Uranus (planet) characteristics, composition, orbit, movement

David Holt

Uranus It is the seventh planet in the solar system and belongs to the group of outer planets. Beyond the orbit of Saturn, Uranus is barely visible to the naked eye under very rare conditions and you need to know where to look.

For this reason, for the ancients Uranus was practically invisible, until the astronomer William Herschel discovered it in 1781, with a telescope that he himself built. The tiny blue-green dot was not exactly what the astronomer was looking for. What Herschel wanted was to detect the stellar parallax caused by the Earth's translational motion..

Figure 1. The planet Uranus, 14.5 times more massive than Earth. Source: Pixabay.

To do this, he needed to locate a distant star (and a nearby one) and observe how they looked from two different places. But one spring night in 1781, Herschel spotted a small spot that seemed to glow a little brighter than the others..

In short, he and the other astronomers became convinced that it was a new planet, and Herschel quickly became famous for expanding the size of the known universe, increasing the number of planets..

The new planet did not get its name immediately, because Herschel declined to use a Greek or Roman deity and instead christened it Georgium Sidu or "Star of George" in honor of the then English monarch George III..

Naturally, this option was not to the liking of some on the European continent, but the issue was settled when the German astronomer Johannes Elert Bode suggested the name of Uranus, god of the sky and husband of Gea, mother Earth..

According to ancient Greek and Roman mythologies, Uranus was the father of Saturn (Cronus), who in turn was the father of Jupiter (Zeus). The scientific community finally accepted this name, except in England, where the planet continued to be called "George's star", at least until 1850..

Article index

  • 1 General characteristics of Uranus
    • 1.1 Summary of the main physical characteristics of the planet
  • 2 Translational movement
  • 3 When and how to observe Uranus
  • 4 The rings of Uranus
  • 5 Rotation movement
    • 5.1 The seasons on Uranus
  • 6 Composition
  • 7 Internal structure
  • 8 natural satellites of Uranus
  • 9 The magnetic field 
  • 10 Missions to Uranus
    • 10.1 Voyager
  • 11 References

General characteristics of Uranus

Uranus belongs to the group of outer planets of the solar system, being the third planet in size, after Saturn and Jupiter. It is, together with Neptune, an ice giant, since its composition and many of its characteristics differentiate it from the other two giants Jupiter and Saturn..

While Jupiter and Saturn are dominated by hydrogen and helium, icy giants like Uranus contain heavier elements such as oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur.. 

Of course, Uranus also has hydrogen and helium, but mainly in its atmosphere. And it also contains ice, although not all are made of water: there are ammonia, methane and other compounds.. 

But in any case, Uranus' atmosphere is one of the coldest of all in the solar system. Temperatures there can reach -224 ºC.

Although the images show a distant and mysterious blue disk, there are many more striking features. One of them is precisely the blue color, which is due to methane in the atmosphere, which absorbs red light and reflects blue..

Uranus appears blue from methane gas in its atmosphere, which absorbs red light and reflects blue light.

In addition, Uranus has:

-Self magnetic field with an asymmetrical arrangement. 

-Many moons.

-A ring system fainter than Saturn's.

But definitely what attracts the most attention is the retrograde rotation on a completely inclined axis of rotation, so much so that the poles of Uranus are located where the equator of the others is, as if it were turning sideways..

Figure 2. Inclination of the axis of rotation of Uranus. Source: NASA.

By the way, contrary to what Figure 1 suggests, Uranus is not a peaceful or monotonous planet. Voyager, the probe that obtained the images, happened to pass during a rare period of mild weather.

The following figure shows the inclination of the Uranus axis at 98º in a global comparison between all the planets. On Uranus, it is the poles that receive the most heat from the distant Sun, rather than the equator..

Figure 3. The axes of rotation of the planets of the solar system. Source: NASA.

Summary of the main physical characteristics of the planet

-Mass: 8.69 x 1025 kg.

-Radio: 2.5362 x 104   km

-Shape: flattened.

-Average distance to the Sun: 2.87 x 109 km

-Orbit inclination: 0.77º with respect to the plane of the ecliptic.

-Temperature: between -220 and -205.2 ºC approximately.

-Gravity: 8.69 m / stwo

-Self magnetic field: Yes.

