A great correlation Idea and action

Anthony Golden
A great correlation Idea and action

Today I would like to talk about a powerful binomial that can transform our lives in a decisive and positive way. This binomial is known as the idea-action.

The idea-action

The idea-action is a great combination whose mission is to produce results, attitudes and visions consistent, congruent and powerful, capable of reshaping our lives, catapulting them to a new level of excellence.

This binomial, however, seems rather reviled and in disuse. Normally the supremacy of great ideas, of the great thinkers and scholars who put new concepts, perspectives and ways of thinking into orbit.

The idea has been touted as that vital and fundamental aspect to achieve the success in our lives, as well as the importance of our thought and the concentration and focus we put on it. But if we reflect carefully on the above, the next questions:

Can the idea by itself translate the change or the new perspective that the world needs? Isn't it essential to combine action and idea to effectively achieve the change we want to introduce??

Generating and producing ideas without carrying them out is a delusion. An idea only acquires true value when it is put into practice, putting all the effort possible to translate and materialize this idea. As he masterfully said Johann von Goethe"What you can do, or dream of being able to do, start it. Audacity brings with it genius, power and magic". 

It is absolutely essential to combine both views of the spectrum in order to achieve that the potentiality of the idea is a incontestable fact in reality.

Our world, however, is full of great thinkers that never got to crystallize your ideas. They were intellectually cool but weak from a practical point of view. The theory will never have more power than the practice, no matter how well elaborated it is made.

To give an example: I can put together an exceptional thousand-page compendium with all kinds of details on ideas and theories for handling a bicycle, but until I get on the bicycle and pedal, I will not really know how to handle a bicycle, that simple.

Practice always trumps theory for a simple reason, results are more powerful than big ideas. In the words of the American philosopher and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say".

The experience what life gives us and the actions that we undertake in it are the truly relevant part of this binomial. If we create a conventional idea but make it viable, it will have much greater power and strength than a brilliant idea but without development..

The ideas They are the breeding ground for great transformations and revolutions, but it is action that gives ideas life, form and reality..

The action it is an unwavering commitment to embody the idea we have in mind as clearly and precisely as possible. The idea ignites the spark and calls it, but it is the action that not only maintains, but enhances the luminosity and the power of the flame.

People who stand out for their excellence and integrity globally, they are people who perfectly combine the power of this great binomial. They are strategically cool and tactically brilliant.

They conceive an idea and immediately find the precise way to give it shape and consistency. Joint creativity and efficiency when it comes to getting things done properly. And for that, of course, they triumph.

So let's do a sincere and persistent commitment to act decisively right now. Let's capture our deepest ideas about who we are and what we want to achieve, and let's have the courage to give them form and truth.

We must adopt a precise discipline to do whatever it takes to realize that great idea we have in mind. And remember, nothing happens until we move and take action.

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