Southern Zone of Chile Climate, Flora, Fauna, Natural Resources

Egbert Haynes

The southern zone of Chile It is one of the five zones in which the Chilean territory is divided, which is located between the 38 ° parallel of South Latitude to the Los Lagos Region. It includes a wide territory in which are the Aysén region, whose capital is Coihaique, and the Magallanes and Antarctic region, Punta Arenas capital..

Cold and rainy climates predominate in this part of the Chilean geography, and the sky is permanently cloudy. The high rainfall derives from the collision of the cold air masses that originate in Antarctica with the warm air masses coming from the temperate zone..

Patagonia of Chile. Source:

It is the least inhabited area of ​​the country with only approximately 242320 inhabitants and has an area of ​​219914 km² not including the Chilean Antarctic Territory. The main cities in the southern zone are: Coyhaique, Puerto Aysén, Chaitén, Puerto Natales, Puerto Williams and Punta Arenas.

The southern zone shows a very peculiar characteristic in its relief that differentiates it from the rest of Chile and is the complete disappearance of the coastal plain as well as the intermediate depression. It extends from the island of Chiloé to the Diego Ramírez islands at Cape Horn.

Central Zone (pistachio green), South Zone (light green), Austral Zone (dark green). By Janitoalevic [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

In this part of southern Chile you can only see some traces of the intermediate depression, which is common in the rest of the country. Much of the tour of this area must be done by boat, since it is a very divided territory between islands and channels.

In the southern zone the following reliefs are observed: the Andes Mountains, the Intermediate Zone, the Fjords, the Lakes, the Glaciers, the Patagonian Steppe and the Islands zone (archipelago) and the channels.

Article index

  • 1 Climate
  • 2 Flora
    • 2.1 Cypress trees
    • 2.2 Oak trees
    • 2.3 Coigües
    • 2.4 Lengas
    • 2.5 Giant fern
    • 2.6 Araucaria
    • 2.7 Larch
    • 2.8 Handles
    • 2.9 Calafate
  • 3 Fauna
    • 3.1 Mammals
    • 3.2 Birds
    • 3.3 Marine animals
  • 4 Natural resources
  • 5 Indigenous groups
    • 5.1 Chonos
    • 5.2 Yámanas
    • 5.3 Kawéskar
    • 5.4 Aónikenk
    • 5.5 Selk'nam
  • 6 Economy
    • 6.1 Logging and tourism
  • 7 Typical foods
    • 7.1 The curanto
    • 7.2 The chapaleles
    • 7.3 The milcao
    • 7.4 The marine pan
    • 7.5 Chupe of Magellan crab
    • 7.6 Patagonian lamb roast
    • 7.7 Roast with leather
  • 8 References


Its climate is predominantly temperate, warm rainy, and has a Mediterranean influence. It has an average annual temperature of 8º C, with a maximum of 12 ℃ and a minimum of between 4 and 0 ℃. However, due to the presence of strong and cold winds, the icy thermal sensation is greater than that recorded on thermometers..

The wet and cold climate is common throughout the year with abundant rainfall of between 500 and 3000 mm depending on the area. The cold semi-arid climate occurs exceptionally on the eastern slope of the Andes Mountains (called the Patagonian Mountain Range) because it is located on the leeward slope.

In the rest of the southern zone the climate varies according to the region. For example, in the coastal part that extends from the Guayaneco archipelago to Cape Horn, the climate is rainy and with strong storm winds..

On the other hand, in the continental territory (Puerto Chabuco and Puerto Aysén) the climate varies. There are also abundant rains but present average temperatures, while in the North and South Ice Fields, a temperature is permanently below 0 ℃ all year round..


Punta Arenas, Chile

The flora of the Austral Zone is scarce but in some areas there are large trees such as oaks, araucaria and others such as lengas, cypresses and mañíos. These are the most common species or flora characteristics of the southern zone:

Cypress trees

These perennial coniferous plants grow in this area and in south-central Chile. They are leafy trees that have a dark brown-gray bark and have large superficial cracks..

