Thematic unit characteristics, planning and examples

Simon Doyle
Thematic unit characteristics, planning and examples

The thematic unit, in education, they are frames of reference that function as a basis for planning and organizing the learning experience and that take into account unifying topics.

The main objective of the thematic unit is to allow the student to be able to tackle a topic, but relying on different skills or learning domains such as science, language development, art and / or mathematics.

It is worth mentioning that for some authors this element is part of the thematic instruction and Project Based Learning (or PBL), which is considered a teaching methodology focused on the process, where the student develops cognitive and motor skills during the process. knowledge acquisition.

Article index

  • 1 Features
  • 2 Planning
  • 3 Activities to apply for teaching the thematic unit
  • 4 Phases or stages for the implementation of the thematic units
  • 5 Examples
  • 6 References


Some characteristics of the thematic unit are:

-The method focuses on a unifying unit or theme that embraces several areas of knowledge.

-Seeks that access to information is broken down and easily accessible to all students.

-It constitutes a hierarchical and organized way to present the contents, in order to generate meaningful experiences in the students.

-For some authors, the thematic unit is part of the thematic instruction, which in turn is called the Project Approach or Project Based Learning..

-Addresses learning domains such as math, science, art, motor skills (fine and gross), and verbal and body language development.

-Topics are explored over several days or even weeks and / or months.

-Because it is supported by different knowledge competencies, the result is a comprehensive education where the individual will have the necessary tools to solve problems in the future..

-Thematic units cannot be subject to objective evaluations (exams, for example), since the skills achieved must be explored. That is why dynamic and motivating forms of evaluation are recommended..

-This element is part of a new educational trend that tries to encourage in the student the need to bring the content to him so that he can handle it and transform it himself.


When implementing the thematic unit, some experts recommend the following:

-Invite families and other representatives to choose topics according to the inclinations and experiences of the children.

-Use the elements that are around to increase motivation in students. This means that the teacher or instructor can use the events that are nearby to propose topics.

-Considering children's inclinations and interests is also central to this process.

-Finally, the teacher and instructor will also have to express their own tastes to convey it to the students, as it will be an interesting way to present the content.

All these aspects should lead to the development of a strategy that allows it to be accessible to all students and that is also useful in different areas of knowledge..

Activities to apply for the teaching of the thematic unit

-Reading books.

-Organization of field trips.

-Preparation of dances, dramatizations or the construction of objects.

-Presentation and interaction with special guests during the class. These can be experts in the field or even parents and representatives of the students.

-Develop concept or mind maps. These materials can be used to capture the information of the students that they already handle, or to illustrate the content they have learned during class. It is worth mentioning that these materials are also useful for practical content such as mathematics or chemistry.

-Make observations about a certain phenomenon.

-Promote the discussion around the theme. This tool is one of the most used, since it serves to explore the knowledge already present, and also to share conclusions between the teacher and the students.

Phases or stages for the implementation of the thematic units

-The topic will be presented according to the concerns that have already been presented by the students. This will be through posing a problem.

-Brainstorm ideas to determine what students know and need to know about the content to be presented.

-Both the students and the teacher should use research to learn more about the topic. In this case, the use of technology and interactive methods is recommended..

-After this phase, students will have the opportunity to generate a product based on what they have studied. This will depend on the subject matter and the fields of knowledge that the teacher believes appropriate to apply..

-The evaluation is the final part in the project, however it is not considered as the end of the content, since this same unit can be used for the study of another project. The important thing is to highlight that each skill learned serves to learn so many more.


1- The teacher or instructor can present the study of sea turtles as a thematic unit. Students will be able to read historical reviews about this species, and then go on to explain what they understood from the text (in this part, oral linguistic ability is reinforced).

Another phase of this content can be the calculation of sea turtle births in different geographical points, which will be marked by the students, to finally study the life cycle of these animals. On this occasion, knowledge about mathematics, geography and biology, respectively, is deepened..

2- Talk about the construction of bridges through the presentation of a model for the subsequent construction of a prototype by the students.

During this process, the teacher can complement by including instruction in this regard and indicating that students should do research on the subject, and then share their findings with the rest of the class.

You can reinforce the subject in mathematics by promoting the identification of geometric shapes that are visible in these types of structures. Finally, architects or civil engineers can give talks on the construction of the bridges.


  1. What is a thematic unit plan? (2018). In Geniusland. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Geniolandia de
  2. Project-based learning. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Wikipedia at
  3. Definition of Mesh. (2013). At Pearltrees. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Pearltrees de
  4. Galeana de la O, Lourdes. Project-based learning. (s.f.). In Ceupromed. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Ceupromed de
  5. Planning and organization of thematic instruction. (s.f.). In Head Start. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Head Start from
  6. Thematic unit. (s.f.). In Server Alicante. Retrieved: October 3, 2018. In Server Alicante de

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