The striated muscle It is a type of muscle tissue that is made up of elongated cylindrical cells called muscle fibers, which corresponds to 90% of the...
The antigravity muscles or antigravitational are a set of muscle groups whose primary function is to support the force of gravity to maintain a certai...
The term cephalocaudal refers to an anatomical orientation that goes from head to toe. In the medical field its use is not limited to an anatomical fa...
The joint capsule It is a structure of dense and fibrous connective tissue that is located around the joint. It is closely attached to the bones and o...
The hypothalamus It is a small brain structure that is located under the thalamus and is part of the floor of the third ventricle of the brain. It com...
The glandular epithelium It is a type of tissue responsible for covering and covering the organs associated with the secretion of substances. The cell...
The pulmonary alveoli They are small sacs located in the lungs of mammals, surrounded by a network of blood capillaries. Under a microscope, in an alv...
The shoulder girdle It is a set of bones that connects the upper limb with the axial skeleton on the left and right sides of the body and serves as th...
The oncotic pressure or colloidosmotic is a force exerted by albumin and different proteins in the blood plasma that contributes to the movement of fl...