-Atmosphere: Yes, hydrogen and helium

-Density: 1290 kg / m3

-Satellites: 27 with appointment to date.

-Rings: Yes, about 13 discovered so far.

Translation movement

Uranus, like the great planets, revolves majestically around the Sun, taking approximately 84 years to complete one orbit.. 

Figure 4. Orbit of Uranus (in red) around the Sun. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Original simulation = Todd K. Timberlake author of Easy Java Simulation = Francisco Esquembre / CC BY-SA (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)

The orbit of Uranus is appreciably elliptical and initially showed some discrepancies with the orbit calculated for it from the laws of Newton and Kepler, by the great mathematician Pierre de Laplace in 1783. 

Some time later, in 1841, the English astronomer John Couch Adams quite rightly suggested that these discrepancies could be due to disturbances caused by another still invisible planet.. 

In 1846 the French mathematician Urbain Le Verrier refined the calculations of the possible orbit of the unknown planet and gave them to the German astronomer Johann Gottfried Galle in Berlin. Immediately Neptune appeared in his telescope for the first time, in the place indicated by the French scientist. 

Figure 5. On the left Sir William Herschel (1738-1822) and on the right Urbain Le Verrier (1811-1877). Source: Wikimedia Commons.

When and how to observe Uranus

Uranus is difficult to see with the naked eye because it is so distant from Earth. It barely has a magnitude of 6, when it is brightest and a diameter of 4 arc seconds (Jupiter is about 47º when it is best seen).

With very clear dark skies, no artificial lights and knowing in advance where to look, it may be possible to see it with the naked eye. 

However, astronomy fans can locate it with the help of celestial charts found on the internet and an instrument, which can even be good quality binoculars. It will still look like a blue dot without much detail..

Figure 6. Uranus can be seen as a small blue dot with the help of the telescope and sky charts. Source: Pexels.

To see the 5 major moons of Uranus does require a large telescope. The details of the planet could be observed with a telescope of at least 200 mm. Smaller instruments only reveal a tiny greenish-blue disc, however it is worth trying to see it, knowing that there, so far away, it hides so many wonders.

The rings of Uranus

In 1977 Uranus passed in front of a star and hid it. During that time, the star blinked a few times, before and after concealment. The flickering was caused by the passage of the rings and in this way, three astronomers discovered that Uranus had a system of 9 rings located in the plane of the equator..

All the outer planets have a ring system, although none surpass the beauty of Saturn's rings, however those of Uranus are very interesting.

The Voyager 2 probe found even more rings and obtained excellent images. In 2005, the Hubble Space Telescope also discovered 2 more outer rings.. 

The matter that makes up the rings of Uranus is dark, possibly they are rocks with high carbon content and only the outermost rings are rich in dust..

The rings are kept in shape thanks to the shepherd satellites of Uranus, whose gravitational action determines the shape of those. They are also very thin, therefore the satellites that graze them are quite small moons..

The ring system is a rather fragile and not very durable structure, at least from the point of view of astronomical times..

The particles that make up the rings collide continuously, the friction with the atmosphere of Uranus crushes them and also the constant solar radiation deteriorates them..

Therefore, the persistence of the rings depends on the arrival of new material, coming from the fragmentation of the satellites by the impacts with asteroids and comets. As with the rings of Saturn, astronomers believe that they are recent and that their origin is precisely in these collisions.

Figure 7. There is a very close relationship between the rings of Uranus and the shepherd satellites, this is common on planets with ring systems. Source: Wikimedia Commons. Trassiorf / Public domain.

Rotatory motion

Among all the characteristics of Uranus, this is the most amazing, because this planet has retrograde rotation; that is, it rotates rapidly in the opposite direction to the way the other planets do (except Venus), taking just over 17 hours to make one revolution. Such speed contrasts with the measure of Uranus when traveling its orbit.

In addition, the axis of rotation is so inclined that the planet appears to rotate flat, as seen in the animation in figure 2. Planetary scientists believe that a colossal impact shifted the planet's axis of rotation to its current position..

Figure 8. The retrograde rotation and tilt of the Uranus axis are due to a colossal impact that occurred millions of years ago. Source: NASA.

