A spiritual solution to your emotional problems

Basil Manning
A spiritual solution to your emotional problems

Wayne dyer He said…

"There is a spiritual solution for every problem"

What would you think then?

"Spiritual Solutions to Emotional Problems"

Doesn't sound bad, right?

And it is that we all have our own emotional problems. And, in my view, they are usually the most complex.

So if there was a solution, that worked in all cases, it would be great ... don't you think?

What if it was also a simple solution and very easy to learn? It would be the repera!

Well, don't go too far, why this is what this post is about:

"A Spiritual Solution for your Emotional Problems"

So, I propose an easy method where there are. In which you only have to keep three "strong ideas ". (and that you will get when you finish reading the post). And then do just one thing: "watch".

Yes yes ... just "watch". Then I tell you what you should observe, but you only need "watch"; and we all know how to do that.

Are you interested? Well let's go there.

Strong idea number 1: "Emotions are the Voice of your Ego"

Come on, your friend the Ego! You already knew him, right? Getting into the garlic, you see.

And it is that when you feel emotions, In reality, what you are feeling is what you like or dislike ... your Ego!

Look very carefully why there is more crumb than it seems, notice:

When you feel negative emotions...

… It's because you have experiences that you don't like. And they generate sensations that you label as negative.

Because you feel rejection faced with that situation, you don't feel like accepting it. You feel that things are not as they should!

And you tell yourself ...

  • Why does this happen to me? How unfair life is!
  • They have not paid us yet ... what would it cost them to have made the transfer!
  • ...

And you tell yourself all this because you think that things should be different, and that is you resist reality.

But reality is very stubborn, and what you believe has nothing to do with it. What you believe, your beliefs, they only have to do with ... you Ego. You see, the Ego through the front door.

And in reality,…

"... those experiences that you do not like, who generate rejection and resistance is ... your Ego, not you"

It's a bit weird, right? Then you will see it clearer.

And when you feel positive emotions ...

… It's because you experience things that you like. And that makes you feel emotions that you label as "Positive". Why are those things that meet your expectations.

  • How you love to drive that new car!
  • I love that you treat me like this ...
  • ...

And of those things you want more, and more. They make you want. And you attachments to them.

And what happens, then, when what you want so much ends (because everything happens, nothing lasts forever)? Well, you feel frustration. You want more, but there is no more, and you start to suffer. And sometimes even before they're done.

There you appear again Ego, this time through the back door. Wanting to impose their wishes, against reality.

And it is important that you realize that ...

"... actually, what you like, what it does is fulfill the expectations ... of your Ego, not of you"

This, then, is the first of the Force Ideas:

"Emotions, both negative and positive, tell you what your Ego likes or doesn't like"

Therefore, as you can see, emotions that you feel is an incredible opportunity to observe your Ego. Your part of running in autopilot. The part of you that does not allow you to decide about your life. Because it takes you from here to there without you even noticing.

As soon as you realize it, you start to live more consciously. Really making the decisions. Not so bad!

And that doesn't mean you stop savoring your emotions, because they have to do with you Ego. Quite the opposite. You will have the opportunity to really taste them. Without living in the feeling that they take you, like a whirlpool, down the path of perdition.

You will be able to live them, without any kind of fear, let yourself go, flow, ... Great right?

Force Idea number 2: "Inner Peace is the Voice of your Being"

This is the second idea that you have to familiarize yourself with.

The feeling of Peace it could be labeled as an emotion. But is not. All emotions have their polar opposite. The Inner peace not.

Inner Peace occurs when there is full acceptance of what is. When there is neither desire nor rejection. When there is neither positive nor negative emotion. When you allow that to be as it is. And in that act ... there is a great love.

You have come to this world to love. But you don't love everything! You can only express love for what you love. And each person loves different things. And it is by expressing that loving quality, (the one that is exclusive to you) that you will feel happy.

“That which causes you Inner Peace, allows you to recognize what you love. And it is by expressing what you love that you will feel happy "

So you see, the one that brings with it is Inner peace.

And that love, which is the only thing that is real, cannot come from Ego; well the Ego it is a mere creation of your mind. Therefore, I could only come from your Essence. The part of you that is real. Your self, you I deep,... or whatever you want to call it. The part of you that is pure love.

Being attentive to this feeling of Peace allows you connect with your essence. And recognize your true identity. Quite a chance, don't you think?

