Tsunami characteristics, causes, consequences, examples

Alexander Pearson
Tsunami characteristics, causes, consequences, examples

tsunami or tidal wave is a set of large waves produced by the displacement of a body of water due to an enormous thrust force. This movement can be an underwater earthquake, a volcanic eruption or the impact of a meteorite of a certain dimension in the ocean. Likewise, a collapsing mountain or a fragmented glacier can move large masses into the water and cause a tsunami..

Either of these causes displaces a large body of water like a wave in a concentric fashion, similar to when a stone is thrown into a pond. The dynamics of the waves as they approach the coast is similar to that of any ocean wave, only magnified..

3d illustration of a tsunami

In this sense, the wave approaching the coast increases in height as it enters the shallower area of ​​the continental shelf. This generates a suction effect of the water on the coast that is washed out to sea, causing an unusual ebb of the coastline..

This phenomenon and the behavior of birds and other fauna in the area are indicated as warning factors for the possibility of a tsunami. At this point the giant wave reaches its greatest height, crashing when it touches the mainland and penetrating inland.

The drag force of this body of water inside the territory is very powerful, destroying infrastructure and uprooting trees. On the other hand, its devastating power is increased by the effect of dragged debris hitting objects and living beings..

Like any wave, once its frontal movement energy is exhausted, it dissipates and reflux occurs, returning to its level in the sea. In this process, the water drags the objects into the ocean..

Article index

  • 1 Characteristics of tsunamis
    • 1.1 Wave train
    • 1.2 Wavelength, speed and height
    • 1.3 Disturbing forces and restoring force
    • 1.4 Measurement scales
  • 2 Causes: How do tsunamis form?
    • 2.1 Underwater earthquakes
    • 2.2 Landslides or erosion
    • 2.3 Volcanic eruptions
    • 2.4 Meteorite impact
    • 2.5 Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure
    • 2.6 Underwater explosions
  • 3 Types of tsunamis
    • 3.1 Depending on the distance
    • 3.2 Megatsunami
  • 4 Consequences
    • 4.1 Damage to people and other living beings
    • 4.2 Structural damage
    • 4.3 Landscape alterations
  • 5 Examples of tsunamis in history
    • 5.1 The Krakatoa explosion and the tsunami (1883)
    • 5.2 Messina earthquake and tsunami (1908)
    • 5.3 Collapse of Mount Toc (1963)
    • 5.4 Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004)
  • 6 References

Tsunami characteristics

Artistic illustration of a tsunami

The word tsunami comes from Japanese, it means "harbor wave" and has been adopted in all languages ​​for this marine phenomenon. The name tidal wave has also been used, but experts point out that it is not exact because this term refers to a large tide.

Similarly, the term sea seismic wave is used to refer to tsunamis, but this refers to only one of the causes of tsunamis, earthquakes or seismic movements.. 

Tsunamis have a number of characteristics:

Wave train

A tsunami does not consist of a single wave, it is a series of successive waves separated from each other by a defined wavelength. These waves reach the shore in periods of time that can range from just a few minutes to several hours..

Wavelength, speed and height

The wavelength in a tsunami (distance between one crest and the next), is initially greater than that of normal waves. In wind waves, the wavelength varies between 60 and 150 meters and a tsunami in the deep ocean is around 200 km.

Under these conditions, the wave amplitude or height at the crest ranges from a few centimeters to 1 meter with speeds of up to 1,000 km / h..

As you approach the shoreline and penetrate shallower areas, the wavelength is substantially shortened. This length can decrease to 20 km, the speed can decrease to 80 km / h, while the height of the ridge can exceed 30 meters. In addition, the speed of the wave can decelerate differentially, when its base brushes the bottom.

Therefore, the base loses speed faster than the crest and if it is too high, it precipitates (breaking the wave). But this occurs in the largest tsunamis, in most it is common for the wave to reach the coast as a huge tide forming a wall of water.

Disruptive forces and restorative force

The disturbing forces are those that generate the wave, such as faults at the bottom of the sea, volcanic eruption or landslide. On the other hand, the force that restores balance is gravity, once the kinetic or motion energy of the wave is released..

