The closed circulation is a system that transports blood through the body of an organism using a system of blood vessels. The heart pumps oxygen-rich ...
The term large estate refers to the agricultural exploitation of a large area of land. The size that this land should have varies according to each ...
The Cud. Alimentary bolus It is the substance that is formed in the digestive process when food is received by the mouthparts, and is crushed by them....
The integumentary system or integumentary is formed by the skin and its annexes, that is, the sweat and sebaceous glands, hair and nails. It is the la...
Robert M. Gagné was an American educational psychologist known for his work on human learning. His theory, often known as "Gagné's assumption," is one...
The helicase refers to a group of enzymes of the protein-hydrolytic type that are very important for all living organisms; they are also called motor ...
The cartilaginous tissue or cartilage it is a type of connective tissue. Its main constituent is the cartilaginous matrix, which is gelatinous in cons...
The hydrolytic enzymes or hydrolases, are molecules that catalyze hydrolysis reactions (hydro = water; lysis = rupture), that is, they catalyze a chem...
The cardiac automatism it is the ability of myocardial cells to beat by themselves. This property is unique to the heart, since no other muscle in the...