Mars it is the fourth most distant planet from the Sun and the last of the inner rocky planets in the solar system, along with Mercury, Venus, and Ear...
Uranus It is the seventh planet in the solar system and belongs to the group of outer planets. Beyond the orbit of Saturn, Uranus is barely visible to...
Neptune it is the eighth planet in the solar system in terms of orbital distance, an ice giant and the outermost of all. This is the case since Pluto ...
Saturn it is the second largest planet in the solar system after Jupiter. Known for its ring system, it belongs to the planets called Jovians, which a...
Pluto It is a celestial object, currently considered a dwarf planet, although for a long time it was the most distant planet in the solar system. In 2...
The celestial bodies They are all those natural objects that belong to the universe, have measurable size and have mass, therefore they are capable of...
The Solar system is a set of planets and astronomical objects linked by the gravitational attraction produced by the single central star: the Sun. Wit...
The ellipsoid is a surface in space that belongs to the group of quadric surfaces and whose general equation is of the form: Axtwo + Bytwo + Cztwo...
Io It is part of the four Galilean satellites (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto) so named because they were discovered in 1610 by Galileo Galilei with a...