They have horizontally flattened branches that differentiate it from other trees and give it its characteristic appearance..

Oak trees

They are tall trees that can reach 45 meters high with a diameter of up to 2 meters in their adult state. They have dark pink colors or light colors, depending on the age of the wood.


The trees of this species also called coihue or oak are perennial and grow in the central and southern areas of Chile.


They are a species of trees with characteristics similar to the coigüe that in its adult age can reach 25 meters high and one meter in diameter. In Patagonia this tree is of low height, it is rather a medium shrub.

Giant fern

These arborescent ferns typical of this area reach up to 1.5 meters in height and grow in humid and shady or semi-shady places, up to an altitude of about 2000 m of altitude. They are called katalapi for the Katalapi Park, one of the places in Chile where it grows.


They are very slow-growing trees like the previous ones, but also large. They have a smooth and straight trunk, whose branches acquire the shape of a mushroom or callampa. Its leaves are very hard with small spines at the tip from which reddish seeds sprout..


This species of large trees can reach up to 50 meters in height. It has a pyramidal shape due to the irregularity of its leaves.


They are endemic species of conifers that grow in the temperate forests of the south of the country. These pines have a trunk that branches from near the base and its crown acquires a pyramidal shape as well..


It is a small shrub about 2 meters high that grows in Patagonia.



The southern fauna is varied and abundant, especially the marine fauna.



Also called Andean deer, it is an emblematic animal of Chile that lives in areas with altitudes between 450 and 1300 meters. It is a large deer that can reach up to 1.60 m tall, it has large ears and horns (only the males). The coat is gray with yellowish or lighter spots, although it varies according to the season.


It is an endangered feline that feeds on smaller animals such as guanucos and birds. Its weight is about 70 - 80 kilos and it can measure up to 2.8 m.

Cumpeo Fox

This species is mostly found in Punta Arenas, where they can be seen in broad daylight. They are yellowish-skinned with a long tail that ends in a usually black fur. Feeds on hares, lambs, lizards and rodents.


The ferret in this area is a mixture of porcupine and skunk, with a small and elongated body, silver legs and a stinky smell. It is gray on the back and usually black on the underside. It has a short tail and a strip of white hair on its forehead.


The guanaco or lama guanicoe is a mammal of the camelid family native to South America. It is a wild animal with a height of approximately 1.60 meters and weighs about 90 kg.


It is a common animal in the Magellan region, which closely resembles an otter or a large rodent with small ears. It lives in water and feeds mainly on fish. Its fur is dark and it has large claws and teeth..


It is a small deer of 40 cm. tall that weighs about 10 kg. It is a herbivorous animal with small, round horns that have white spots on its back and legs..


Rhea. Source:

Among the most representative birds of the southern zone are the condor of the Andes, the ñandú, the kingfisher, the caranca, the chachaña parrot and the imperial cormorant..

Marine animals


It is very abundant as well and is composed mainly of penguins, elephant seals, seals, whales and a variety of fish..

Natural resources

The southern zone is very rich in water and energy resources, since there are the most important oil, gas and coal reserves in the country.

Due to its location, this area also has an immense wealth in terms of fishing resources made up of fish, shellfish and mollusks. It also has immense forest resources.

Indigenous groups

The southern Chilean territory was historically inhabited by numerous indigenous tribes, from the island of Chiloé to Cape Horn, which practically disappeared throughout the 19th century. These peoples were: Chonos, Yámanas, Kawéskar, Aónikenk and Selk'nam.


This culture inhabited the islands of the Chiloé archipelago and the Taita peninsula.


They were the ancestral inhabitants of the islands located south of Tierra del Fuego.


They occupied the territories located between the Gulf of Penas and the Strait of Magellan. It is one of the few towns in this area that still survives, although very decimated..


