Voltammetry what it consists of, types and applications

Basil Manning

The voltammetry It is an electroanalytical technique that determines information of a chemical species or analyte from the electrical currents generated by the variation of an applied potential. That is, the applied potential E (V), and the time (t), are the independent variables; while the current (A), the dependent variable.

The chemical species must ordinarily be electroactive. What does it mean? It means that it must lose (oxidize) or gain (reduce) electrons. For the reaction to start, the working electrode must supply the necessary potential theoretically determined by the Nernst equation.

Source: By Trina36 [CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

An example of voltammetry can be seen in the image above. The electrode in the image is made of carbon fibers, which is immersed in the dissolution medium. Dopamine does not oxidize, forming two carbonyl groups C = O (right side of the chemical equation) unless the proper potential is applied.

This is accomplished by scanning E with different values, limited by many factors such as the solution, the ions present, the same electrode, and dopamine..

By varying E over time, two graphs are obtained: the first E v t (the blue triangle), and the second, the response C vs t (yellow). Its forms are characteristic for determining dopamine under the conditions of the experiment..

Article index

  • 1 What is voltammetry?
    • 1.1 Voltammetric wave
    • 1.2 Instrumentation
  • 2 Kinds
    • 2.1 Pulse voltammetry
    • 2.2 Redissolution voltammetry
  • 3 Applications
  • 4 References

What is voltammetry?

Voltammetry was developed thanks to the invention of the polarography technique by the 1922 Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Jaroslav Heyrovsky. In it, the electrode of the mercury drop (EGM) is constantly renewed and polarized.

The analytical deficiencies of this method at that time were solved with the use and design of other microelectrodes. These vary enormously in material, from carbon, noble metals, diamond and polymers, to in their design, discs, cylinders, sheets; and also, in the way in which they interact with the solution: stationary or rotating.

All these details are intended to favor the polarization of the electrode, which causes a decay of the registered current known as limit current (i1). This is proportional to the concentration of the analyte, and half the potency E (E1/2) to reach half of said current (i1/2) is characteristic of the species.

Then, determining the values ​​of E1/2 on the curve where the current obtained with the variation of E, called voltamperogram, the presence of an analyte can be identified. That is, each analyte, given the conditions of the experiment, will have its own value of E1/2.

Voltammetric wave

In voltammetry you work with many graphs. The first one is the E vs t curve, which allows a follow-up of the applied potential differences as a function of time.

But at the same time, the electrical circuit records the C values ​​produced by the analyte by losing or gaining electrons in the vicinity of the electrode..

Because the electrode is polarized, less analyte can diffuse from within the solution into it. For example, if the electrode is positively charged, the species X- will be attracted to it and will go towards it by mere electrostatic attraction.

But X- You are not alone: ​​there are other ions present in your environment. Some cations M+ they can get in the way of the electrode by enclosing it in "clusters" of positive charges; and likewise, N anions- can get caught around the electrode and prevent X- I got to him.

The sum of these physical phenomena causes current to be lost, and this is observed in the C vs E curve and its shape similar to that of an S, called the sigmoid shape. This curve is known as a voltammetric wave..


Source: By Stan J Klimas [CC BY 3.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

The instrumentation of voltammetry varies according to the analyte, solvent, type of electrode and application. But, the vast majority of them are based on a system made up of three electrodes: one for work (1), auxiliary (2) and the reference one (3)..

The main reference electrode used is the calomel electrode (ECS). This, together with the working electrode, makes it possible to establish a potential difference ΔE, since the potential of the reference electrode remains constant during measurements..

On the other hand, the auxiliary electrode is in charge of controlling the charge that passes to the working electrode, in order to keep it within acceptable E values. The independent variable, the applied potential difference, is the one obtained by adding the potentials of the working and reference electrodes..


Source: By domdomegg [CC BY 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0)], from Wikimedia Commons

The image above shows an E vs t graph, also called a potential wave for a linear sweep voltammetry..

It can be seen that as time passes, the potential increases. In turn, this sweep generates a response curve or voltamperogram C vs E whose shape will be sigmoid. There will come a point where no matter how much E increases, there will be no increase in current.

Other types of voltammetry can be inferred from this graph. How? Modifying the potential wave E vs t through sudden potential pulses following certain patterns. Each pattern is associated with a type of voltammetry, and encompasses its own theory and experimental conditions..

Pulse voltammetry

In this type of voltammetry, mixtures of two or more analytes whose E values ​​can be analyzed1/2 are very close to each other. Thus, an analyte with E1/2 of 0.04V can be identified in the company of another with an E1/2 of 0.05V. While in linear sweep voltammetry, the difference must be greater than 0.2V.

Therefore, there are higher sensitivity and lower detection limits; that is, analytes can be determined at very low concentrations.

Waves of potentials can have patterns similar to stairs, inclined stairs, and triangles. The latter corresponds to cyclic voltammetry (CV for its acronym in English, first image).

In CV a potential E is applied in one direction, positive or negative, and then, at a certain value of E at time t, the same potential is applied again but in the opposite direction. When studying the generated voltamperograms, the maxima reveal the presence of intermediaries in a chemical reaction.

Redissolution voltammetry

This can be of the anodic or cathodic type. It consists of the electrodeposition of the analyte on a mercury electrode. If the analyte is a metal ion (such as Cdtwo+), an amalgam will form; and if it is an anion, (like MoO4two-) an insoluble mercury salt.

Then, pulses of potentials are applied to determine the concentration and identity of the electrodeposited species. Thus, the amalgam is redissolved, like mercury salts.


-Anodic redissolution voltammetry is used to determine the concentration of dissolved metals in fluid.

-It allows studying the kinetics of redox or adsorption processes, especially when the electrodes are modified to detect a specific analyte.

-Its theoretical basis has been used for the manufacture of biosensors. With these, the presence and concentration of biological molecules, proteins, fats, sugars, etc. can be determined..

-Finally, it detects the participation of intermediaries in the reaction mechanisms.


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