Life vs. Chess Is Life a Lie?

Charles McCarthy
Life vs. Chess Is Life a Lie?

I have a secret for you. Do you want to hear it? Of course, I warn you that it can traumatize you a bit. Do you still want? Well, read on ... I have discovered that life, IT'S A LIE!

Yes! Also, I think more than one already knew. Well, younger readers may have been caught off guard..

From here, if you want a more animated resource, you cannot miss this video:

But thought well. We have grown up with the idea that everything is going to be okay. Whoever follows it, get it. That it is enough to wish it with all our strength, and in the end all our dreams will be fulfilled. Whatever they are. That maybe we don't even have.

But, as soon as we grow a little, we realize that it is not true. We have limitations. We cannot do everything we imagine. That we fall short. We always want moreā€¦ and we get frustrated. And we say that of: "Life is unfair", "my life is disgusting", "I wanted that, or that" ... And I, I ... And I wanted, wanted, wanted ... and that disgusting, that disgusting, that disgusting.

Life is unfair, because we are not the only ones living in this world. I am not an expert on life experiences or a spiritual guide, or anything like that. But I would like to share my opinion on life.

I would pose it as a game of chess. A game that has remained unchanged for hundreds of years. Balanced almost to perfection. It is what we expect from life, that it be balanced for us. But still, with chess, we also have our drawbacks. What is the first thing that breaks the balance? That white moves first.

For starters, the board is limited, and each piece has a certain move. If you try to move as you want ... they will surely correct you, or stop the game. This implies that each piece has its limitations.

Even those pieces with more freedom can easily get cornered. They think they are too important to take any step. This is what happens when you leave a Queen too much time. In the end, they corner her.

We have always been told to follow the straight paths, but it may take a strange and unconventional move to jump over certain obstacles. As for example, what a Horse on the board. Everyone stops thinking in straight lines to focus on other schemes.

There will be times when we feel that we only serve to hinder others, or to let them trample us, or take us out of the way. Come on like a Pawn. This is how we all started. But with a little patience, if we can advance far enough, we may allow ourselves to do great things.

It can also happen that your worst weakness is also your reason for fighting. A King it is not particularly powerful as a game piece. But it is the ultimate goal of our opponent, and ours. But sometimes, our movements are not the most successful, or our pieces to protect ourselves are not the best. Sometimes defeat is inevitable. It's frustrating, I know. But life goes on, and there is always the opportunity for another game.

This helps us to think that we are never safe. When you least expect it, your little corner of security becomes your trap. You feel exposed, naked, about to lose the game. You only have two options left. Either you give up, or you turn that weakness into your best strength. Has no one made a Castling to go from a weak position to a more solid one?

Take a good look at what is in front of you before making any move. Take a little risk before taking an important step. Always keep the rules in mind, so you can anticipate events. If you play your pieces well, with patience and wisdom; soon you will reach the doors of success. It will have cost you, but you will have no choice but to succeed.

And so it is. Most of the triumphs of this life are not achieved with the sum of great virtues, but with the combination of small limitations. Knowing your limits does not make you a "flawed" person. Makes you a fuller man or woman.

Know your pieces, discover your best moves. Deploy on the board and play as only you know how to play.

Well. What. Shall we play a game? Share this article if you liked it. And this time, I ask for the white ones.

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