So, stick with the following idea:

"It is when you feel peace, in front of a lived experience, that your Being is manifested"

By observing this sense of peace in yourself, you are observing yourself. Your true nature is emerging. You will be able to discover that people, experiences, things,… are aligned with your true nature. And they allow you to express yourself as you are.

Living, from this perspective, turns life into a wonderful mirror that reflects who you are; so that you can re-know yourself. And all you have to do is "watch"; that easy.

Force idea number 3: The emotion you feel is only in you.

And there goes the last of the three ideas, and this is already the bomb.

This single idea has the potential to change your life experience. Don't keep the idea in your head, try to live through it. And then you'll experience what I'm trying to tell you.

“The emotion that you feel is only within you. It has nothing to do with what happens out there "

Put the following for example:

You are watching a soccer game, in a bar with your friends. And in these that, with five minutes remaining to finish the game, your team scores a goal. -Gooooooooooool !!!!!!!!!!!!!! - You all scream. And you, along with your friends, jump out of a boat and start dancing like crazy. The joy you feel is immense.

At the table in front are other boys, their faces completely screwed up. Despair couldn't be deeper. They know there is no time to go back. Only a miracle can change this.

I have given you this example, and perhaps there would be other better ones, just so you can see that the same situation can generate diametrically opposite emotions in some people or others.

What has happened, in reality, has nothing to do with how you feel inside. All he ever did is be the one detonating so that you start to feel something.

And it is that what you feel, rather, depends on your personal conditioning, of your previous experiences, of your beliefs, of your expectations, ... And that is different between one person and another.

So you see ...

“… What you feel is only in you, and nothing else than in you. The external is, only, the trigger for you to feel it "

And, if you notice, all experiences are there so that you can feel things inside; the ones you need to feel.

  • Because you don't want a car, you want the sensation of speed that makes you feel
  • You don't want to travel, you want the freedom that makes you experience
  • You don't want a partner, you want the emotions that it provokes in you
  • You don't want a permanent job, you want the security it gives you.
  • ...

Living, having this clear, changes your perspective radically. Why do you realize that everything is in you. And the experiences out there are just the excuse for that, which is already in there, to move.

And this perspective gives you an incredible sense of gratitude. Because thanks to what happens out there, you have the opportunity to feel a lot of emotions. Whether they are "good" or "bad" emotions.

And live from the gratitude, is what makes possible "watch" your emotional state, without getting carried away. It is what allows you to put into practice the ideas force 1 and 2. Because there is in you the space necessary for that observation to be developed.

The Spiritual method

And now that you have the three ideas that I was telling you, I will expose you the method. And you will see that it is very simple:

The first thing you have to do is understand the three ideas from before. But not only on a mental level, but to be able to experience your experiences from the new perspective that they offer you. And understanding these three ideas is something you only have to do once. The change of chip is already forever.

And later, when the emotions, all you have to do is "watch". Point. There, it's that easy.

When you feel an emotion "Watch her". No more. How do you notice that emotion, where do you notice it, if it is sharp, soft, annoying, pleasant, sharp, like a tightness in the chest, constant, intermittent, ... "Watch her" while you feel it in you. And that's it!

This means live the emotion fully. Do not deny it or ignore it. Whether the emotion is positive or negative. Live that emotion to the fullest. Because if that emotion is there, it is for something.

And later, if you want, when everything is over and you're calm enough, reflect on it. Without judging it, since what you felt is what you had to feel at that moment; if not, you wouldn't have felt it.

And ask yourself:

-If there was a hidden message in that emotion ... what could it be??-

And if you have felt it fully, it is possible that then it comes to you as an intuition, a haha! A feeling of certainty, a hunch, an image, ... This is how emotion "speaks" to you.

Without obsessing, if nothing comes to you, then nothing happens: it will be again. But the emotion has flowed and that's important.

But in the event that he "talks" to you, then you get understanding. You understand the message that emotion had for you. You understand why, from that experience, at that moment in your life. Y your life experience begins to charge sense.

So you see; Living by applying this simple recipe allows you to:

  1. Enjoy more of your experiences
  2. Taste better your emotions,
  3. Know your authentic essence
  4. Uninstall your automatic programs, you Ego
  5. And, finally, your life experience charges sense.

And all this, just for "watch". Worth it!

Well that's it. I hope you find it very useful.

But just give it a try. It works for you? Great, use it. Not working for you? Well, you forget and that's it. You know, each teacher with his booklet; find yours.

And, if you want, tell me how it worked for you in the comment thread below. Your experiences will enrich the post with new perspectives. Thank you!

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