The astrochemistry is the branch of astronomy that combines chemistry, astronomy and physics to explain the behavior of matter at the molecular level,...
The elements of the universe were formed, according to cosmologists, during the Big Bang, about 13.8 billion years ago. The universe is made up of all...
A spiral galaxy It is a monumental group of stars in the shape of a disk with spiral arms, reminiscent of the shape of a pinwheel. The shape of the ar...
What is the sun? The Sun It is the star that constitutes the center of the Solar System and the one closest to the Earth, to which it provides energy ...
Illustration of Mars and Mount Olympus What is Mount Olympus? Mount Olympus, officially designated by the International Astronomical Union as Olympus...
Illustration of a comet and the Earth What are comets? Comets are small, irregularly shaped stars that belong to the solar system, as they are linked ...
The moon in full moon What is the moon? The Moon is the natural satellite of the Earth, linked to it by gravitational attraction. Being the closest st...
The Moon, the Earth's natural satellite What are natural satellites? The natural satellites They are rocky bodies linked to the planets by the force o...
A white dwarf compared to three planets What is a white dwarf? A White dwarf it is a star in the last stages of its evolution, which has already used ...