The seasons on Uranus

It is because of this peculiar inclination that the seasons on Uranus are really extreme and give rise to great climatic variations..

For example, during a solstice one of the poles points directly to the Sun, while the other points to space. A traveler on the illuminated side would observe that for 21 years the Sun neither rises nor sets, while the opposite pole is plunged into darkness..

And on the contrary, on an equinox the Sun is on the planet's equator and then it rises and sets throughout the day, which lasts approximately 17 hours..

Thanks to the Voyager 2 probe, it is known that the southern hemisphere of Uranus is currently heading towards winter, while the north is heading towards summer, which will take place in 2028.

Figure 9. Seasonal variation on Uranus as seen by a hypothetical traveler. Source: Seeds, M. Solar System.

As Uranus takes 84 years to orbit the Sun and being so far from Earth, it is understood that many of the planet's climatic variations are still unknown. Most of the available data comes from the aforementioned 1986 Voyager mission and observations made through the Hubble space telescope..


Uranus is not a gas giant, but an ice giant. In the section dedicated to the characteristics, it was seen that the density of Uranus, although it is lower than that of rocky planets like Earth, is greater than that of Saturn, which could well float on water.

In reality, much of Jupiter and Saturn is liquid rather than gaseous, but Uranus and Neptune contain a large amount of ice, not only water, but other compounds.

And since the mass of Uranus is less, the pressures that give rise to the formation of liquid hydrogen, so characteristic of Jupiter and Saturn, are not produced inside it. When hydrogen is in this state, it behaves like a metal, which causes the intense magnetic fields of these two planets..

Uranus also has its own magnetic field, of which there is a diagram in figure 12, although curiously the field lines do not pass through its center, as in the case of Earth, but seem to originate in another point displaced from there..

So, in the atmosphere of Uranus there is molecular hydrogen and helium, with a small percentage of methane, which is responsible for its blue color, since this compound absorbs the wavelengths of red..

The body of the planet as such is made up of ice, not only water, but ammonia and methane.

This is the time to highlight an important detail: when planetary scientists speak of "ice", they are not referring to the frozen water that we put in drinks to cool them..

The "ice" of the frozen giant planets is under great pressure and high temperatures, at least several thousand degrees, so it has nothing in common with what is stored in refrigerators, except the composition.

Diamonds on Uranus

Is it possible to produce diamonds from methane? Laboratory studies carried out in Germany, at the Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf laboratory, indicate that it is, as long as there are adequate pressure and temperature conditions..

And those conditions exist inside Uranus, so computer simulations show that methane CH4 dissociates forming other compounds. 

The carbon present in the methane molecules precipitates and becomes nothing less than diamond. As they move towards the interior of the planet, the crystals give off heat by friction and accumulate on the planet's core (see the next section).

It is estimated that the diamonds thus formed could reach up to 200 kg, although it is unlikely to confirm this, at least in the near future.

Internal structure

In the diagram shown below we have the structure of Uranus and its layers, whose composition was briefly mentioned in the previous section:

-Upper atmosphere.

-The intermediate layer rich in molecular hydrogen and helium, in total the thickness of the atmosphere is about 7,500 km.

-The ice-based mantle (which we already know is not like common ice on Earth), with a thickness of 10,500 km.

-A rocky core made of iron, nickel and silicates with a radius of 7,500 km.

The "rocky" material in the core is not like the rocks on Earth either, because at the heart of the planet the pressure and temperature are too high for these "rocks" to resemble the ones we know, but at least the chemical composition it would not have to be different.

Figure 10. Internal structure of Uranus. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

Natural satellites of Uranus

Uranus has 27 designated satellites so far, named after the characters in the works of William Shakespeare and Alexander Pope, thanks to John Herschel, the son of William Herschel, discoverer of the planet..

There are 5 main moons that were discovered by telescope observation, but none have an atmosphere, although they are known to have frozen water. All of them are quite small, since their combined masses do not reach half that of Triton, one of the moons of Neptune, the twin planet of Uranus..

The largest of these is Titania, whose diameter is 46% that of the Moon, followed by Oberon. Both satellites were discovered by William Herschel himself in 1787. Ariel and Umbriel were discovered in the mid-19th century by William Lassell, an amateur astronomer who also built his own telescopes..

