A hexose is a carbohydrate that has six carbon atoms and whose empirical formula is C6H12OR6. Carbohydrates or saccharides (from the Greek, sakcharon ...
The round pronator is a muscle of the forearm, also known by the name of musculus pronator teres or radii teres. It is a flattened muscle, positioned ...
The aponeurosis It is a fibrous anatomical structure, made up of collagen fibers, which serves as a covering for the muscles in some areas of the body...
The occiput is the scientific term that describes an anatomical part of the head. This is located in the lower part of the skull, specifically in the ...
The pronator square or musculus pronator quadratus It is a muscle that is located at the level of the wrist. It is the main person in charge of activa...
The teres major It is located in the upper limbs and forms the shoulder, together with other neighboring musculo-tendinous structures, it deals with a...
The elastic cartilage It is one of the three types of cartilage that we can find in the human body. It contains a large amount of elastin, which will ...
The arterioles They are small blood vessels that are part of the arterial system and that act as control conduits through which the blood from the art...
The hyaline cartilage it is a type of cartilaginous tissue that contains a great abundance of chondrocytes and its morpho substance is composed of ver...