Ricardo Garibay (1923-1999) was a Mexican writer, novelist and essayist, who also included in his work various genres such as short stories, chronicle...
Franz kafka (1883-1924) was a writer born in Prague, during the former Austro-Hungarian Empire, considered one of the most influential authors in hist...
Margarita “Margo” Glantz Shapiro (1930) is a Mexican writer, literary critic, essayist, whose professional activity was also focused on teaching. She ...
Lorenzo de Zavala (1788-1836) was a Mexican politician and historian who held different positions throughout his career. He was deputy for Yucatán in ...
Hippias of Elis (5th century BC) was an expert sophist and polymath of Ancient Greece. He is considered one of the first mathematicians for whom infor...
Denis Papin (1647-1712) was a French physicist, mathematician, and inventor, known for creating the steam digester and pioneering the steam cooker. In...
Jose Iturrigaray (Cádiz, 1742 - Madrid, 1815) was a Spanish military and politician, head of the Andalusian Army who ruled as viceroy of New Spain bet...
Gerolamo Cardano (1501-1576) was a mathematician, physician, physicist, philosopher and astrologer of Italian origin, recognized mainly for his contri...
Georg stahl (1659-1734) was a German-born physician, chemist, and theorist who became well known for being the founder of the phlogiston theory of com...