The stratum corneum, or squamous layer, is the outermost layer of the epidermis of terrestrial vertebrates, in which the cells called corneocytes are ...
The hypodermis, or subcutaneous tissue, is the layer of fibrous connective tissue and fat accumulator that surrounds the body. It is located just belo...
The skin attachments, Also known as cutaneous annexes, they are integumentary structures of mammals that have specialized functions, such as thermal i...
The coracobrachialis muscle is scientifically called Musculus coracobrachialis. It is a muscle that is anatomically located in the arm, specifically i...
The Golgi tendon organ, also known as neurotendinous spindle, it is a specialized neurological formation, with a high content of collagen, that has se...
The morison space It is an intra-abdominal area that is delimited by the liver in the upper part and by the right kidney in the lower part. Due to its...
The Ileocecal valve, Also known as the iliocecal valve or Bauhin valve, it is the junction between the last portion of the small intestine, known as t...
The Houston valves or anal valves, are three mucous folds, semilunar, which are in the last portion of the digestive tract known as right. These struc...
The tensor fascia lata It is a long, fusiform muscle of the leg, located in a lateral and external position. It is anchored to the pelvis and reaches ...