The guilty feeling it is completely normal and is actually adaptive; helps you to maintain personal relationships with your relatives and therefore to...
The acupuncture for anxiety It is considered an alternative treatment based on the stimulation of different points of the body by inserting needles in...
The agiophobia It is a psychopathological alteration characterized by an irrational, excessive and unjustified fear of pain. People with this disorder...
The anthropophobia or anthrophobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by the experience of excessive, irrational and uncontrollable fear towards int...
The anuptaphobia It is a specific phobia where the feared element lies in being single. A person who suffers from this psychological alteration presen...
The astrophobia It is a type of strange phobia characterized by excessive and irrational fear of stars or celestial objects related to the sky. Despit...
The automatonophobia It is a type of specific phobia in which there is an excessive and irrational fear of everything that a sentient being falsely re...
The batophobia It is the extreme and irrational fear of the depths, constituting an anxiety disorder in which the person suffering from it experiences...
The belonephobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by experiencing an irrational and excessive fear of needles and other objects that can cause inj...