Measurement scales

One is the Imamura-Iida Tsunami Intensity Scale, which defines the intensity as a function of the height of the tsunami. This scale ranges from 1 to 2 m to heights above 30 m and has been adjusted as an intensity scale.

The Soloviev scale sets 6 degrees and the Integrated Tsunami Intensity Scale (ITIS-2012) sets 12 degrees.

Causes: How do tsunamis form??

The tsunami wave amplifies and slows down as it reaches the shore. If the slope of the coast is less steep, the waves have less force

Any phenomenon that involves a sudden displacement of a large body of seawater can cause a tsunami. This occurs when a certain volume of matter enters the marine space dislodging an equivalent amount of water..

The dislodged water moves pushing the rest of the nearby water molecules and thus an expansive force is generated. This causes the wave or wave on the surface of the ocean.

Underwater earthquakes

Scheme of the formation of a tsunami by the displacement of tectonic plates

The displacement of the tectonic plates that make up the earth's crust causes underwater earthquakes. These are sudden movements of the earth's crust that produce failures, that is, breaks.

Submarine earthquakes can involve the sinking or lifting of tectonic plates. The mass of water surrounding the tectonic plate moves vertically and waves arise. 

Not all underwater earthquakes produce tsunamis, only those that are strong enough. This phenomenon can be seen in this animation:

Landslides or erosion

Another case is landslides, that is, large masses of material that fall into the sea, whether on a mountain or a glacier when breaking. In any case, the enormous mass that is submerged in the water, generates the displacement of the water mass causing the tsunami.

Volcanic eruptions

Aerial shot of the Krakatoa volcano

Explosive volcanic eruptions, both superficial and underwater, can cause tsunamis, due to the shock wave they generate. As well as associated with the landslides that they produce or by the pyroclastic flows that are generated, all of which precipitates matter into the sea..

Pyroclastic flows are a mixture of solid material, gases and lava that travels at ground level.

Meteor impact

This case is a very unusual phenomenon and consists of the impact of a large meteorite. This large mass that moves at high speed impacts the ocean, displacing a quantity of water equivalent to the impact mass..

This forms a succession of large seismic waves or tsunamis. The most famous case of an impact of this nature was the Chicxulub asteroid that impacted what is now the Gulf of Mexico..

This happened more than 60 million years ago, and the mass that impacted was approximately 12 km in diameter. This caused, among other things, a tsunami that is estimated to be 29,000 times higher than the 2004 Indonesian tsunami, with an estimated wave height of 1,600 meters..

Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure

Tsunamis can also occur due to changes in atmospheric pressure and are called meteotsunamis. The name is derived from meteorology, a science that studies atmospheric physical and chemical phenomena to forecast the weather..

In these cases, the arrival of a cold front can significantly alter the pressure over an oceanic area and produce tsunamis. However, these are waves of smaller magnitude than the most common tsunamis, although in some they have caused considerable local damage..

Underwater explosions

Although theoretically an underwater explosion of adequate power could generate a tsunami, so far it has not happened. In fact, in the past military tests have been conducted to cause tsunamis through the use of conventional and nuclear explosives..

However, none of them was able to generate a significant tsunami, since the waves did not exceed 2 or 4 m in height.

Types of tsunamis

Tsunamis can be classified according to the causes that provoke them:

  • Tectonic tsunami or caused by underwater earthquake.
  • Tsunami due to erosion or landslides.
  • Tsunami by volcanic eruption.
  • Tsunami by meteorite.

Depending on the distance

Also, depending on the distance in which the tsunami originated, they can be named:

Local tsunami

The origin is 100 km or less than 1 hour away from the coast.

Regional tsunami

It can have a negative impact on a geographical region from 100 km to 1000 km away from its origin. Reaches the coast between 1-3 hours from the moment of being generated.


They are also called transoceanic tsunamis, because they are tsunamis that travel great distances, crossing entire oceans. These waves can originate at distances greater than 1000 km and take more than 3 hours to arrive..

They are usually caused by large underwater earthquakes, greater than 7.5 on the Magnitude Moment (MW) scale..


