Metal oxides properties, nomenclature, uses and examples

David Holt
Metal oxides properties, nomenclature, uses and examples

The metal oxides They are inorganic compounds made up of metal cations and oxygen. They generally comprise a vast number of ionic solids, in which the oxide anion (Otwo-) interacts electrostatically with species M+.

M+ Any cation that derives from the pure metal is like this: from the alkali and transition metals, with the exception of some noble metals (such as gold, platinum and palladium), to the heavier elements of the p block of the periodic table ( like lead and bismuth).

Source: Pixabay.

The image above shows an iron surface covered by reddish crusts. These "scabs" are what is known as rust or rust, which in turn represent visual evidence of the oxidation of the metal due to the conditions of its environment. Chemically, rust is a hydrated mixture of iron oxides (III).

Why does the oxidation of the metal lead to the degradation of its surface? This is due to the incorporation of oxygen within the crystalline structure of the metal..

When this happens, the volume of the metal increases and the original interactions weaken, causing the solid to rupture. Likewise, these cracks allow more oxygen molecules to penetrate the internal metallic layers, eating away the entire piece from the inside..

However, this process occurs at different speeds and depends on the nature of the metal (its reactivity) and the physical conditions that surround it. Therefore, there are factors that accelerate or slow down the oxidation of the metal; two of them are the presence of humidity and pH.

Why? Because the oxidation of metal to produce a metal oxide involves a transfer of electrons. These “travel” from one chemical species to another as long as the environment facilitates it, either by the presence of ions (H+, Na+, Mgtwo+, Cl-, etc.), which modify the pH, or by the water molecules that provide the transport medium.

Analytically, the tendency of a metal to form the corresponding oxide is reflected in its reduction potentials, which reveal which metal reacts faster compared to another..

Gold, for example, has a much greater reduction potential than iron, which is why it shines with its characteristic golden glow without a dull oxide.

Article index

  • 1 Properties of non-metallic oxides
    • 1.1 Basicity
    • 1.2 Amphotericism
  • 2 Nomenclature
    • 2.1 Traditional nomenclature
    • 2.2 Systematic nomenclature
    • 2.3 Stock nomenclature
    • 2.4 Calculation of the valence number
  • 3 How are they formed?
    • 3.1 Direct reaction of metal with oxygen
    • 3.2 Reaction of metal salts with oxygen
  • 4 Uses
  • 5 Examples
    • 5.1 Iron oxides
    • 5.2 Alkali and alkaline earth oxides
    • 5.3 Group IIIA oxides (13)
  • 6 References

Properties of non-metallic oxides

Magnesium oxide, a metal oxide.

The properties of metal oxides vary according to the metal and how it interacts with the anion Otwo-. This means that some oxides have higher densities or solubilities in water than others. However, they all have in common the metallic character, which is inevitably reflected in its basicity..

In other words: they are also known as basic anhydrides or basic oxides.


The basicity of metal oxides can be verified experimentally by using an acid-base indicator. How? Adding a small piece of the oxide to an aqueous solution with some dissolved indicator; this can be the liquefied juice of purple cabbage.

Having then the range of colors depending on the pH, the oxide will turn the juice to bluish colors, corresponding to basic pH (with values ​​between 8 and 10). This is because the dissolved portion of the oxide releases OH ions.- to the medium, being these in said experiment responsible for the change in pH.

Thus, for an MO oxide that is solubilized in water, it is transformed into metallic hydroxide (a “hydrated oxide”) according to the following chemical equations:

MO + HtwoO => M (OH)two

M (OH)two <=> Mtwo+ + 2OH-

The second equation is the solubility equilibrium of the hydroxide M (OH)two. Note that the metal has a 2+ charge, which also means that its valence is +2. The valence of the metal is directly related to its tendency to gain electrons.

In this way, the more positive the valence, the higher its acidity. In the case that M had a valence of +7, then the oxide MtwoOR7 it would be acidic and not basic.


Metal oxides are basic, however they do not all have the same metallic character. How do you know? Locating the metal M on the periodic table. The further you are to the left of it, and in low periods, the more metallic it will be and therefore the more basic your oxide will be..

At the border between basic and acidic oxides (non-metallic oxides) are amphoteric oxides. Here the word 'amphoteric' means that the oxide acts as both a base and an acid, which is the same as in aqueous solution it can form the hydroxide or the aqueous complex M (OHtwo)6two+.

The aqueous complex is nothing more than the coordination of n water molecules with the metal center M. For the complex M (OHtwo)6two+, metal Mtwo+ it is surrounded by six molecules of water, and can be thought of as a hydrated cation. Many of these complexes show intense colorations, such as those observed for copper and cobalt.


How are metal oxides named? There are three ways to do it: traditional, systematic and stock.

Traditional nomenclature

To correctly name the metal oxide according to the standards governed by the IUPAC, it is necessary to know the possible valences of the metal M. The largest (the most positive) is assigned the suffix -ico to the metal name, while the minor, prefix -oso.

Example: given the +2 and +4 valences of the metal M, its corresponding oxides are MO and MOtwo. If M were lead, Pb, then PbO would be plumb oxidebear, and PbOtwo lead oxideico. If the metal has only one valence, its oxide is named with the suffix -ico. So, NatwoOr is it sodium oxide.

On the other hand, the prefixes hypo- and per- are added when there are three or four valences available for the metal. In this way, the MntwoOR7 it's rust permanganico, because Mn has valence +7, the highest of all.

However, this type of nomenclature presents certain difficulties and is usually the least used.

Systematic nomenclature

It considers the number of M and oxygen atoms that make up the chemical formula of the oxide. From them, it is assigned the corresponding prefixes mono-, di-, tri-, tetra-, etc..