Miranda, the fifth largest moon of Uranus, with just 14% of the lunar diameter, was discovered in the 20th century by Gerard Kuiper. By the way, the Kuiper belt was also named after this remarkable astronomer in the confines of the solar system..

Figure 11. The 5 major moons of Uranus, the planet itself, and the small moon Puck. From left to right Uranus in blue, Puck, Miranda, Ariel, Umbriel, Titania the largest and Oberon. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

The surface of Miranda is extremely rugged due to potential impacts and unusual geological activity.

The other satellites are smaller and are known from Voyager 2 and the Hubble Space Telescope. These moons are very dark, perhaps due to numerous impacts that vaporized the material on the surface and concentrated it on it. Also due to the intense radiation to which they are subjected.

The names of some of them and their action to maintain the ring system appear in figure 7..

The movement of the satellites of Uranus is governed by tidal forces, just like the Earth-Moon system. In this way, the rotation and translation periods of the satellites are the same, and they always show the same face to the planet..

Magnetic field 

Uranus has a magnetic field with approximately 75% the intensity of Earth's, according to the magnetometry of the Voyager 2 probe. As the interior of the planet does not meet the necessary conditions to produce metallic hydrogen, scientists believe that there is another conductive fluid that generates the field.

The following figure represents the magnetic fields of the Jovian planets. All fields resemble to some extent that produced by a bar magnet or magnetic dipole in the center, also that of the Earth.

But the dipole in Uranus is not in the center, and neither is Neptune's, but rather displaced towards the south pole and remarkably inclined with respect to the axis of rotation, in the case of Uranus..

Figure 12. Magnetic field diagram for the Jovian planets. The field of Uranus is displaced from the center and the axis forms a sharp angle with the axis of rotation. Source: Seeds, M. The Solar System.

If Uranus produces a magnetic field, there must be a dynamo effect thanks to a moving fluid. Experts believe that it is a body of water with dissolved methane and ammonia, quite deep.

With the pressure and temperature inside Uranus, this fluid would be a good conductor of electricity. This quality, together with the rapid rotation of the planet and the transmission of heat by convection, are factors capable of generating a magnetic field..

Missions to Uranus

Uranus is extremely far from Earth, so at the beginning the exploration was only through the telescope. Fortunately, the Voyager probe got close enough to gather invaluable information about this unknown planet until recently..

It was thought that the Cassini mission, which had been launched to study Saturn, could reach Uranus, but when its fuel ran out, those responsible for the mission made it disappear inside Saturn in 2017..

The probe contained radioactive elements, which if it crashed into Titan, one of Saturn's moons, could have contaminated this world, which perhaps harbors some kind of primitive life..

The Hubble Space Telescope also offers important information and revealed the existence of new rings in 2005..

After the Voyager mission, some missions were proposed that could not be carried out, since the exploration of Mars and even that of Jupiter are considered a priority for space agencies around the world..


This mission consisted of the launch of two probes: Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. In principle they were only going to reach Jupiter and Saturn, but after visiting these planets the probes continued heading to the frozen planets.

Voyager 2 reached Uranus in 1986, and much of the data we have so far comes from that probe. 

In this way, information was obtained on the composition of the atmosphere and the structure of the layers, discovered additional rings, studied the main moons of Uranus, discovered 10 more moons and measured the magnetic field of the planet..

He also sent a multitude of high-quality images, both of the planet and of the surfaces of its moons, full of impact craters..

The probe then headed toward Neptune and finally entered interstellar space..


  1. N + 1. 200 kilogram diamonds are raining down on Uranus and Neptune. Recovered from: nmas1.org.
  2. Powell, M. The Naked Eye Planets in the Night Sky (and how to identify them). Recovered from: nakedeyeplanets.com.
  3. Seeds, M. 2011.The Solar System. Seventh Edition. Cengage Learning.
  4. Wikipedia. Planetary ring. Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.
  5. Wikipedia. Anneaux d'Uranus. Recovered from: fr.wikipedia.org.
  6. Wikipedia. Exploration of Uranus. Recovered from: en.wikipedia.org.
  7. Wikipedia. Uranus (planet). Recovered from: es.wikipedia.org.

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