The anxiety in children consists of the appearance of an intense feeling of discomfort without an objective reason to justify it, accompanied by feeli...
Know if you have anxiety Observing the symptoms is very important to be able to treat it properly. Anxiety is one of the most common psychological dis...
The nerves in the stomach they are a symptom of a state of anxiety produced by some external situation. You are nervous, you feel an annoying pain in ...
The negative and obsessive thoughts are those recurring thoughts, generally related to worries, fears or violent situations, that do not allow you to ...
The separation anxiety disorder It is an alteration characterized by excessively high levels of anxiety when the child is separated from his parents. ...
The phallophobia it is a type of fear that disables certain people to deal with the male sexual organ, even causing an immediate loss of control. It s...
The bibliophobia It is the response of exaggerated and irrational fear to books, or to the reading of specific texts. This kind of phobia is caused by...
The buffonophobia it is the excessive and irrational fear of toads. This phobia is different in each person in that the thought patterns (memories in ...
The ityphalophobia It is a specific phobia characterized by fear of sexual erections. In this way, a person who has this type of phobia has very high ...