Damage to Megatsunami in Taan Fjord, Alaska

Finally, we could name the megatsunami, which exceeds hundreds of meters in height. The last occurred in Alaska's Taan Fjord in 2015. One side of a mountain slid and fell into the fjord, generating an initial 100-meter wave that reached 193 meters..


Post-tsunami situation in Aceh, Indonesia, 2004

Tsunamis possess enormous destructive energy, given first of all by the thrust of a large mass of water at high speed. To this is added the effect caused by the dragging of a huge mass of debris once it enters the ground..

This debris in turn hits other objects and living beings with devastating consequences. In addition, the ebb of the wave carries debris, plants, animals and people into the ocean.

Damage to people and other living beings

Tsunami risk poster in Chile

The force of the mass of water is capable of dragging any living being that is in its path, even uprooting large trees. In such a way that large-scale tsunamis cause numerous human victims, as well as animals and plants.

The tsunami caused by the Valdivia earthquake (Chile, 1960) caused loss of human life in Chile, Hawaii and Japan. While the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia is estimated to have killed 230,000 people in 14 countries.

Structural damage

Fukushima, after the tsunami in 2011

The body of water and the debris it carries are extremely destructive, destroying the infrastructure in its path. Even small-scale tsunamis like the one in 2006 on the island of Menorca, cause millions of dollars in losses.

For their part, the megatsunamis are devastating, destroying buildings, factories, roads, power lines and communications in their wake. In the same way, they drag vehicles and any other object present on their route.

For example, the tsunami triggered by the Valdivia earthquake in 1960 totally destroyed the island of Hilo in Hawaii. While the Sendai earthquake and tsunami (2011) not only destroyed homes and roads, but also seriously damaged a nuclear power plant.

Landscape alterations

Tsunamis also cause alterations to the natural landscape, by devastating forests and displacing land masses in considerable volumes. In addition to depositing waste and sediment in other areas.

Examples of tsunamis in history

The Krakatoa explosion and the tsunami (1883)

The island of Krakatoa is part of an archipelago of volcanic origin located in the Indian Ocean, between the islands of Java and Sumatra (Indonesia). In 1883 the island's volcano erupted causing the mountain to rupture and dumping the lava into the sea..

The tsunami consisted of waves of more than 30 meters that hit the coasts of Indonesia, India and various islands, causing 36,000 deaths..

Messina earthquake and tsunami (1908)

Epicenter and area affected by the Messina earthquake in 1908

At the beginning of the last century an earthquake occurred off the coast of Messina (Italy), causing a tsunami with waves 17 m high. This devastated the coastal towns in the area and the city of Messina, killing 200,000 people..

Collapse of Mount Toc (1963)

Mount Toc is located in the Italian Alps, northeast of this country, being a mountain very susceptible to landslides. In 1960 a dam or reservoir was built at the base of the mountain, called Vajont.

Later, in 1963, a massive landslide occurred from the mountain, falling into the reservoir 260 million cubic meters of land. This caused a megatsunami in the reservoir with a 250 m high wave that surpassed the dam wall totally destroying the city of Longarone and causing the death of 1,918 people..

Indian Ocean Tsunami (2004)

Countries affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake. Source: wikimedia commons

This is considered the worst tsunami in history, killing 230,000 people in 14 countries. The earthquake that caused the tsunami is considered the third in intensity registered so far, reaching 9.3 degrees MW.

Indonesia tsunami. Source: U.S. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Philip A. McDaniel / Public domain

It was an underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean off the island of Sumatra that caused waves of up to 30 m. One of the things that highlighted this disaster is the need for an international tsunami warning system.

In this case, despite hours from the earthquake to the impact of the wave, the affected communities did not have any kind of alert. There are some regional alert systems, such as the one that manages the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration from the USA.


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  4. Kanamori, H. (1972). Mechanism of tsunami earthquakes. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors.
  5. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOOA Tsunami Program. (Seen on July 8, 2020). Taken from weather.gov
  6. Ward, S.N. (2001). Landslide tsunami. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth.

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