The head muscles are all those muscle groups that cover the bony structures of the skull. They can be divided from the topographical point of view int...
The muscle tissue It is in charge of orchestrating the movements and contractions of the body. It is made up of cells that have the ability to contrac...
The adenosine diphosphate, Abbreviated as ADP, it is a molecule made up of a ribose anchored to an adenine and two phosphate groups. This compound is ...
The seminal vesicles, Also known under the name of seminal glands, they are the structures responsible for the production of approximately half the vo...
The museography It is the group of techniques and practices that allow the operation of a museum. It is, for example, how to assemble and locate the d...
The neck or cervical region is the transition between the head and the thorax. Its superficial and deep limits are very well identified anatomical lan...
The vestigial organs they are remains of structures that once had some function for the ancestor of the species studied but that, today, the organ no ...
The blood plasma it constitutes in great proportion the aqueous fraction of the blood. It is a connective tissue in liquid phase, which moves through ...
The brow ridges They are a bony ridge of the frontal bone of the skull located above the eye sockets of all primates. The eyebrows of humans are locat...