Sodium tripolyphosphate (Na5P3O10) structure, properties, uses, impact

Basil Manning

The sodium tripolyphosphate is an inorganic compound formed by five sodium Na ions+ and a tripolyphosphate ion P3OR105-. Its chemical formula is Na5P3OR10. The tripolyphosphate ion contains three phosphate units bound together and is what is called a condensed phosphate.

The tripolyphosphate anion P3OR105- has the ability to trap ions such as calcium Catwo+ and magnesium Mgtwo+, Therefore, sodium tripolyphosphate is used as an aid in detergents so that they work better in certain types of water..

Na sodium tripolyphosphate5P3OR10. Benrr101 [Public domain]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Sodium tripolyphosphate is also used as a source of phosphorus in the diet of grazing animals and in the treatment of some ailments of other types of animals. It is also used to thicken and give texture to some processed foods such as creams, puddings and cheeses..

In the agricultural industry it is used in granular fertilizers to prevent them from sticking together and remaining loose..

Although there have been discussions about the environmental impact of sodium tripolyphosphate added to detergents, it is currently estimated that it does not contribute appreciably to damage the environment, at least through detergents..

Article index

  • 1 Chemical structure
  • 2 Nomenclature
  • 3 Properties
    • 3.1 Physical state
    • 3.2 Molecular weight
    • 3.3 Melting point
    • 3.4 Density
    • 3.5 Solubility
    • 3.6 pH
    • 3.7 Chemical properties
    • 3.8 Other properties
  • 4 Obtaining
  • 5 Uses
    • 5.1 In detergents
    • 5.2 For veterinary use
    • 5.3 In medicine
    • 5.4 In the food industry
    • 5.5 Other uses
  • 6 Environmental impact
  • 7 Risks
  • 8 References

Chemical structure

Sodium tripolyphosphate is one of the so-called condensed phosphates because it consists of several phosphate units linked together. In this case, the tripolyphosphate ion is a linear condensed phosphate as it has a linear chain-like structure, with phosphorus-oxygen-phosphorus bonds (P-O-P).

Chemical structure of sodium tripolyphosphate. Roland.chem [GFDL (]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.


- Sodium tripolyphosphate

- Sodium triphosphate

- Pentasodium triphosphate

- STPP (acronym of the English Sodium TriPolyPhosphate)


Physical state

Colorless to white crystalline solid.

Molecular weight

367.86 g / mol.

Melting point

622 ° C.


2.52 g / cm3


Soluble in water: 20 g / 100 mL at 25 ° C and 86.5 g / 100 mL at 100 ° C.


A 1% solution of sodium tripolyphosphate has a pH of 9.7-9.8.

Chemical properties

It is an ion sequestering agent, that is, it can trap ions and stay attached to them. Forms complexes with many metals.

If a solution of sodium tripolyphosphate is heated for a long time it tends to convert to sodium Na orthophosphate.3PO4.

Other properties

It is slightly hygroscopic. It forms stable hydrates, that is, compounds that have water molecules attached (without having reacted with it) of the formula Na5P3OR10.nHtwoOr where n can be between 1 and 6.

According to some sources, an amount of 20 mg of sodium tripolyphosphate in one liter of water does not affect the odor, taste or pH of said water..


Sodium tripolyphosphate is prepared by dehydrating orthophosphates (such as monosodium phosphate NaHtwoPO4 and disodium phosphate NatwoHPO4) at very high temperatures (300-1200 ° C):

NaHtwoPO4 + 2 NatwoHPO4 → Na5P3OR10 + 2 htwoOR

It can also be obtained by controlled calcination (means heating at a very high temperature) of sodium Na orthophosphate.3PO4 with sodium carbonate NatwoCO3 and phosphoric acid H3PO4.


In detergents

Sodium tripolyphosphate has the property of forming compounds with certain ions, retaining them. It also has dispersant properties for dirt particles and keeps them in suspension..

For this reason, it is widely used in detergent formulations to trap and immobilize calcium Ca ions.two+ and magnesium Mgtwo+ water (so-called hard water) and to keep the dirt suspended in the water.

The mentioned ions interfere with the cleaning action. By trapping them, the tripolyphosphate prevents these ions from precipitating together with the cleaning agent or sticking the dirt on the fabric, preventing the stain from detaching from it..

Sodium tripolyphosphate is said in this case to "soften" the water. Because of this, it is used in laundry detergents and automatic dishwasher detergents..

Since it forms stable hydrates, the detergents that have it in their formulation can be dried instantly by spraying (very fine spray) forming dry powders..

Detergent powder that may contain sodium tripolyphosphate. Author: Frank Habel. Source: Pixabay.

For veterinary use

Sodium tripolyphosphate is used as a supplement in liquid solutions as a source of phosphorus for livestock.

Cattle feed can be supplemented with sodium tripolyphosphate as a source of phosphorus. Author: Herney Gómez. Source: Pixabay.

It is also used to prevent kidney stones in cats, for which it is given orally to these animals. However, attention should be paid to the dosage as it can cause diarrhea..

Sodium tripolyphosphate in very low doses can prevent kidney stones in cats. Author: Scott Payne. Source: Pixabay.

In medicine

Sodium tripolyphosphate has been used in the preparation of nanoparticles for the proper transport and delivery of cancer chemotherapy drugs. It has also been used in nanoparticles to treat fungal infections in the lungs..

Tripolyphosphate is being tested in the preparation of nanopharmaceuticals to cure fungal infections in the lungs. Author: OpenClipart-Vectors. Source: Pixabay.

In the food industry

Used in dairy products such as puddings, whipped cream, sour cream, and cheese.

Sour cream may contain sodium tripolyphosphate to improve its texture. Author: Welikodub. Source: Pixabay.

In other foods it is used as an ion sequestrant, to give texture, as a thickener and as a preservative.

Other uses

- As a peroxide stabilizer

- In oil well drilling fluids it works as an emulsifier and dispersant to control mud viscosity.

- In agriculture it is used as an anti-caking agent for certain fertilizers or agricultural products, this means that it prevents them from sticking together and the fertilizer can be easily distributed. It is also used in pesticide formulas applied to growing crops.

Fertilizer factory. Sometimes sodium tripolyphosphate is added to these to prevent the granules from sticking together. Van Twin [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Environmental impact

The use of phosphate products has been identified as one of the contributors to the eutrophication of water on the planet.

Eutrophication is the exaggerated and accelerated growth of algae and aquatic plant species that lead to a sharp decrease in available oxygen in the water, leading to the destruction of the affected ecosystem (death of most animal species in it).

Eutrophication is the overgrowth of algae in a lake, river, or sea. F. lamiot (own work) [CC BY-SA 2.5 (]. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Controversy arose in the 1980s that the use of sodium tripolyphosphate in detergents was contributing to eutrophication.

Today it is known that limiting the use of detergents with sodium tripolyphosphate would contribute very little to eliminating eutrophication, since phosphates come in greater amounts from other agricultural and industrial sources.

In fact, there are countries that consider sodium tripolyphosphate as an environmentally friendly component of detergents and promote its use.


Sodium Tripolyphosphate is a skin and eye irritant. Contact with the eyes can cause damage to the eyes. Prolonged contact with the skin can cause dermatitis.

If ingested in large quantities, it can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, also generating a serious reduction in the calcium ion in the blood. In animals it has caused a decrease in calcium in the bones.

It is considered a safe compound as long as the manufacturing standards of the product in which it is used are followed..


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