Reactive Attachment Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Sherman Hoover
Reactive Attachment Disorder Symptoms and Treatment

Affection is a feeling that comes from Humans, we give or have received at some point in our lives. What if one of us had never experienced a show of affection or love?

The displays of affection, a hug, an encouraging word, a kiss, at present seem to play down, since there is a certain distortion of affective feelings and love.

This first contact that the infant has with the signs of affection comes from the parents or main caregivers. However, if any of them do not have this demonstrative quality, which may seem simple, but is rigorously important for the child's development, there is a chance that the child suffers Reactive Attachment Disorder.

What is Reactive Attachment Disorder?

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) occurs in early childhood from 1 year to 6 years of age.

This disorder is mainly linked to the child's deployment in terms of interaction with adults and other children their age. The parenting mode is linked to a pathological education, where the child has not obtained affection, support, security, which affects his way of perceiving himself in the family context And social.

  • You may be interested: John Bowlby's attachment theory

This emotional deformation prevents him from having a growth normal. By not perceiving acceptance and affection within his environment, he confuses him in a way avoiding contact, so he cannot create any link or trusting relationship with other children or adults.

This process of primary interaction is of utmost importance to the boy since in the long run it can generate a series of psychopathologies as an adult, which could degenerate into depression, anxiety, social phobia, disorder by posttraumatic stress among other.

Types of Reactive Attachment

Affective attachment disorder restricts the minor depending on the relations with their socio-affective environment. We can find a double classification: inhibited and uninhibited reactive attachment disorder

Inhibited Reactive Attachment Disorder

The infant does not try to seek contact with others, it runs away from the affective responses of others, so these situations instill fear, or uneasiness.

This lack of own estimate It does not help to bond with other people, so the inhibition begins directly with the parents and then the disorder moves to the classroom.

It is there where the obstacles begin to appear with more intensity (sadness, uncertainty, fear of the caregivers) so that they become a self-defense mechanism in the null expression of the emotions assertive.

Disinhibited Reactive Attachment Disorder

In the case of uninhibited affective attachment, the minor will have social relationship excessive, no matter with whom, even if it is a stranger, since it seeks approval and affection that was not granted in the first years of age.

The child, by being overconfident with other people, may not have caution about the dangers you face in the same environment.

Causes of Reactive Attachment Disorder

Among the apparent causes are:

  • Caregivers or parents neglect both physical and emotional needs.
  • Physical or psychological violence
  • Variation of caregivers, if it is a foster home.
  • Lack of affection and expression of feelings of the caregivers themselves.
  • Lack of communication to the external affection or esteem
  • Irresponsible parents or caregivers.
  • Abuse and neglect of adopted or orphaned children.
  • Abrupt separation of caregivers between the first three years of age.

Symptoms of this disorder

Symptoms can vary depending on whether it is inhibited or uninhibited, but there are undoubtedly more significant factors in the former that must be taken into consideration:

  • Distrustful attitude
  • Alert behavior
  • Monitors his environment assiduously as much as people.
  • Does not accept rewards or amenities.
  • Does not show affection or emotions.
  • In extreme cases there is self-harm or injury to others.
  • Excessive irritability.
  • Frequent crying.


The treatment for reactive attachment disorder It must be given within the first years of age so that the infant can reintegrate into the social sphere.

In turn, the psychotherapeutic interventions of the child psychologist They can improve the child's openness to express emotions that even because of his young age he cannot identify.

It is recommended that there is only one caregiver who helps him to manage these emotions and to be able to bring them a familiar speech for the child, which in the same way will be able to build by himself a bond of confidence that I did not have before.

The best treatment as always is the prevention, both in educational institutions and with parents or caregivers, emphasizing an awareness in the expression of emotions, helps the child to maintain good self-esteem, to perceive himself as a being based on his environment psychosocial, where you can optimally develop both your identity and personality.

The stay of the minor in an institution is not recommended for any reason, this could intensify the symptoms instead of psychically benefit him. It is also advisable to pay attention to the previous diagnosis generated in a school institution for the prompt channeling of this disorder.

Beyond the treatments, the family support it is important if there is a family in relation to the little one. Regarding psychological institutions, there is no openness or psychological logistics that guide the fraternal encounter of these minors with people who can provide them with human warmth, whether they are parents or caregivers..

At present we cannot carry a label only because of biological assignment, or because of contrary wishes in the genetics human.

Love and affection should not be a bargaining chip today, we are suitable to feel so many emotions since our arrival in the world. We have the opportunity to issue with value, ethics and pride, the best tokens of affection to those who see the light for the first time in this revealing world.

A complicated badge to wear, but not impossible, is selfless love. A smile can go around the world, it can identify us, it can unite a small heart even without words.

We have the knowledge, the experience, Why repeat so many indolences? If sadness, loneliness and crying can be healed through a hug.

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