Yumbina What is it for and Effects

Charles McCarthy

The yumbina, Yohimbine or yohimbe, is a substance that is extracted from a plant native to Africa and Brazil in order to treat erectile dysfunction. According to specialists, initially the yumbina was used in spiritual rituals or in meetings of hippies during the 60's.

Despite being known to treat men, it has also been used to excite women, the effects of which can be very powerful. It is even considered a dangerous product because it can be fatal if not used correctly..

In fact, it is now believed to have been used as a drug to incite or force sexual relations with women without their consent. The use of it has even been recorded in nightclubs in Mexico and Argentina.

Some specialists and veterinarians take the yumbina as the main resource for the reproduction of horses and cattle.

Article index

  • 1 What is it for?
  • 2 Effects
    • 2.1 Fun facts
  • 3 References

What is it for?

-It is used as a treatment for patients suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

-In veterinary medicine it works as a stimulant for the reproduction of equine and cattle animals, and also to reverse the effects of anesthesia after operations and other clinical procedures..

-Allows recovery of sexual desire for men and women who are on antidepressant medication.

-It has recently been discovered that it also has properties for weight loss treatments, thanks to the fact that it allows localized fat burning. Some specialists have even mentioned that its use is recommended (in controlled doses), since it does not produce side effects on the heart rate or blood pressure..

-It has been used as a remedy to treat physical exhaustion, as well as pain in the chest area.

-It is used in the treatment of people suffering from hypertension and hypotension.

-It is an adjunct to other medications for the control of diabetes and even depression.

Despite the current uses of this substance, during the 1960s it was used by sorcerers and healers during séances to induce trance among attendees. In the same way, it was also used by young people hippies like a recreational drug.

However, in recent years alleged records have been found that indicate that it has been used as a drug to force sexual encounters in nightclubs in various parts of Latin America and Spain.

It is said that, depending on the dose given to the victim, they may not have complete control of their actions and may even die of an overdose if the substance is not handled correctly. For some health specialists the results in this regard are not conclusive.

Effects edit

Depending on the uses of the substance, it can have a series of effects that are worth taking into account:

-Although it is used to treat pressure lowering, in large amounts it can be potentially dangerous to the patient..

-If doses greater than 40 mg are consumed orally, it causes tachycardia, excessive sweating and even insomnia. According to some records, it is believed that there have been cases of panic attacks, hallucinations and dizziness.

-It is possible to suffer certain adverse effects such as anxiety, stomach upset, excitement, vertigo, drooling, nausea, vomiting and increased frequency of bowel movements.

-It can cause fetal abnormalities in pregnant women. Likewise, its consumption should be avoided during lactation since it can cause poisoning to the child..

-It is potentially dangerous for children and young people under 18 years of age, as well as for those who suffer from anxiety problems, schizophrenia or those who suffer from diseases in the liver and nervous system.

-It can increase the heart rate of those patients taking ephedrine. In this case, it is recommended to supplement with caffeinated drugs to control this effect..

-Consumption is not recommended in people who are bipolar or who have had suicidal episodes in the past, as it can destabilize them even more.

-It can multiply the side effects of definition supplements in people who exercise; that is why they should be consumed alternately.

Fun facts

-Its use became so popular in Mexico that it became the main element in the film Yumbina, the sex drug.

-In Argentina it is possible to find it without too many problems on the Internet, and even in discos or nightclubs according to the price stipulated by the seller. In North America it can only be sold with a prescription.

-It is a substance that can be dangerous if you engage in self-medication, since it requires controlled doses.

-Although it is believed to help improve sexual desire as well as erectile dysfunction, some specialists and doctors have not found results that show 100% effectiveness. Therefore, it can be said that there is still no scientific evidence to support this assumption..

-Regarding the above, the consumption of natural and more reliable products such as ginseng, ginger, cinnamon and jasmine infusion is preferred, mainly because they have nobler and safer effects for the body..

-The most serious effects related to the consumption of yumbina include seizures and kidney failure..

-For weight loss treatment, it is recommended to consume the product on an intermittent or fasting state..

-It is almost always suggested to discontinue the use of a medication at the time of taking yumbina, in order to avoid negative side effects..

-The substance is extracted from the tree Pausinytalia yohimbe, whose main component is not only the yumbina; it also has other alkaloids that are believed to be much more powerful and effective. In fact, studies are being conducted to confirm whether these can be used to treat orgasmic dysfunction and blockages..


  1. What is yumbina? (s.f.). Online and Health. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. Online and Health from lienaysalud.com.
  2. Yohimbine, what is it, how is it taken and what are its side effects? (2017). In Healthy Skin. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Piel Sana from mipielsana.com.
  3. A powerful drug that turns women on is sold in clubs. (2008). In Minute One. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Minute One from minuteuno.com.
  4. Yohimbine. (s.f.). On Wikipedia. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Wikipedia at es.wikipedia.org.
  5. Yohimbe (Yohimbine): sexual stimulant… recommended? (2012). In Medicinal Plants. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Medicinal Plants of Plantas-medicinales.es
  6. Yumbina: a sex drug that causes total excitement in women comes to Argentine nightclubs from Mexico. (2008). In Diario Norte. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Diario Norte de diarionorte.com.
  7. Yohimbine or yumbina, drug of desire? (2009). In Soitu.es. Retrieved: June 5, 2018. In Suitu.es de soitu.es.

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