Scotland had prohibited transporting silver to other countries.

- The aluminum recycler only loaded 350 tons of cans when it had to transport 600 tons.

- The ship stopped carrying cars when the tax rate increased 60 percent.

- Mr. Joaquín stopped transporting meat after his car accident.

- The State security forces took the patrols to transport their relatives.

- The travel agency charged a hundred dollars to transport the passengers to Colombia.

- A plane of the Armed Forces of Mexico was used to transport drugs.


  1. To transport. (2019). (N / a): Define. Recovered from:
  2. To transport. (2019). Spain: Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy. Recovered from:
  3. To transport. (2019). (N / a): The Free Dictionary. Recovered from:
  4. Radiation of the word transporter. (2019). Chile: From Chile. Recovered from:
  5. To transport. (2019). (N / a): Word Reference. Recovered from:

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