Urtica dioica it is a species belonging to the Urticaceae family. It is a perennial herb characterized by the presence of stinging hairs; stems and leaves are covered with trichomes with terminal glands that contain organic acids that, when in contact with the skin, cause a strong burning.
The nettle is also called nettle greater or green nettle and in some regions to the north of Colombia and Venezuela it is known as pringamosa. In fact, in many areas it is considered an invasive plant or weed, however, its healing properties provide it with high commercial value..
The stem has a square shape, the oval leaves have serrated edges, the flowers are small, unisexual and inconspicuous, being arranged in glomeruli. Its ideal habitat is intervened land, near homes, gardens, fences, embankments or vacant lots with a high content of organic waste..
Its main uses include its use as an antiallergic. It also relieves disorders of the nervous system, acts as an anti-inflammatory and has a high nutritional value as it is rich in vitamins A, B, C and E, as well as mineral elements and secondary metabolites..
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The nettle is a perennial shrub with a rustic appearance that reaches 1.5 m in height. It has the peculiarity of presenting stinging hairs along its surface, which at the slightest contact with the skin cause persistent burning and itching.
These hairs or trichomes are hard in consistency with a very fragile tip, and they also have tiny blisters that contain irritating fluids. These substances include formic acid, histamines, resins, and proteins that cause hives with high levels of itching and stinging..
The straight stem is distinguished by its particular quadrangular shape, hollowed out, highly branched, yellowish-red in color and covered with stinging hairs. The large leaves are oval in shape, pointed, with serrated edges and a dark green color that are also covered with abundant stinging hairs..
The unisexual yellowish-green flowers are grouped axillary or terminal, in panicles or hanging clusters 10-12 cm long. The female ones are arranged in long hanging catkins and the male ones in smaller inflorescences. The fruits are capsules or dried achenes.
In leaves, stems and tender branches, the presence of acetic, caffeic, chlorogenic, formic and gallic organic acids is common, as well as chlorophyll A and B. They also contain acetylcholine, β-carotene, scopoletoside, flavonoids, mucilage, mineral salts, sitosterol and provitamin A. In trichomes you can find histamine and serotonin.
The roots contain agglutinin, ceramides, scopoletoside, phenylpropanes, phytosterols, lignans, monoterpendiols, polyphenols, polysaccharides and tannins. Linoleic acid, mucilages, proteins and tocopherols are obtained in the seeds.
- Kingdom: Plantae.
- Division: Magnoliophyta.
- Class: Magnoliopsida.
- Order: Rosales.
- Family: Urticaceae.
- Gender: Urtica.
- Species: Urtica dioica L.
Nettle is a cosmopolitan habitat species, found wild in America, Europe, Africa, and even Asia. In fact, it is very abundant throughout the Iberian Peninsula, especially in the Cantabrian Mountains..
It is a plant that easily colonizes any affected or degraded environment. It develops on humid soils with a high content of organic matter, in orchards or corrals, on stone walls, paths or stream edges.
Nettle is a perennial herbaceous plant that has the ability to grow wild in soils with a high content of organic matter. In fact, it is common at the edge of forests and farmland, as well as in stables where animal waste accumulates..
At present it is cultivated commercially due to its numerous phytochemical compounds used in pharmacology. Being sown on a large scale in European countries such as England, Finland, Austria and Germany, as well as some nations in Asia or America.
The nettle is a plant that adapts to different terrains and climatic conditions. However, aspects related to temperature and solar radiation are essential for its effective development..
The ideal temperature ranges between 15-28 ºC. At temperatures above 34 ºC they can cause burning of the foliar area and subsequent death. In addition, it is a crop that optimizes its development in semi-shady conditions, since it does not tolerate full sun exposure..
On the other hand, it requires continuous humidity, since it is not adapted to hot and dry climates. In fact, despite growing in fertile soils, low humidity conditions can cause their destruction..
The physical and nutritional conditions of the soil are essential for the effective development of nettle. Requires loose and porous soils, of the clay-loam type with good aeration and moisture retention after irrigation.
In turn, it requires good nutritional conditions that can be supplied by organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers with a high content of nitrogen and phosphates. The direct application of organic fertilizers, compost or worm humus is recommended every four months in order to level poor soils.
Nettle is a short cycle plant that under proper conditions takes only six weeks to fully develop. A suitable environment is constituted by a fertile soil with a high content of organic matter or well fertilized, with good drainage and a semi-shaded environment..
The seeds are obtained directly from the plant from dried flowers under natural conditions. Sowing can be done in growth trays, pots or directly on the ground, trying to maintain humid and shady conditions..
Nettle seeds have a low germination percentage, so you should try to have several seeds per planting point. Sowing is done superficially, trying to cover with a thin layer of soil. Under these conditions the seedlings emerge after 8-10 days.
When the shoots are 5-8 cm high, they proceed to transplant into larger pots or directly into the ground. Direct sowing in the field requires a separation between seedlings and between rows of 30 cm.
In commercial crops, the recommended method is in pots in order to control their growth. Nettles planted in open ground spread quickly because it is a highly invasive species.
Handling during transplantation and agronomic handling should be done with projector gloves, due to the stinging characteristics of its leaves. In case of coming into contact with the trichomes of the plant, its effect can be neutralized with a bicarbonate solution.
After transplanting, the application of constant irrigation contributes to the adaptation of the plant to the new environmental conditions. Once installed, maintenance irrigation is necessary to accelerate the growth and development of the crop.
Nettle is a very invasive plant, which tends to colonize the ground in open environments. Maintenance and sanitation pruning are essential to favor its development and enhance its phytochemical quality..
The Urtica dioica It is a rustic species very resistant to the attack of pests and diseases due to the presence of various active principles. In fact, nettle is used as an organic repellent for the natural control of various pests and the incidence of phytopathogenic fungi..
The best time to harvest nettle is at the end of flowering or from early spring to early fall. In these times the active principles of the plant are available in greater concentration.
The harvest consists of collecting the tender leaves that are located at the end of the plant. The leaves are used fresh or stored in a cool, dry place for industrial processing.
Nettle is a very common plant in wild environments, considered a weed in cultivated environments but widely used for its multiple properties. This species is used in gastronomy for its high nutritional content and in pharmacology for its active principles.
The active elements present in nettle provide it with various medicinal properties that act as an astringent, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antihistamine. It also acts as an antirheumatic, antianemic, cholagogue, diuretic, depurative, hypoglycemic, hemostatic and uricosuric..
Thus, it is used to improve rheumatism, relieve hemorrhoids, combat fatigue, cleanse the blood and heal inflammations. In addition, it calms expectoration problems, regulates blood glucose levels, acts as an antihistamine, strengthens hair and nails and reduces hangovers..
The leaves are used as an ingredient for a typical dish from the Liguria region (Italy) known as "preboggion". Similarly, blanched leaves are used in some regions of Spain to make traditional Spanish tortillas..
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