Chlorine oxide (V) properties, structure, uses

David Holt

The chlorine oxide (V) is a highly unstable inorganic compound whose chemical formula is CltwoOR5. It is one of the many chlorine oxides, which are characterized by being molecular, or even radical species.

The CltwoOR5 It has only found life in paper and theoretical calculations; however, its existence has not been ruled out and it is probable that some can be characterized (by advanced spectroscopy techniques). What can be predicted from general chemistry concepts of this oxide is that it is the anhydride of chloric acid, HClO3.

Cl2O5 molecule. Source: Jynto [CC0].

The hypothetical chlorine (V) oxide molecule is shown above. Note that since it is a molecule, the presence of the Cl ion is not considered at all+5; even less so when it must have such a polarizing power to force oxygen to bind covalently.

Like any unstable compound, it releases energy to break down into more stable products; process that in many cases is explosive. When the CltwoOR5 decomposes releases ClOtwo metwo. It is theorized that in water, depending on the isomer of CltwoOR5, may form various chlorine oxo acids.

Article index

  • 1 Properties
  • 2 Structure of chlorine oxide (V)
    • 2.1 Molecule
    • 2.2 Lewis structure
    • 2.3 Isomers and their respective hydrolysis
  • 3 Nomenclature
  • 4 Uses
  • 5 References


The molar mass of CltwoOR5 it is 150.9030 g / mol. From this mass, and its hypothetical molecule, it can be conjectured that if it could be isolated, it would probably be an oily liquid; of course, comparing it with the physical appearance of the CltwoOR7.

Although it cannot be isolated or characterized, this chlorine oxide is acidic, covalent and must also have a small dipole moment. Its acidity is understandable if the chemical equation of its hydrolysis is analyzed:

CltwoOR5  +  HtwoO 2HClO3

Being the HClO3 chloric acid. The reverse reaction would result in the case that the acid can be dehydrated:

2HClO=> CltwoOR5  +  HtwoOR

On the other hand, when the CltwoOR5 hardly produced, it decomposes:

2CltwoOR5 => 4ClOtwo + ORtwo

It is therefore an intermediary species rather than an oxide properly speaking. Its decomposition must be so rapid (considering that even CltwoOR5), which has not been detected by current instrumental analysis techniques.

Structure of chlorine oxide (V)


In the upper image, the structure of the hypothetical Cl molecule was shown.twoOR5 with a model of spheres and bars. The red spheres represent oxygen atoms, and the green spheres represent chlorine atoms. Each chlorine has a trigonal pyramid environment, so its hybridization must be sp3.

Thus, the molecule of CltwoOR5 it can be seen as two trigonal pyramids linked by an oxygen. But if you look carefully, one pyramid orients its oxygen atoms downward, the other out of the plane (toward the reader)..

Hence it is presumed that there are rotations in the O linktwoCl-O-ClOtwo, making the molecule relatively dynamic. Note that the formula OtwoCHLOClOtwo is a way of representing the structure of CltwoOR5.

Lewis structure

Lewis structure for the hypothetical Cl2O5. Source: Gabriel Bolívar.

Until now, the molecule by itself has not made it possible to decipher why its instability is due. To shed light on this question, we turn to its Lewis structure, depicted above. Note that the structure may be mistakenly thought to be flat, but in the previous subsection it was clarified that this is not the case..

Why do both chlorine atoms have positive formal charges? Because chlorine has a free pair of electrons left, which can be verified by applying the Valencia Bond Theory (which will not be done here for simplification purposes). Thus, its formal load is:

CF = 7 - (4 + 2) = 1

And what does this have to do with its instability? Well, chlorine is considerably electronegative, and therefore a poor carrier of positive formal charges. This returns to the CltwoOR5 a highly acidic species, since it needs to gain electrons to supply the electronic demand for the two chlorines.

The opposite happens with the BrtwoOR5 and the ItwoOR5, oxides that do exist under normal conditions. This is because both bromine and iodine are less electronegative than chlorine; and therefore, they better support the positive formal charge.

Isomers and their respective hydrolysis

So far the whole explanation has fallen on one of the two isomers of CltwoOR5: the OtwoCHLOClOtwo. Which is the other? The O3CHLOClO. In this isomer the chlorines lack formal positive charges, and should therefore be a more stable molecule. However, both the OtwoCHLOClOtwo like the O3ClOClO should undergo hydrolysis reactions:

ORtwoCl-O-ClOtwo + HtwoO => 2OtwoCl-OH (which are nothing more than HClO3)

OR3Cl-O-ClO + HtwoO => O3Cl-OH (HClO4) + HO-ClO (HClOtwo)

Note that up to three chlorine oxo acids can be formed: HClO3, HClO4 and HClOtwo


Its name 'chlorine oxide (V)' corresponds to the one assigned according to the stock nomenclature. The CltwoOR5 It can also have two other names: dichloro pentaoxide and chloric anhydride, assigned by the systematic and traditional nomenclatures, respectively..


More than motivating computational studies, the CltwoOR5 It will not be used until discovered, isolated, characterized, stored and shown not to explode at the slightest contact..


  1. Shiver & Atkins. (2008). Inorganic chemistry. (Fourth edition). Mc Graw Hill.
  2. Sandra Luján Quiroga and Luis José Perissinotti. (2011). Chlorine Oxoacids and Structure of Dichlorine Oxides. Chem. Educator, Vol. 16.
  3. Chemical formulation. (2019). Chlorine oxide (V). Recovered from:
  4. Linus Pauling. (1988). General Chemistry. Dover Publications, INC., New York.
  5. Richard C. Ropp. (2013). Encyclopedia of the Alkaline Earth Compounds. Elsevier.

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