The accounting users They are all those people or organizations that, for different reasons, need to use the financial information of a company. Although administration departments are important users of accounting information, they are not the only ones who require it..
There are other stakeholders, both inside and outside the company, who need to use this data in order to make important financial decisions. There are many reasons why accounting information is relevant to its users. Some use it to measure the return on assets, liabilities, income and expenses.
Others use it to make the best financial decisions around investment, credit or operational aspects. The accounting data reflects the economic reality of the company and is presented in the financial statements. These are available to accounting users to meet their needs in this area..
However, accounting information is really useful only when it is interpreted through an accurate financial analysis, in which the data is evaluated considering all the factors that influence them. The results will allow decision-making in the different areas of the company.
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Accounting users can be divided into two large groups: internal users, associated with the so-called managerial accounting; and external users, related to financial accounting.
Internal users are all those people who make up the company at each of its levels.
They usually have unlimited access to the company's accounting information, some of them being able to make economic decisions related to the management of the organization. This group is made up of:
They are those who contributed the capital for the operation of the company.
It is the person who is in charge of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the resources of an organization.
Constituted by the group of people that make up the company's work group.
They are those who, without belonging to the company, use their financial statements for various purposes. Their access to accounting data is limited, and they cannot take part in any aspect related to the financial management of the organization. Among them are:
They are those people or institutions to whom the company owes money, due to a service provided or for the acquisition of a good.
They are all those organizations that provide their clients with services in the financial field.
This includes both investors who are currently linked to the company and those who could potentially invest in it..
They are in charge of conducting financial investigations of an organization, to issue a report on its financial and economic situation, while evaluating the management carried out..
The group of workers is organized through a union that represents them before the management of the company. This union is in charge of looking after their interests inside and outside of it.
They are the different channels that are used to transmit information to the public.
They are responsible for providing goods or services related to the branch of the company.
They are all those people or companies that receive a service or a good in exchange for monetary compensation. Includes producers, wholesalers, retailers and final consumers.
It is constituted by the set of organisms dedicated to the administration of the government in the affairs of State..
Refers to companies that have a commercial rivalry within the market.
It refers to all the people who, in one way or another, are related to the company.
It is through the financial analysis of the accounting data that the shareholders or owners of the company can obtain information on the profits obtained or the losses that the organization has had..
To carry out his work, the administrator takes accounting data to evaluate the performance and actual position of the business. This helps in determining costs, stipulating potential investments, and identifying potential economic red flags..
They are interested in knowing the financial details of the company, as these have a direct impact on their contractual remuneration and job security.
They use accounting information to know how the money they contributed or could contribute is being used, thus helping them make decisions about reducing, increasing or maintaining their investments.
Financial data provides these agencies with the information to determine the creditworthiness of the organization. Based on this, you can establish the terms and conditions of the granting of future credits.
These entities ensure that the information is governed in accordance with the accounting principles, rules and regulations established by the government. In addition, they verify that the company makes the correct payment of the tax taxes that correspond to it..
Customers use this data to evaluate the financial status of their suppliers, in order to ensure a constant flow of the product or its timely payment..
For suppliers it is important to evaluate the amortization capacity of the organization, since any form of credit to be implemented will depend on it..
The general public needs to have a global vision of the economy at the regional and national level. To obtain this information, use the financial information of the companies that are in your state or those that are most relevant at the national level..
Unions review the financial conditions of the company before demanding increases in wages, benefits and other labor matters.
Creditors use financial information to know the creditworthiness of the company and thus make decisions, either to extend the credit granted or to place restrictions on expenses to pay debts.
They use the company's accounting data to evaluate it and use the results to advise their investment clients.
These media use company accounting to disseminate relevant economic information, which influences public opinion at the national and international level..
Many companies carry out financial analysis of the companies that make up the competition, in order to identify the weak and strong points of their rivals and take actions in different areas that allow them to better position themselves in the market..
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