This people inhabited the territories located between the Santa Cruz River (bordering Argentina) and the Strait of Magellan..


It was a town of hunter-gatherers that settled in the plains of Tierra del Fuego..


The economic activity of the southern zone is based on the exploitation of its rich mining potential (oil, coal and gas), fishing, forestry and agriculture..

The characteristics of the climate and the soils prevent this area from having a greater agricultural activity. On the other hand, the extractive mining activity is very important for the whole country due to the important mineral deposits in its subsoil.

The exploitation of hydrocarbons is carried out on the continent as well as on the continental shelf of the Strait of Magellan. In the Magallanes region (Riesco island) there are significant coal reserves for open-pit mining.

In the coastal area there is a thriving activity with artisanal fishing and industrial fishing with large vessels on the high seas. This area has a highly developed fishing industry that makes a substantial contribution to the national GDP by taking advantage of the demersal (hake), pelagic (southern sardine) and benthic (sole) resources of its waters..

Salmon farming together with the extraction of spider crabs, sea urchins, clams and other mollusks in the regions of Aysén and Magallanes, are relevant activities for the economy of the southern zone..

Logging and tourism

Despite being an area with significant forestry potential, low temperatures and difficult transportation have prevented this industry from developing further. However, this situation could change in the coming years with the increase in temperatures expected in the prairies of the Aysén region..

Another very profitable activity in the southern area is tourism, which has grown significantly in recent years, as well as horse, sheep and cattle breeding. More than 50% of the country's bovine herd is found in this area from where wool and beef and sheep meat are exported..

Typical meals

Magellan crab suck. Source:

The typical foods of this area have a great influence from Hispanic and Mapuche cuisine. Among the main dishes of southern cuisine are:

The curanto

It is an ancient method of steaming and a touch of smoked seafood or fish outdoors. It is native to the islands of Chiloé and is based on the use of hot stones that are buried in a hole.

The previously prepared and sealed foods are placed on them using pangue leaves that are covered with soil..


They are rolls prepared with a dough based on wheat flour and cooked potatoes with a sweet or salty flavor depending on taste.

The milcao

Milcao or melcao is part of the typical traditional cuisine of Chiloé and was incorporated into Patagonian cuisine where it arrived in the second half of the 19th century..

It consists of a fried dough that is prepared with a part of cooked and ground potato and another of grated potato with a mostly sweet flavor. It is also prepared in curanto and pork rinds (pork) are added..

The paila marina

It is prepared with shellfish (clams, razor clams, mussels), fish (salmon or conger eel), white wine, fish broth and spices..

Magellan crab chupe

It is prepared with crab meat, bread soaked in milk, grated cheese and butter. The broth is cooked over medium heat until it thickens. Then cream and more grated cheese are added and it is baked.

Patagonian lamb roast

It is one of the most traditional dishes in this area. The lamb is roasted on the stick, in a steel frame for about six hours with coals or logs even a meter away more or less. From time to time it must be sprinkled with brine.

Roast with leather

It is a very traditional method that consists of cooking a whole beef with the particularity that the animal's own leather is used to cook its meat. The leather retains all the fat, juices and blood of the animal giving the meat a unique flavor and texture.

Another form of traditional asado in Patagonia is the asado en chulengo (a rudimentary oven made with a metal drum).


  1. Magallanes and Chilean Antarctic Region. Retrieved on July 11, 2018 from
  2. Flora and fauna of Chile. Consulted of
  3. Flora and Fauna of Chilean Patagonia. Consulted of
  4. Flora and fauna. Consulted from
  5. South Austral Zone: Various fisheries to be promoted. Consulted of
  6. Geography of Chile: Regions, History, Geography and Social Sciences. Austral Zone. Consulted of
  7. Chile and its natural resources. Consulted of
  8. Southern ethnic groups of Chile. Consulted of
  9. Climatic characteristics. Consulted of

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