The great orion nebula it is an emission nebula, the center of which resembles a butterfly. It is south of the constellation Orion and is easily visib...
Andromeda it is a galaxy formed by a conglomeration of star systems, dust and gas, all subject to the force of gravity. It is 2.5 million light years ...
Betelgeuse is the alpha star of the constellation Orion, so it is also called alpha Orionis. It is a star of the red supergiant type, the largest volu...
Titan It is one of the satellites of the planet Saturn and the largest of all. Its surface is icy, it is larger than Mercury, and it has the densest a...
The Milky Way it is the barred spiral galaxy to which our solar system belongs. It is made up of approximately 300 billion stars in star systems, plus...
Europe It is a natural satellite or moon of Jupiter, discovered in 1610 by the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). It is part of the so-ca...
The Pleiades They are an open cluster of stars, visible to the naked eye in the night sky in the constellation Taurus. The members of an open star clu...
A irregular galaxy it is a conglomeration of stars, planets, gas, dust, and matter that, although held together by the force of gravity, is visually u...
A galaxy It is a conglomeration of astronomical objects and matter, such as gas and dust clouds, billions of stars, nebulae, planets, asteroids, comet...