Taking the three recent metal oxides as an example, PbO is lead monoxide; the PbOtwo lead dioxide; and the NatwoOr disodium monoxide. In the case of rust, FetwoOR3, its respective name is dihierro trioxide.

Stock nomenclature

Unlike the other two nomenclatures, in this one the valence of the metal is more important. Valence is specified by Roman numerals in parentheses: (I), (II), (III), (IV), etc. The metal oxide is then named as metal oxide (n).

Applying the stock nomenclature for the previous examples, we have:

-PbO: lead (II) oxide.

-PbOtwo: lead (IV) oxide.

-NatwoO: sodium oxide. Since it has a unique valence of +1, it is not specified.

-FaithtwoOR3: iron (III) oxide.

-MntwoOR7: manganese (VII) oxide.

Calculation of the valence number

But, if you don't have a periodic table with the valences, how can you determine them? For this it must be remembered that the anion Otwo- contributes two negative charges to the metal oxide. Following the principle of neutrality, these negative charges must be neutralized with the positive ones of the metal.

Therefore, if the number of oxygens is known from the chemical formula, the valence of the metal can be determined algebraically so that the sum of the charges gives zero.

The MntwoOR7 it has seven oxygens, so its negative charges are equal to 7x (-2) = -14. To neutralize the negative charge of -14, manganese must contribute +14 (14-14 = 0). Raising the mathematical equation we have then:

2X - 14 = 0

The 2 comes from the fact that there are two manganese atoms. Solving and solving for X, the valence of the metal:

X = 14/2 = 7

That is, each Mn has a valence of +7.

How are they formed?

Moisture and pH directly influence the oxidation of metals into their corresponding oxides. The presence of COtwo, acidic oxide, it can be dissolved enough in the water that covers the metal part to accelerate the incorporation of oxygen in anionic form to the crystal structure of the metal.

This reaction can also be accelerated with an increase in temperature, especially when you want to obtain the oxide in a short time..

Direct reaction of metal with oxygen

Metal oxides are formed as a product of the reaction between the metal and the surrounding oxygen. This can be represented by the chemical equation below:

2M (s) + Otwo(g) => 2MO (s)

This reaction is slow, since oxygen has a strong O = O double bond and the electronic transfer between it and the metal is inefficient..

However, it accelerates considerably with an increase in temperature and surface area. This is due to the fact that the necessary energy is provided to break the O = O double bond, and as there is a greater area, the oxygen travels uniformly throughout the metal, colliding at the same time with the metal atoms..

The greater the amount of reacting oxygen, the greater the resulting valence or oxidation number for the metal. Why? Because oxygen takes more and more electrons from the metal, until it reaches the highest oxidation number.

This can be seen for copper, for example. When a piece of metallic copper reacts with a limited amount of oxygen, Cu is formedtwoO (copper (I) oxide, cuprous oxide, or dicobre monoxide):

4Cu (s) + Otwo(g) + Q (heat) => 2CutwoO (s) (red solid)

But when it reacts in equivalent amounts, CuO (copper (II) oxide, cupric oxide or copper monoxide) is obtained:

2Cu (s) + Otwo(g) + Q (heat) => 2CuO (s) (black solid)

Reaction of metal salts with oxygen

Metal oxides can be formed through thermal decomposition. For this to be possible, one or two small molecules must be released from the starting compound (a salt or a hydroxide):

M (OH)two + Q => MO + HtwoOR

MCO3 + Q => MO + COtwo

2M (NO3)two + Q => MO + 4NOtwo + ORtwo

Note that HtwoO, COtwo, NOTtwo metwo are the molecules released.


Due to the rich composition of metals in the earth's crust, and the oxygen in the atmosphere, metal oxides are found in many mineralogical sources, from which a solid basis for the manufacture of new materials can be obtained..

Each metal oxide finds very specific uses, from nutritional (ZnO and MgO) to as cement additives (CaO), or simply as inorganic pigments (CrtwoOR3).

Some oxides are so dense that controlled layer growth can protect an alloy or metal from further oxidation. Studies have even revealed that the oxidation of the protective layer continues as if it were a liquid that covers all the cracks or superficial defects of the metal..

Metal oxides can take on fascinating structures, either as nanoparticles or as large polymer aggregates..

This fact makes them the object of studies for the synthesis of intelligent materials, due to their large surface area, which is used to design devices that respond to the least physical stimulus..

Likewise, metal oxides are the raw material for many technological applications, from mirrors and ceramics with unique properties for electronic equipment, to solar panels..


Iron oxides

2Fe (s) + Otwo(g) => 2FeO (s) iron (II) oxide.

6FeO (s) + Otwo(g) => 2Fe3OR4magnetic iron oxide (s).

Faith3OR4, also known as magnetite, it is a mixed oxide; This means that it consists of a solid mixture of FeO and FetwoOR3.

4Fe3OR4(s) + Otwo(g) => 6FetwoOR3iron (III) oxide (s).

Alkali and alkaline earth oxides

Both alkali and alkaline earth metals have only one oxidation number, so their oxides are more “simple”:

-NatwoO: sodium oxide.

-LitwoO: lithium oxide.

-KtwoO: potassium oxide.

-CaO: calcium oxide.

-MgO: magnesium oxide.

-BeO: beryllium oxide (which is an amphoteric oxide)

Group IIIA oxides (13)

Group IIIA elements (13) can form oxides only with an oxidation number of +3. Thus, they have the chemical formula MtwoOR3 and its oxides are the following:

-To thetwoOR3: aluminum oxide.

-GatwoOR3: gallium oxide.

-IntwoOR3: indium oxide.

And finally

-TltwoOR3: thallium oxide.


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